The Law of Beasts Book 1 - Act 1: KHOVAHSH
The Law of Beasts Book 1 - Act 1: KHOVAHSH
Khovahsh Burgoos, an elitist demi-shifting reincarnate, is a nine- thousand-year-old member of the Dragonhead Ancients…. Alicia Chay, the sadistic queen of torture, ruled for forty centuries under the identity of someone else. With a family of savages as her fledgling, she detests mortals, but she loves feeding on them for blood. Her passion for protecting animal life poured into the creation of the “Treaty of the Ani- mals.” It’s a declaration signed in supernatural blood by the Kings of every Animal Tribe in the supernatural world to maintain the balance between good and evil... But there’s one problem. She became a vampire, built THÈ HÔUSE ÖF THÈ HÔUNDS and created a treaty without clear- ance from the Dragonhead Ancients or the Queen Mother, Armona. Alicia hunts down insubordinate vampires that illegally use hu- man bodies to snub precious animal life. Meanwhile...she is being observed by Khovahsh. He has direct orders to deceive her, but he has his own agenda. When they en- counter each other a chain of events compromises her life and opens the door for Muzzle, an angry villain, to threaten her for turning her back on T HÈ HÔUSE ÖF T HÈ HÔUNDS.
His Despair
His Despair
"Don't make me say this again," He said, his voice hard, "Spread your legs wide for me, Love, Or You will be punished," Arthur Spencer, 30 years old C.E.O. and Golden heir of the world's most enormous business empire, Spencer Enterprises, he's a powerful billionaire and an eligible bachelor of New York City, He's cold, Self-centred, Impulsive, and extremely possessive. He has the power to destroy anyone's life in just a blink of an eye, and his family is acknowledged as Dark Royalty. Davina Ellis, a divorced 27 years old sweet, and naive woman, works as a restaurant manager at Neens Restaurant. With her hard work and determination in just three years, she made the restaurant more popular and successful than other branches of it. *** What happens when Arthur discovers that It was Davina's husband, with whom Olivia, his fiancee and the love of his life had an affair and chose to leave him?
Rich and powerful! Richard never imagined getting entangled with a girl like Lovelyn, the innocent and naive daughter of a pastor. This story is centered on the love story between two personalities from different world.
Friendly Enemies
Friendly Enemies
Daisy Louis, an actress and A-listed celebrity fell in love with Edward, a struggling and upcoming artist. She was from a rich family, unlike her boyfriend but she loved him regardless and even helped him accomplish his dreams. She had it fairly smoothly in life not until she first lost her mum. Months later, on the night of her third-year anniversary with her boyfriend, she was set up with a stranger with the intention to ruin her life and career. This caused her relationship to be at the brim of shattering. She was chastised and criticized by everyone and even became an object of ridicule. Just like that, her life suddenly began to spiral into chaos till the stranger from that night became her unexpected saviour. This stranger happened to be one of the richest business tycoons in Australia. And helping her with a series of investigations, Daisy Louis discovers her closest friends are her worst enemies. the sudden misfortunes in her life were her friends all along. Fortunately, this stranger turned out to be the knight who pulled her out of the abyss when her friends and boyfriend almost ruined her. Will she survive the web of lies and find true love amidst the deceit?
Lo que fui sin ti
Lo que fui sin ti
Dinaí Macías dejó su pueblo natal para ir a la universidad con la promesa de jamás regresar. Aiden y Elisa, sus mejores amigos, le hicieron la vida imposible y la traicionaron emparejándose, eso fue más de lo que ella pudo soportar. Durante la vida en la ciudad Dinaí cambió, se hizo fuerte, segura de sí misma, aprendió a quererse y encontró lo que creía era amor verdadero. Sin embargo, un año después, su padre la obligó a volver al pueblo y tendrá que enfrentar a Aiden y Elisa, deberá probar que ya no la pueden herir y deberá resistir unos cuantos meses mientras encuentra la manera de volver a la ciudad. Pero los planes de Dinaí se pueden ver interrumpidos cuando varios secretos oscuros comienzan a salir a la luz.
