La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
Ella, es una niña hermosa, con cara de Ángel y dulces ojos, muy inteligente y audaz, que a pesar de su fragilidad no tiene miedo a enfrentar nada y prefiere guardar silencio a que la vean débil. Él, es un hombre adulto, de carácter duro e inflexible, casi amargado, dedicado al servicio a su país, y al cuerpo de Marines. Ella, ha crecido para ser una jovencita hermosa, pero solitaria por ser considerada rara, por su extrema inteligencia, que soporta en silencio los insultos y las burlas de sus compañeros a pesar de haber aprendido a defenderse; y ahora más que nunca necesita su ayuda y protección. Él, ha cambiado desde que la conoció, ahora sonríe más y es más relajado, siempre pendiente de cualquier problema que tenga, listo para ayudarla y protegerla. El tiempo sigue su curso, ella crece ante su mirada atenta, más hermosa cada vez y mucho más audaz que nunca, un beso, una mirada, y una amenaza que provoca el descubrimiento de un mutuo sentimiento que ninguno de los dos se atrevía a aceptar. Es necesaria una amenaza contra su vida para que muchos secretos comiencen a descubrirse, pero más que nada para que ambos acepten sus sentimientos. Y no puede seguir negando que lo que siente desde hace casi diez años, es más grande de lo que el mismo creía, el ama con locura y desde el fondo de su corazón. Un incidente al otro lado del mundo, una misión de rescate fallida, una acción salvaje, audaz y solitaria, que logra trae de regreso a más de uno, pero solo cuatro le importan a ella, tres de ellos son su sangre, él cuarto es el dueño de su corazón. Verla nuevamente en peligro por su osada acción, cuando se creía condenado a muerte, lo perturba y lo aterra, pero aun así se siente feliz de tenerla entre sus brazos, pues ella es suya y él es de ella hasta la muerte ¿Podrán por fin ser felices juntos sin perder de vista lo que ambos son? ¿Podrán amarse por fin, a pesar de que todos critican la diferencia de edades entre ellos? Esta es la aventura de una niña muy inteligente y audaz que se enamoró de un hombre veintitrés años mayor que ella; mismo que vio en ella a la mujer que llegaría a ser con los años; y de un hombre cuya vida dedicada al servicio a su país, a quien los golpes de la vida estaban volviendo duro, frio y amargado, que tras conocerla supo que su vida cambiaría por completo y solo para mejorar.
Entangled With The Golden Boy Mason
Entangled With The Golden Boy Mason
"Mason, Mr McGrath is your Father," Dr Ben let out. Stacey's brows creased, she pursed her lips in response to what she had just heard," You mean to say my boyfriend is my brother, how's that even possible?" She asked in stutters. When Stacey and her Sister Chelsey move to a new school, little does she know that there's a lot in store for her, secrets, lies and betrayals that had been kept in the dark are brought to light. Falling in love with the school's Golden boy Mason gets her into a situation she never wanted, makes her enemies with the school's most popular girls Scarlett and Camilla, also worsens the already strained relationship she has with her sister Chelsey.
Young Adult
Teenage Dirtbag
Teenage Dirtbag
Renee Delilah Parker has always been an average girl. She had average grades, she was funny and a basic tomboy. Her mother sends her to spend the Summer in Mullingar, with her paranoid grandmother, her grumpy grandfather and her slutty cousin. She doesn't want to do anything but stay inside all day on Tumblr. It all changes for her when she meets Nate. Nate’s tattoos, his attitude and his flirty ways annoy her, but she can't help the attraction he feels towards him. They're complete opposites: he's the punk bad boy, while she's the goody two-shoes. Soon, he shows her what his life is all about: skating, smoking, drinking, partying, drugs and sex. The normal life of a teenage dirtbag. Without either of them noticing, the start to fall in love. But what will happen when she'll have to leave Mullingar, to go back to London? Is it just a fling for them, just a normal summer love? Find out in Teenage Dirtbag.
