Ira is a successful business tycoon. She is a 23 years old beautiful, smart and attractive girl with a humble and polite nature who is kind to her employees. Everyone can easily connect with her, because of her positive aura and charming personality. A very caring person for everyone. But she is finding someone special; the soul of her. The person who will be her life, who will be the place where she will be an open book. Though she knows that her feelings are forbidden to her society but still she is in the hope to get that person who will heal her wounds. The pain she got from the world will fade away when that person comes into her life. Her soul. Whereas Aayana is a 25 years old ambitious and talented girl with a sweet and caring nature. She loves from the core of her heart. Who wants to shine at her career and she has a secret crush on Ira. She finds her soul in Ira. But she can't reach her because of status. And she also knows that her family won't accept her reality. Still she is in the hope that one day she will get her love. The love of her life. About whom she dreams every night and aspires every moment. The divine feelings she feels for Ira which gives her the feel of a peach mountain. She is afraid that she will be able to get into touch with the love of her life. Her love. Her Soul. So, let's see how these girls go through the ups and downs of their life. How will the circumstances lead to their future ? What will be the destiny of their set by the universe? And will their souls be able to be together ? Or something else is waiting for them..........
Que Comience el Juego
Que Comience el Juego
Lucia Cadaval nunca, pero nunca se enamora, nacer, crecer y convivir con 3 hermanos es saber que los hombres son unos terribles casos en el amor y nunca cree en palabras bonitas de un chico. Aparte de eso, la infidelidad de su padre hacia su madre le agrego mas azúcar al pan. Para Lucia pronto llegara a su vida el juego mas intenso, ella sera consciente de todas las reglas del juego pero solo una se le pasara por alto. Nunca sabes si terminaras enredada entre el amor, el juego, la lujuria y el deseo, nunca sabes cuando llegara el dolor y la decepción a tu vida. Como dice un dicho: El que huye de ese mal, de ese mal muere.
Alexander viaja a Ecuador de vacaciones, por un percance feliz conoce a su futura esposa Martha, la ama con tal intensidad que su amor seria tan fuerte y si ella le faltara su odio seria igual de devastador y por culpa de terceros Él se equivoca y la repudia causandole tal dolor a ella que desaparece y después se arrepentiría de sus acciones Alexander El Rey De Transylvania, una novela llena de amor, desconfianza, arrepentimiento, dolor y muertes TE PERDÍ POR EQUIVOCACIÓN "Cuando se ama, no se duda"
This is a beautiful love story of Eternity Granger and Aaron Knight Meet Aaron Knight a hardworking CEO of Knight Industries one of the biggest and most successful youngest Billionaire, but he thinks that life is just a business arrangement he is a very arrogant and dominating man thing he entirely loves is his success and Knight Empire. Now meet sunshine, who can brighten your day just by her positive nature Eternity Granger is a very lively and bubbly innocent but highly Virtuous girl but with a tormented past. He is a Burning Sun she is a running river Come, Let's see will Eternity ever cause Aaron to recognize the value of love, that not money and business is everything love is the most beautiful part of this realm.
Quande was not only a hardened criminal but a lover of his family. When times became difficult, he knew he had to be more difficult on the times to survive— To survive, nine-year-old Minlax was required on the altar of Calwalls... And as soon as he took the invisible oath he turned into a life of a Monster he never envisioned— Gilly, his beautiful wife soon noticed that Quande had changed and that the love that once held the family together was fast disappearing— Who made him a Monster? When did his greed for money and sex become insatiable? The more Gilly’s thoughts tumbled in the inside of her head, the more Quande became a shadow of himself and soon, the seven witches of Izaza have to be summoned on a rescue mission to keep Quande alive— Quande must die? Or— Will God save him? Was karma bringing its victim home to roast? Something sinister awaits the Quandes, something so hideous; it seems not earthly but spawned in hell...