Sinfonía de luna sangre
Sinfonía de luna sangre
Viviana es una universitaria de 24 años que ha cambiado dos veces de carrera al no saber realmente qué es lo que quiere en su vida, su día a día se resume en alcohol, cruda y fracaso. Sus padres son Monteros; cazadores de seres sobrenaturales quienes la entrenaron durante toda su vida para convertirla en la Montera Celestial, una humana cazadora que al final estaría destinada a hacer grandes cosas, sin embargo, la chica que recibe el título es Siena; su prima quien nunca entrenó tanto como ella y quien merecía menos el título. Enojada, Viviana decide retirarse de esa vida dejando atrás a Lucas, un guapo Montero quien ha sido el orgullo de sus padres desde que fue abandonado a su merced después de una masacre suscitada en el lugar donde vivía y de quién, por mucho tiempo, estuvo enamorada perdidamente. Cuando Lucas la va a buscar después de cuatro años para informarle que su padre ha muerto a manos de una diosa; la criatura más maliciosa y perversa que ha conocido la realidad, Viviana vuelve a ese mundo para estar en el funeral. Su objetivo es solo ir para el funeral, pero un ataque salvaje provoca que ella se debata entre ayudar en la guerra o seguir viviendo como una humana normal.
La Heredera 1
La Heredera 1
SINOPSIS: Esta es la historia de una niña huérfana adoptada por un matrimonio sin hijos, pero que tras la llegada de Aurora a sus vidas logran el milagro de concebir un hijo, tras cuyo nacimiento sus padres se olvidan de su otra hija, ya que solo es una niña adoptada. Aurora es una joven dulce, que trata por todos los medios, ganarse el favor y la aprobación de sus padres y familia, más por algún motivo fuera de su comprensión no lo logra; su vida está llena de sinsabores y rechazos por parte de aquellos que ella considera su familia. Esta es la historia de Alexeí Danko, un hombre duro que desde joven lo perdió todo pero también conquisto la sima del bajo mundo, llamado el Rey de la Bratva, es temido y respetado por todos. Una trampa y un error hace hacen que la vida de los protagonistas se cruce, las diferencias son grandes, la primera no sabe qué hacer para alejarlo, el segundo está empeñado en tenerla a su lado. El amor llega de forma misteriosa, sin saber cuándo ni cómo, ambos se enamoran pero las cosas no son fáciles para ninguno pues hay terceros empeñados en hacerles daño y separarlos. Podrá el poder de Danko proteger a Aurora? Podrá Aurora sobrevivir al bajo mundo? estas y más preguntas serán respondidas a lo largo de esta historia.
A second passed as it was an eternity as they stared into each other's eyes, rooted in place. But then the woman's lips moved breaking the silence with only a single word. And that one word was a whisper, that hit the room like thunder. "Mate."
Depend On Me, Mr CEO
Depend On Me, Mr CEO
Roxanna Hart, a 25 years old lady finally gets a high paying job as a cleaner in a Big company. But her Boss suddenly takes interest in her. Is it love? What happens when their lives are turned around?
Accidentally Pregnant For My Billionaire Boss
Accidentally Pregnant For My Billionaire Boss
Clara's life takes an unimaginably drastic turn when she wakes up next to Billionaire Derek Montenegro. **** Clara is a maid at one of New York's most renowned hotels. She works two jobs to make ends meet and to protect her family from the debt her father's drinking left behind. What occurs when she meets Derek Montenegro, the heir to the largest hotel chain in the nation, a real ladies' guy, and also her boss? What transpires when her ex-boyfriend unexpectedly walks in and knocks him out? She spends the entire night taking care of him in an effort to keep her job. But something seems off. Not only is she half nude next to him when he wakes up with a searing headache, but he has no memory of the previous night. He dismisses her from her work because he views her as a floozy who is just interested in his money. What transpires when they cross paths again two weeks later and she blurts out, "I'm pregnant." Not to mention, she could have a chance of falling in love—this might lead to a lot of unexpected complications. Can genuine love really last in the midst of so many lies?
My Dream Girl
My Dream Girl
Shina was a Prince in a vast Kingdom know as Ejibe Kingdom, he was to rule after his father demise, but then tragedy struck the family, he lost his ability to father a child that may continued that Royal household, the loss came after he survived a ghastly accident that claimed the life twenty five other people whom were his friend. But then suddenly hope arises again, when she started to dream about a mysterious Lady, he make up his mind to locate her at all cost. When eventually he found the mysterious girl, it happened to be someone who he had cross line with, which eventually lead to a baby boy, whom was now four years old, the same time another lady named Kate arrived from America, and she wish to became the next crown princess, but Shina was only determined to marry (Tope), whom was his dream girl, but then again, Tope was angry at that man who raped her five years ago, Tope and Kate were also sisters, another enemies who was after the Royal household also have something against the household. And so on and so forth, as the story continues and came to an end more secret were revealed.
