The Orphaned Queen
The Orphaned Queen
After being abandoned at the border of the Blue River Pack territory, Rain is raised in the orphanage as a witch, where she becomes best friends with Jessica Tompson, a werewolf orphan from the pack. After Jessicas seventeenth birthday, Jessica tells Rain they must escape the pack to save Rain from a horrible fate. But before they can leave, Odett, a five-year-old rogue pup, enters their lives, and they decide to take her with them to ensure she doesn't share the same fate as Rain. After they leave, they run into danger while in the woods as they try to make their way south to New Orleans in an effort to find a witch who will help train Rain to use her magic. But soon, they will discover The Moon Goddess has a plan for Rain and her newly found family. She is pulled from her miserable life and thrown onto a rollercoaster of ups and downs, finding her goddess-given mate, discovering her family's past, and even fighting a war to save all supernatural species. What will their fate entail? Will she find her happy ending?
The Magnate's Island Bride #TMIB
The Magnate's Island Bride #TMIB
Along the coastline of a ruggedly beautiful island, love unfolds between two former childhood friends - Nicholas Lovette, a famed bachelor and Steffie Lebeau, a well-respected assistant - turned enemies. Separated by the deceit and ill intent of others, vast loss, and greed for an upstanding position of wealth, they were reunited fifteen years later through a cunning stipulation. One sultry night with stolen glances, guilty smiles, and insatiable desire, past pressures, and consequences of crazy love, sparks shameless dreams of broken promises and an unsure future. Can they work together with all the unresolved issues between them? Amidst adventures and unleashed passion, will they be able to convince those against, that they are meant to be?
Bailey, a beautiful soft-hearted baker, is in love and lives with her abusive and cheating multi-time billionaire boyfriend, Alex. Abused both verbally and physically, Bailey faces the pain cost to her by Alex but dared not to leave the relationship for the fear of her life and her business. But what happens when fate takes a drastic turn during Alex's sophisticated birthday party, Hereby making Bailey and Stephen (Alex's brother) fall deeply in love with each other just at first sight. Will Alex take it easy when he finds out about their secret relationship? What will be the fate of Stephen knowing fully well that he is in love with his brother's girlfriend? Will Bailey dare to leave her abusive boyfriend and go for the man that she loves? This is an intriguing story filled with romance, abuse, tears, laughter, pain, and viewing the power of love. A romance novel that shouldn't be miss by romance lovers.
Corazón gélido
Corazón gélido
Isabella aprendió que la vida no era como en los cuentos de hadas, que la vida no era color rosa. Sin embargo, nadie escapa de las «garras» del amor e Isabella no fue la excepción. Se enamoró y sufrió y, cuando creyó que podría darle una segunda oportunidad al amor, volvió a sufrir. Un engaño. Un desamor. Un corazón roto. Un corazón gélido. A veces los designios del destino son… caprichosos. Un accidente. Un sueño. Un chico. ↔↔ Valentín se propuso ser alguien diferente cuando sufrió, en más de una ocasión, por amor. Decidió dejar de ser el chico gentil, amable, romántico y cursi. Se propuso ser de esos chicos celosos, egoístas y posesivos con tal de no sufrir nuevamente por amor. Valentín creyó que podría lograrlo hasta que conoce a una chica que pondrá en tela de juicio sus decisiones. Valentín tendrá que luchar, tendrá que demostrar que sus sentimientos son sinceros y, quizá, consiga conquistar el corazón gélido de esa chica. Obra registrada en Safe Creative. No se permite copia total o parcial. Todos los derechos reservados.
Purple desire
Purple desire
This is a strange love novel.