Mr arrogant's sassy wife
Mr arrogant's sassy wife
Andrea Wilson is a 19 year old hot tempered and no nonsense lady in her first year in the university studying run way fashion modelling. She's the second daughter of Mr Wilson, she has a younger brother Stanley Wilson and an older sister Becca Wilson who is to marry the almighty young arrogant billionaire. Tyler Weston is the most wealthy young billionaire in New York and popularly known for his arrogant and pompous nature. If arrogance was an honourable act, he would've won numerous trophies already. He is cold as ice. A Golden opportunity came for Mr Wilson to become wealthier by marrying one of his daughter off to Tyler. He didn't think twice before agreeing with Mr Weston. Becca who is the opposite of her sister agreed to marry Tyler without objection and the marriage preparation commenced immediately. What happens when Becca went missing a night to her wedding? She was no where to be found . The marriage can't be called off, it'll be a great lose to both families, reputations will be tarnished, fames will be ruined. Who is going to save the day?
His Innocent Bride
His Innocent Bride
The world's most feared mafia, Ehab Durani, is a 30-year-old man of few words with all bad habits. He changes girlfriends like clothes. His smooth-going life takes a U-turn when he bumps into a timid soul named Wafa Shirley. He falls for her at the very first sight, whereas his father is totally against his will to make Wafa his in every sense. But being stubborn and dangerous, Ehab decides to keep his father out of his life. But the most interesting part is when Ehab comes to know that Wafa is his enemy's daughter. His enemy, with whom he has no good relations, they can't even breathe in the same room for a minute. Ehab plans to learn about Wafa through Lucy, her office manager. He makes sure that she keeps an eye on Wafa by becoming her good friend. Also, Ehab instructed Lucy to find out whether Wafa's disease is real or if she is faking it. As a mafia member, he doesn't trust anyone, so he just wants to be on the safe side. When he finds out that Wafa is innocent and not faking it, he falls for more for her. As Ehab learns about Wafa's past. He is not shocked to know that her own father was using her to kill his enemies but also taking advantage of her rare disease called Dementia. She creates her own scenarios in her mind. She barely remembers anything real of her own. Taking advantage of her disease, Ehab plans a very dangerous plan to kill her father, Keith Evans. The story takes twist when Wafa makes a soft corner in his heart. Ehab starts falling for her more and more. They found themselves tangled in such problems that keep them entangled with each other every now and then. Ehab's dominating side, his intensity, makes her feel sparks. His closeness makes her heart thud. His touches are a cure for all her scars. She learns that she cannot survive without him. He makes the first move and proposes to her one night. But here, Keith Evans plans to send his man to Ehab's place to find out what Ehab is planning. And when he discovers that his daughter is in love with his enemy, he plans to cut them into pieces that too on their wedding day. Ehab promised himself to protect her at every cost, even if he has to sacrifice his life. Ehab plans his wedding not to be announced in front of the world, but Keith manages to find out and kidnaps his own daughter. Ehab gets furious and he himself attacks Keith's mansion and warehouse, killing all of Keith's men and destroying him completely. Ehab knows that Keith has a stupid obsession with collecting various types of currencies, illegally, so he burns them to ashes. As Ehab finishes destroying everything, Keith smirks, aiming his gun at his daughter. But at the right time, Ehab's father shoots Keith. And this is how they overcome all their hurdles. They mark a day for themselves, and she is known as his bride.
Married To A Possessive Billionaire
Married To A Possessive Billionaire
Hilda Thompson, an independent young woman, finds herself thrust into an arranged marriage with the possessive and enigmatic billionaire Alexander Hartman in order to save her father's crushing company. As Hilda tries to navigate the complexities of their relationship, she must confront her desires while being held captive by the controlling grip of her billionaire husband. Will Hilda be able to break free from Alexander's possessive hold and discover true love, or will she remain trapped in a marriage devoid of passion and freedom?
Love Life Of The Gonzalez Brothers'(Vol 2)
Love Life Of The Gonzalez Brothers'(Vol 2)
An erotic story about two of the six Gonzalez brothers. Francis Gonzalez, the Gonzalez second son is about to finalise the divorce with his wife when he gets into a fatal accident and wakes up three weeks later to amnesia. Francis Gonzalez who never desired his wife, Sophie now wakes up to memory loss and now he cannot let his wife out his sight. *********** Juan Gonzalez is a very popular and loved actor who is making preparations to get an actor's award that will boost his career but an anti fan named Xena Drakos is making this impossible for him. As Xena Drakos continues to ruin his reputation, Juan is left with no choice but to make a deal with her. Get paid to be his girlfriend till he wins the actors award, then he would let her go... But what happens when feelings creep in and he suddenly doesn't want to let her go?