Hello! Mr. Billionaire
Hello! Mr. Billionaire
“Mmmn Zane” I moaned amidst the heat of passion. The s*xual urge was inevitable. “Imagine i’m right in front of you” He sounded soft, s*xy and seductive. “I can see you, shirtless with s*xy abs you’ve showed me” I imagined his naked figure in front of me. “Good. Now Imagine everything you wanna do to me. I can also see you with a s*xy red bra on, revealing those juicy b*obs” “Mmmn I can feel your hands on my b*obs” I moaned loudly. There was a sudden knock on the door, disrupting the s*x call that felt almost real and I was extremely aroused. I disconnected the call, to get the door. “Hmmn Finn” I moaned his name coldly; allowing him in. “Hi Rita” He smiled innocently. I stared at him seductively, I saw everything Zane told me to imagine earlier. Naked, hot and sexy! I drooled, heavily aroused and engrossed in my dirty imagination. I jumped on innocent Finn, pinned my body against him and began to kiss him deeply. Looks like Finn understood the assignment. He didn’t resist, he lifted me bridal style, laid me on the couch, yanked off my clothes. ~~ He satisfied my s*xual desires and made me feel like a woman. I gave Finn my body and I didn’t care but unknowingly to me, it was the greatest mistake of my life.
Secuestrada por el árabe
Secuestrada por el árabe
Ahmed ha perdido un pedazo de su corazón, cuando su familia murió sintió que mil fragmentos de cristal penetraron en su alma, la culpa corroe su conciencia y esta a su vez no le permite olvidar, lo martiriza día a día incluso cuando duerme, ahora la ha conocido a ella, el caprichoso destino la puso esa noche en su camino, él le ha hecho daño, intentará reparar su error aún en contra de sus tradiciones y de su familia quien nuevamente intenta imponer su voluntad, tendrá que hacer valer su autoridad para lograr darle el lugar que ella merece. No permitirá que sufra, la protegerá a toda costa del temible hombre que es su ex prometido, sabe que llegará el momento en que deberá revelar la verdad de lo sucedido, pero espera que entonces ella ya lo ame lo suficiente como para perdonarlo. Mía es una hermosa chica, será obligada por su madrastra a casarse con un peligroso hombre de la mafia al que no ama, pasará la noche por equivocación con un desconocido, ¿Qué sucederá cuando sea secuestrada por el árabe? ¿Podrá acostumbrarse a las extrañas tradiciones de un país que no conoce? Carlo Román es un jefe de la mafia italiana, buscará incansablemente a su novia que ha sido secuestrada, está dispuesto a todo por recuperarla.
Prisionera entre tus brazos
Prisionera entre tus brazos
Nicole Williams es una buena chica, una estudiante universitaria de 18 años. Su hermana la engaña durante una fiesta para entrar en la habitación de un hombre misterioso. Lo que su hermana no esperaba es que la llevaría a la habitación equivocada. Luego de ser expuesta en su noche apasionada en los diarios nacionales, se ve obligada a casarse con ese hombre, quien la hará sufrir inimaginablemente. Bruno Leone es un director ejecutivo multimillonario, un hombre atractivo de poco más de 30 años. Después de ser traicionado por una mujer con su propio hermano, se volvió de mal carácter. Sin querer, pasa una noche con Nicole mientras está en mal estado por una bebida que le dieron. Su padre lo obliga a casarse con la chica, él cree que ella lo planeó todo. Por ello, decide hacerla arrepentirse de lo que hizo, disfrutando y haciéndola sufrir. Nunca pensó que terminaría amándola. ¿Podrá Nicole perdonarlo después de todo el daño que causó?
The Prince in Disguise
The Prince in Disguise
The story is about a Prince who lost his wife and doesn't want to remarry. Due to insistence from his family, he agrees to remarry. He has been deceived several times by girls in the pretence of being a good mother to his daughter. Hence he disguises himself to find the right girl to be his daughter's mother and his wife. Little did he know his whole world would be shattered when the secrets of the royal family were unearthed.
From a spilled tray to a contract marriage. Autumn and Jaxon's lives gets intertwined by fate after a clumsy encounter in the bustling city of New York. As they navigated the fine line between pretense and genuine affection, a sinister plot threatened to expose their secrets, testing the strength of their love. Will they be able to withstand the trials that come their way? Or will they be affected by whatever the villains intervention would cause?
