El regalo de la luna
El regalo de la luna
Olivia Morgan, con sus diecisiete años, es la hija de un alfa y una metamorfa sirena. Sueña con encontrar a su compañero y compartir un lazo tan inquebrantable como el que tienen sus padres. Aunque es porrista y tiene una vena de empollona, es querida por todos, excepto por aquel que debería protegerla y amarla sin condiciones: su destinado compañero. Marcus Silverman, a sus dieciocho años, está a punto de convertirse en el alfa de la manada Luna Azul. Es un joven extrovertido, atlético, la estrella quarterback de su escuela y el típico chico malo. Las chicas caen rendidas a sus pies, pues tiene fama de conquistador. En la edad en que los metamorfos encuentran a sus parejas, y siendo él un hombre lobo, aún no ha encontrado a la suya y no parece tener prisa por buscarla. Sin embargo, cuando ese momento llegue, ¿se entregará al vínculo o lo rechazará? ¿Será capaz Olivia de asumir su destino y luchar por su amor verdadero contra todo pronóstico? ¿Aceptará Marcus a Olivia como su compañera y juntos alcanzarán su final feliz? Si deciden aceptar su vínculo, ¿serán lo suficientemente fuertes para enfrentar el peligro acechante en las sombras que desea verlos caer? ¿Está la guerra a punto de desatarse nuevamente por las consecuencias de sus elecciones y acciones?
The Four Wheel Saga Book 1: THE LEGACY TRIALS
The Four Wheel Saga Book 1: THE LEGACY TRIALS
In the continent of Kinenhi, ravaged by conflict and war, an age of peace and harmony has endured for years. Trade and commerce is flourishing among the six village nations. In the warrior village Karasuma, the annual Legacy Trials are about to begin, which test the mettle of the young and uninitiated. A host of budding warriors train to contend against each other in battles of melee, magic and the mind. Among them are heroes of the future, who shall possess unbridled power and suffer cruel choices of fate. Meanwhile, evil lurks in the dark, plotting and scheming, to rupture the fabric of peace, and pit village against village, ally against ally, and hero against hero. As matters escalate, dark secrets buried deep come to the fore, and a long-forgotten prophecy is revived from oblivion. Will the heroes respond to the call of destiny? Brace yourself for a journey through beautiful landscapes, electrifying battles, stirring romance and spine-tingling mystery. Disclaimer: Reader Beware. Bloodshed, gore and other adult themes resound throughout. Not for the light hearted.
The moons gift
The moons gift
Olivia Morgan is a seventeen-year-old alpha's daughter, a Siren shifter. She has been dreaming of her mate to have a bond as strong as her parents do. Being a cheerleader and a little to the nerd side, she is well-loved by everyone, but the one person who was supposed to care for her and love her unconditionally, her own mate. Marcus Silverman is an eighteen-year-old, soon to be Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. He is an outgoing, athletic, quarterback star player of his school and a bad boy. Girls lay under his feet, as he is known as a player. As of age when shifters are to meet their mates, and being a werewolf himself, he hasn’t yet met his, and he is not feeling in a rush to do so. But when he finally does, will he embrace the bond or reject it? Could Olivia step up to her destined task and fight for her destined one against all odds? Will Marcus accept Olivia as his own and they will have their happy ending? If they embrace the bond, are they strong enough to face the great danger that is lurking in the darkness to see them fall? Is war once again about to rise by the consequences of their choices and actions?