Steamy Stories
Mafia's Slave: He Drives me Crazy
Mafia's Slave: He Drives me Crazy
Mature Romance 21+ Izabelle's legs were shaking violently, she didn't expect to do something this crazy just to make up for her jerk father. Tonight is Izabelle's last night as a virgin. “You've finally come, little bitch!” Said a man who had been waiting for Belle's arrival that night. That man is Jordan Heron, the mafia boss who is very vile and also a super bastard. “Is this what is called sex.. there is a pain as well as a pleasure..” Izabelle looked up at the clouds in the room with eyes as empty as hopeless. Well, the honor that she had guarded so well was finally taken away by a man she had just met. Even had to accept cruel insults from Jordan after their hot relationship that night. Izabelle was forced to do this illegal transaction so that her father would be free from debts and even Jordan's hostage. Their lives are getting more difficult due to the actions of their father who likes to gamble until they almost become homeless... What will Izabelle do next in the future?
My one night stand with Mr Arrogant
My one night stand with Mr Arrogant
After getting drugged by her best friend at a party, Amelia ends up having a one night stand with a stranger. That stranger turned out to be Liam Grayson the ruthless, arrogant and most successful CEO in their country. "it was just a stand think of it as a gift from me to you" Liam pointed out and in the next second Amelia grabbed his index finger that was pointing at her. "it might be a stand but not all girls are dying to be on your bed especially not me" Amelia replied through gritted teeth. Liam caught hold of her neck "I can be scary, don't try to act special, I will compensate you for your loss" he muttered as he stared at the red stain on the bed sheet. Amelia met his eyes "well I'm not scared of you Mr. arrogant" she pulled his hand off her neck and left the room. Liam narrowed his eyes at her retreating back, that was new no one ever spoke back to him instead they cower back in fear.
Casada con el CEO descorazonado
Casada con el CEO descorazonado
"Amor, ha llegado el momento de tener un bebé~" "¡Estás demente, Adira! ¡Lárgate!" Dos CEOs entran en un matrimonio de conveniencia por acuerdo previo. Ella es una mujer de voluntad férrea que no cree en el amor. Él, un hombre de corazón gélido, rechazado por el amor de su vida. Adira Hale y Chadwick McElroy dan la imagen de ser la pareja ideal ante todos. Ricos, poderosos, líderes y atractivos. La gente comenta que son la pareja perfecta, unidos por designio divino. Pero la realidad está muy lejos de esa fantasía de romance perfecto que muchos se imaginan. Adira solo se casó con Chadwick con el fin de quedar embarazada. Lo único que desea de él es su cuerpo, no su cariño. Mientras tanto, a Chadwick le repugna la idea de compartir la cama con su esposa, ya que su corazón aún pertenece a otra mujer. ¿Existe alguna posibilidad de que el amor florezca entre la tentación y la traición?
El amor no siempre es bonito
El amor no siempre es bonito
Savannah Canterbury, nacida en el seno de la privilegia, se crió en un hogar acaudalado con padres médicos. Durante toda su vida, su mayor deseo ha sido complacerlos y jamás decepcionarlos. Es una mujer que no busca el amor, pues está completamente enfocada en forjar una vida plena y exitosa. Nick Wilde es un hombre reservado y de corazón endurecido, marcado por un sombrío pasado de asesinato que le persigue. Creció en una familia extremadamente pobre y, debido a una tragedia personal, se ha cerrado a la posibilidad de sentir algo por alguien. Su única preocupación es su hermana menor, Tracy, y nada más. Nick es un hombre decidido a no permitirse enamorarse de nuevo. Todo cambia cuando conoce a Savannah, la compañera de cuarto de Tracy, y su mundo se pone patas arriba. Se encuentran envueltos en una relación inesperada y no deseada, donde se ven forzados a acatar tres reglas: 1. Vive el presente en secreto. 2. Sin compromisos. 3. No esperar un futuro. Nick puede cerrar los ojos ante lo que no desea ver, pero no puede cerrar su corazón a lo que no quiere sentir. Cuando todo se desmorona, los corazones se rompen, las lágrimas se transforman en ira y su amor se torna monstruoso, ¿estará Savannah dispuesta a arriesgarlo todo, incluso después de conocer su oscuro pasado? El amor nunca ha sido hermoso para Nick, pero ¿se permitirá sentir de nuevo? ¿Podrá un amor que comenzó de manera tan turbia transformarse en algo hermoso?
