The Secret Game Of Love
The Secret Game Of Love
Loved two women at the same time; he used his heart for another one and sold his soul for the other. Will he reach his dreams of becoming a Billionaire and a Spy? Marco Fernando's humble beginning came with such an innocent guy that his ambition to study in the city. Poverty befalls his family he found the rigors of life and accepts the system wherein he succumbed to the evil ways of mankind, to reach his goals in life. He used his manipulative character to find easy money and influence Danielle Gustilo. He used Ayah Isabel Gonzales and Danielle Gustilo to finish his college course. Likewise, he used his best friend Edward, as a refuge wherever, problems occurred. He cannot fathom the love for Ayah Isabel Gonzales and Danielle Gustilo that when an incident occurred to the Gonzales Family while celebrating their marriage, his feeling turned to change and responsibility engulfed his ever-changing character. He decided to live in Manila with Ayah Isabel Gonzales while discovering the place in which, molded his family and children. Since poverty was always the center of their living condition, he applied abroad as an Overseas Filipino Worker. A love triangle visited him and life struggles continue to unfold with him and his circle of friends. Luckily, he used his charms and wisely reroute his ambition to become a Billionaire. Billionaire's life was not easy for Marco Fernando, especially with the love of his family that he lived life together with his caprices. Getting bored made a drug booster come into his system to temporarily erase the rigors of being a wealthy person. He devised a plan to redeem his soul to Danielle Gustilo through the Game FX. He discovered that his friends are not loyal to him and that even revenge was formed. His siblings from Danielle Gustilo started to create their lives entangled with Marco Fernando.
Silver Linings
Silver Linings
Clarisse Rose Miller meets a naughty lad who sparks the discovery of a life she didn't realize she possessed. Clarisse Rose Miller, a setting body composed of representative star student, with aspirations to be a famous musician. She strives for what's right and lives independently after growing up without much money or a father. She traveled to LA with her father in the hopes that he would improve, only to discover that her life had not been entirely genuine. Couldn't he just tell another narrative instead of accusing him of being the devil? When these two forces met, they had no idea what kind of adventure they were in for. They have an impact on each other's lives that will last a lifetime. But what happens if they both go down in flames? Ryder Blake is a typical, albeit unconventional, privileged guy turned bad boy. He grew up with arrogance, ego, and narcissism because he came from a wealthy family, although his family is the polar opposite. His tattoos and values set him apart from the average individual, and people take notice.
Corazón gélido
Corazón gélido
Isabella aprendió que la vida no era como en los cuentos de hadas, que la vida no era color rosa. Sin embargo, nadie escapa de las «garras» del amor e Isabella no fue la excepción. Se enamoró y sufrió y, cuando creyó que podría darle una segunda oportunidad al amor, volvió a sufrir. Un engaño. Un desamor. Un corazón roto. Un corazón gélido. A veces los designios del destino son… caprichosos. Un accidente. Un sueño. Un chico. ↔↔ Valentín se propuso ser alguien diferente cuando sufrió, en más de una ocasión, por amor. Decidió dejar de ser el chico gentil, amable, romántico y cursi. Se propuso ser de esos chicos celosos, egoístas y posesivos con tal de no sufrir nuevamente por amor. Valentín creyó que podría lograrlo hasta que conoce a una chica que pondrá en tela de juicio sus decisiones. Valentín tendrá que luchar, tendrá que demostrar que sus sentimientos son sinceros y, quizá, consiga conquistar el corazón gélido de esa chica. Obra registrada en Safe Creative. No se permite copia total o parcial. Todos los derechos reservados.