Shades of Imperfection
Shades of Imperfection
. Meet Nifemi Desirae Maseso, a 17-year-old with a penchant for landing in trouble. She escapes her past, hoping to reinvent herself in a new school. But just as she settles, a horrifying secret uncovered in a laboratory puts her right back where she started. Amidst the chaos, she fights against growing feelings for the misunderstood Andrei D'angelis. Enter the enigmatic world of Andrei Da'vion D'angelis, an 18-year-old masked in arrogance. Perceived as a quintessential bad boy with a hidden private life, Andrei guards his haunting secrets closely. But everything changes with her arrival. Battling inner demons, Andrei fights a war within that tests his sanity. However, Andrei and Nifemi are not alone. As the sands of time slip through the fingers, the lives of those around them unveil their own hidden struggles. Every face wears a mask. Every heart holds a secret. Every soul fights a battle. Witness their journey, in this intense saga of revelation and redemption.
Young Adult
Sex, Soul and Heart
Sex, Soul and Heart
A god of the modern-day film world undergoes a crisis of stress and physical exhaustion due to overwork and pressure from the media. A Brazilian nurse living in Norway. A simple mortal. The two meet occasionally in Italy unaware that they will face the biggest spike in spread and deaths caused by Covid-19. They face a world of discrimination and prejudice as thousands of people attack and harass them on social media, manipulated by the biggest team of corrupt producers in Hollywood. Can they overcome a world of differences between them? The topics covered are digital crimes, attacks and discrimination on social networks, the famous "haters", racism, prejudice, sex, romance, love, social class, depression, and emotional stress. In addition to current issues such as Covid-19, pandemic, social isolation, etc. These issues were mentioned before the unfolding of an impossible and unusual love story.