Claire Matthews is burdened by crushing debt, a relentless reminder of her past choices. Desperate for financial redemption, she lands a job at VisionTech Corporation, a prestigious tech company. Little does she know that her new boss, Alexander Reynolds, is a familiar face from her college years—a man she once snubbed. Alexander, now a successful CEO, harbors a simmering desire for revenge against Claire for her past actions. He hires her as his secretary, determined to make her pay for her past snubs. As Claire struggles to navigate her new role, she faces Alexander's demanding expectations and meticulous nature. But beneath the surface of their antagonistic working relationship, an unexpected attraction begins to smolder. As Alexander's plans for revenge give way to the complexities of their growing connection, they confront their past misunderstandings and uncover shared vulnerabilities. Love blossoms where revenge once thrived, challenging their preconceptions and forcing them to reckon with their pasts. In "The CEO's Vendetta," Claire and Alexander embark on a journey of forgiveness, redemption, and unexpected romance. Will they overcome their shared history and find a future together, or will the weight of the past keep them apart?
My Student's Billionaire Father
My Student's Billionaire Father
*** This story has steamy scenes that are not suitable for minors.*** When Cassie discovered that her boyfriend of six months was cheating on her with a married younger woman, she looked for the cheating woman's husband and insisted to have sex with him. However, after the deed, she found out that she got the wrong person and had a tryst with the billionaire Liam Chapman instead. Soon, her life spirals out of control—Liam's expelled son enrolls in her school. Her ex-boyfriend’s cheating goes out. Students complain about her teaching methods. And her co-teachers think that she is having an affair with the education minister because of the speed of her promotion and the number of her awards. Wanting to escape the drama, she resigns and goes to another city, only to meet Liam Chapman again. This time, he has an offer she can't reject. A contract marriage of three years. He will provide all her needs, but in return, she will provide his, and that includes focusing on his little monster of a son who hates studying because he thinks it's very uncool. However, as she stays with husband and son, she falls more and more for Liam and loves his kid as if he is her own. But, time is running out. Soon the contract will end, and she will need to leave the life she learned to love.
Steamy Stories
Falling For My Bestfriend's Brothers
Falling For My Bestfriend's Brothers
“How could you?" My voice was filled with sadness. The pain hurt deeply, and it felt like the trust we had was falling apart. "I didn't mean to, Lily," Leon said, his voice shaking. "Come on now baby. We haven't exactly done it lately." "You were busy so I gave you space! You're such a piece of shit!" I felt torn, but I knew I had to be strong. "We are done, Leon! We are fucking done!" * After enduring a heartbroken betrayal from her boyfriend, Lily finds herself unexpectedly had an one night stand with Ace, her best friend's brother, on the eve of her friend's wedding. As she tries to keep her relationship with Ace hidden, she finds herself entangled with Ace's twin brother, Alex. Friends shouldn't get involved with their friends' brothers. How will Lily tell Cher about the wild encounters she had with her brothers? What happens when Leon threatened to expose her before she could tell Cher? Will Cher ever forgive her and which one of the brothers will Lily ultimately choose?
His Little Mistress- Bobbysobio
His Little Mistress- Bobbysobio
In a chaotic world where predictability was far-fetched, the bullet of one man had killed thousands. I stared into his eyes, his facade giving nothing away, but darkness whirled in his eyes as they could pierce right into my soul. Damon Antonio, a mysterious man who sought no other woman except me, an ordinary orphan with a traumatic past, when my scars were visible and invisible. It was unclear why it was me he wanted, but his dark eyes gave nothing away. Having been sold by my uncle, to a man that held so much authority, I had to do whatever he told me to do. I had to follow his principles, I had to submit to him. I was terrified of him, being that he was so unpredictable. It turned out that Damon Antonio had bought me in order to marry me. I wanted to scream, to say no, but his presence alone choked all the words in my throat. I was just a weakling to a man who dealt with his enemies like they were nothing but animals. Drug dealing was his major, his wealth was extreme, and he owned clubs in states and countries. I turned out to be the wife of one of the most dangerous men in the world. And he had only one target, his brother. After his brother had killed their parents, Damon sought nothing but revenge. Damon was a man of mystery and power battling with his demons as they sought to be unleashed upon his brother one day. Derek Antonio, the silent killer. It was a battle between two brothers, one who was despised and the other filled with hatred. The answers had to be given, why had Derek killed their parents? Why did he seek to kill even Damon, his own brother? Could it be power? Or was it something else? Damon dragged me into his own world, using me as his bait to get to Derek Antonio. But along the way, Derek Antonio seemed to grow fond of me and that was when all hell broke loose. It caused me to wonder, had Damon fallen for me? He never revealed it, all he ever did was use me for his own pleasure. I was torn between two brothers now and didn't know how it would end. This was a world I never wanted to be a part of. And the worst part is Damon never ceased to reveal his brutality. Living in his world was chaotic...with this man, there was only danger lurking, but my heart spoke other languages, fear, curiosity, and lust...with this man, it was different, especially when he swore to break me.