Su obsesión curvilínea
Su obsesión curvilínea
"No soy una opción secundaria; o me eliges o me pierdes". ~**~ Su prometida lo dejó plantado el día de su boda. Ella necesitaba un empleo de día, pero por desgracia, su camino se cruzó con el mundo nupcial. Él necesitaba una sustituta. Ella se convirtió en esa sustituta. Para él, era la opción de último recurso. Para ella, él era su primera elección. ~**~ La vida de Angelina cambió radicalmente cuando dejó el país de su padre para mudarse a la ciudad de Nueva York, gracias a una beca que había conseguido. Luchaba contra sus inseguridades y la ansiedad de ser una mujer de formas curvilíneas y mestiza. Nathaniel, uno de los solteros más codiciados del estado, poseedor de una sonrisa cautivadora y un cuerpo de infarto. Único heredero de las empresas familiares y un novio fiel a su pareja. Su prometida lo abandonó el día de su boda, dejándole una carta de ruptura. Debido a los paparazzi y a los ojos del público, se vio en la necesidad de encontrar una sustituta. Grupo de Discord: #notyourtypicalbwwmbook © Adeyemi Mariam (Um_royhan).
Sentimientos encontrados
Sentimientos encontrados
"Eres mía. Nadie tiene derecho a tocarte, abrazarte o amarte... Eres completamente mía, grábate eso en tu cabezota... Acabaré con cualquiera que desee poseerte o incluso piense en hacerlo. Me perteneces, solo a mí: tu alma, tu cuerpo, todo es mío, exclusivamente mío... ¿Entiendes?" Dijo él, sujetándome la barbilla con fuerza, obligándome a mirarlo a los ojos. "Por favor... me estás lastimando", le dije, intentando zafarme de su agarre implacable. "¡Dilo!" gritó en mi cara, apretando aún más mi barbilla. "Sí (sollozando), sí... Soy tuya", dije entre sollozos, luchando por liberarme de su presión.
Alpha Luka y su compañera humana
Alpha Luka y su compañera humana
Luka era el mejor alfa que la manada Brightwater jamás había conocido. Pero todo cambió cuando perdió a su compañera y su mundo se desmoronó. Tras perder todo lo que amaba y su única razón de ser, intenta quitarse la vida en territorio humano, pero entonces Victoria aparece y frustra sus planes. Ella se toma como misión personal ayudar al hombre que parecía "irremediable", a pesar de que él rechaza su ayuda una y otra vez. ¿Qué sucederá cuando Victoria vaya descubriendo sus secretos, uno tras otro? ¿Abandonará Victoria la causa o logrará sorprenderlos a ambos? ¿Quién hubiera imaginado que ella sería capaz de salvarlo justo a tiempo? O tal vez no... ***Primer libro de la serie 'La Compañera del Alfa', pero se puede leer de forma independiente.
Embarazada del príncipe real
Embarazada del príncipe real
Él es un dios, poderoso, imponente, exigente; nunca se enamora, no cree en el amor y alberga emociones oscuras. Él es el Príncipe Real Raghav. Pero, ¿qué sucede cuando finalmente vuelve de Estados Unidos a su reino después de ocho largos años de ausencia? Una humilde criada del palacio, una mujer sin recursos, logró ablandar su corazón. Inconscientemente, lo hizo por él. Servir al Príncipe se convirtió en su maldición, trayéndole dolor, lágrimas y arrepentimiento, pues se vio forzada a guardar el secreto de su acto ante el Príncipe. Su madre, la Reina, juró que el secreto jamás saldría a la luz, siendo ella la principal artífice de todo, con la complicidad de Vidya, la prometida del Príncipe. ¿Podrá mantenerse así para siempre? ¿Descubrirá Raghav la existencia de su hijo? ¿Hay algo bajo el sol que pueda permanecer oculto eternamente? Acompáñame en esta fascinante historia de la sencilla criada del palacio y el Príncipe Real.
