Wages of Fearlg...
After Jason Yeo, the richest man in the world, discovers he has a year to live, he liquidates his fortune and produces a series of global actions that he hopes will create change.
In his pursuit of peace and truth, Yeo addresses such issues as human traffic, nuclear war, and the poverty that imperils the Third World.
When Yeo’s actions begin to rattle global power structures, he becomes the focus of Deep 6, an underworld intelligence agency working for the Shadow State, a cabal of the wealthy and powerful, whose members make the big decisions on the planet.
When Yeo’s actions show up on the radar, and then expand like a meteor shower, Deep 6 sets out to destroy him.
In the throes of all this, Yeo contends with his impending death and his mysterious relationship with Ilna, a native American Indian, whom he finally marries in Prague, after thirty years of pursuit, only to discover that they were better off loving each, apart.
Once uncovered, Yeo goes into hiding as a homeless man and embraces humanity at its most humble levels until he realizes his time has come. On an anonymous park bench, dressed in tattered clothes, a bullet fired from a rooftop ends his life at the same moment the aneurysm bursts in his brain.