Painful Smiles
Painful Smiles
When twin sisters are exact opposite but somehow gets entangled with the same guy. Michael Louis was a twelve year old young CEO who after the death of his mother lost interest in this world. He was tired of living hence attempted suicide. Claudia Larabee, the opposite twin of Clara Larabee, had suffered much unfairness by her family. For the twelve years of her life, her sister had been a thorn in her flesh. Amidst the wickedness her sister had shown her was forcing a nurse to suck blood from her as donation to some young heir. The consequence of that action, Claudia didn’t really recover from. Claudia, unknown to her, had become a reason a young boy had to live. Yearning to meet her for once in his life, Michael stumbles upon her wrong twin, Clara. Years later, he returns to find her again. The journey he makes to establish a lasting relationship proves dangerous to Claudia, as her wicked twin gets a rich and dangerous friend. Would Michael realize he’s falling for the wrong twin? Or would fate forever give Claudia painful smiles?
Bajo las sábanas del enemigo.
Bajo las sábanas del enemigo.
Maxine Prior siempre supo lo que quería para su vida, iría a la universidad, conseguiría un empleo y probablemente se casaría con su novio de toda la vida, Nick Scott, sin embargo, todos sus planes cambiarán cuando por cosas del destino, sea obligada a vivir en el mismo departamento con el hermano de su novio, Trevor Scott, un chico problemático, mujeriego, que solo le interesa divertirse. El problema es que Trevor tiene el ojo puesto en Maxine, y ella no sabe si será capaz de resistirse a sus encantos.
Kaylee Blaine changed schools when her family moved to a totally new neighburhood. Kaylee thought her new school was no different from her old school, until she realized this new school had Kavinsky Mark. For Kaylee, it was love at first glance, and she had gone so deep into it till the point of no return, when she suddenly realized she was just a side chick: Mark had a girlfriend. Vanessa was a mean and beautiful bully, to top it all off, she was filthy rich. Would Vanessa forgive Kaylee for getting too close to her boyfriend? Why would Mark toy with Kaylee, when he knew he was committed to someone else? Is Kaylee ready to lose Mark to the meanie? Who could be blamed for this mess?
Young Adult
Annabelle Maxwell es una de las mejores novicias del convento de la sagrada caridad, ella tiene claro su objetivo, convertirse en monja y servir a Dios el resto de su vida, pero ¿Qué pasará cuando Bastián Jones se atraviese en su camino? ¿Qué hará Annabelle cuando Bastián le demuestre lo bien que se siente convertirse en una pecadora? De la mano de Bastián, Annabelle conocerá cada uno de sus límites y de sus más bajas pasiones. «El corazón del hombre está inclinado al mal, pues bien, después de esa noche el mío se inclinó y se postró a los pies de Bastián Jones»
The Nerd DJ
The Nerd DJ
Claire is a typical nerd at school but a club DJ and a performer during weekends. She has been bullied since she started school with a particular girl named Samantha, their academy's Queen Bee and Head Cheerleader. But little did Claire know that her bully, whom she hates the most, feels something special for her since the first time they met.
The Girl in Genalin
The Girl in Genalin
Criziene Mirald Briguenza had live a life with so much Privilege, she’s the first born daughter of the Briguenza family, her family owns the biggest business in the whole City of Tacurong. She’s Stress-free and has many time to party and have fun, her mom calls her the “queen of Gala” because whenever there’s a party she is there. One day she met Mr. maroon cap boy, a handsome looking man. Somehow they kept on meeting each other in Genalin Zoo, it kind of became their spot. People worried as Mira didn’t seem to go in parties anymore, she’s missing all these big events, and thus making it for Maroon Cap Boy to see her again. Turns out their family business had been indebted to the bank because some scammers or organization got a hold of their money. She had to raise her siblings on her own, she sold their house, car, and a whole lot more of her things. Fielo Brionche Monteveride became her savior, but as he was two years older than Mira people started spreading scandalous issues about them. Mira is in no position to love right now because of the burden of having so much responsibilities, she’s also losing her place in class, will Fielo be able to wait? Who is Fielo anyway? Why does it seem that he’s always there in the perfect place, and in the perfect timing? Find out about the journey of The girl in Genalin!