The Billionaire's Hidden Quadruplet'
The Billionaire's Hidden Quadruplet'
Amanda earns extra money by working part-time at a hotel but is dragged into the room and accidentally has sex with a mysterious man. The man left his watch as a token and wanted to make amends. But by chance, Amanda\'s friend, Mabel instead of Amanda, got to live a luxurious life in a rich house because of the watch. Four years later, Amanda, who gave birth to four children, was notorious, but she was strong, optimistic, and worked hard in her life. Amanda joined the Xi Group(Rowan’s family group) to work and met the mysterious man, Rowan. Rowan recognized Amanda and thought that the housekeeper had reported that Amanda had been spending money and extravagance for four years, but had never seen him any day or care to, and felt that Amanda had come to work to seduce him. In the company, Amanda is harassed by the manager, Mr. Kenny. With the clues provided by her child, Amanda wanted to let the manager\'s wife, Mrs. Laura broke Mr.Kenny\'sy back but did not expect Mr. Kenny to die in the hotel, and she was now also regarded as a murderer. Find out more in the book
Amor costero
Amor costero
"No me hagas forzarte a abrir las piernas bruscamente, pequeña. Mantenlas abiertas para mí, tú quieres esto, ¿verdad? Dime si quieres detenerte, ¿de acuerdo?" Preguntó con su voz seductora, yo asentía en señal de respuesta. ****** Marissa vivía una auténtica historia de Cenicienta, con una madre fallecida y un padre que se casó de nuevo, dejándola con dos hermanas molestas y de corazón amargo. Su padre estaba sumido en su trabajo. Nunca se ocupó de ella, ya no era la niña mimada de papá. Finalmente, se mudó de casa, escapando de aquel ambiente venenoso. Y dejó atrás a su querido padre. Había perdido toda esperanza en él, ya que no era alguien a quien él valorara. Se encontró viviendo en un pequeño pueblo costero, buscando paz, amor y su propio final feliz. Era una romántica incurable, que leía demasiadas novelas de amor. ****** Nate estaba reparando su corazón roto en la casa de playa de su hermano. Siempre le había encantado ese tranquilo pueblo costero. Hasta que un día conoció a una joven con tendencias suicidas. Ella invadía constantemente su mente con sus sensuales imágenes una y otra vez. Era demasiado joven para él, apenas tenía la edad legal. Y resultó ser una romántica empedernida. Necesitaba mantenerse alejado de ella. Pero, obviamente, no podía, ya que ambos deseaban constantemente la compañía del otro.
Mitchell Campbell es una joven de veintidós años, oriunda de la adinerada familia Campbell. Actualmente, los Campbell ostentan el título de la tercera familia más rica de Estados Unidos y no escatiman en mostrar su opulencia a cada oportunidad. Chris Rodríguez es un joven sin recursos. Quedó huérfano a temprana edad y, además, perdió la memoria. Por azares del destino, se cruzó con el padre de Mitchell. Un suceso llevó al siguiente y terminó por entrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia con Mitchell. Con el tiempo, Chris descubre un secreto sobre sí mismo: nació en cuna de oro, pero tras la muerte de sus padres, perdió la memoria. Una trama llena de secretos que se irán revelando a medida que la historia se despliega. ©️ Tricia
La reina Faye
La reina Faye
*Secuela de El Rey Licántropo* Para una mejor comprensión de este libro, se recomienda leer primero "El Rey Licántropo". "¿No pretendías hacerme daño?" Su voz era un susurro ronco y bajo, como si hablar le causara dolor. Luego se quedó en silencio, tomando aire con esfuerzo, su pecho se elevaba y descendía con rapidez. "¿No era tu intención herirme?" repitió, esta vez con una voz firme y contundente. "¡No me engañes! ¡Eso es precisamente lo que deseabas!" exclamó, con la mirada salvaje. "Quieres lastimarme. Siempre lo haces. Siempre." Mi cuerpo temblaba de ira. ¡Ella pensaba eso! ¿Y cómo no iba a pensarlo? Es la verdad. La herí. Eso es lo único que sé hacer. Es en lo que destaco. Es lo que ella espera de mí. Y eso es exactamente lo que recibirá. "Entonces debes ser una masoquista enferma, ya que siempre vuelves suplicando más." Me despegué de la pared y salí caminando. Adrik sigue vivo y carcomiendo la conciencia de Nikolai. ¿Podrá Nikolai acabar con él o perderá? El lobo de Ava se debilita. ¿Qué implicaciones tiene eso? ¿Seguirán Avalyn y Nikolai siendo tan fuertes como siempre o su voluntad de hacer lo correcto y su sed de venganza se interpondrán? ¿Se añadirá una tercera o cuarta persona a la mezcla? ¿Es su amor lo suficientemente fuerte para resistir todo lo que se les presente? Nikolai dijo al principio que no estaba seguro de si Avalyn era su compañera, ¿realmente lo es? ¿Qué significa que Nikolai necesita crecer y encontrarse a sí mismo? ¿Están destinados a estar juntos? ¿Conseguirán su final feliz? Lee "Reina Avalyn" para descubrirlo. La secuela está llena de acción, drama, revelaciones, traiciones, desamor y, por supuesto, romance. Será una montaña rusa emocional. Estás advertido.
When I accidentally fall for you
When I accidentally fall for you
She came like a thief during the night, with no warning and not much of an expectation, but she didn't come to steal, although she took more than he was willing to give. - He was the Criminal, the one to fear, never before has anyone gotten away with stealing from him. Will she? Will she even want to? -
La ex esposa del millonario
La ex esposa del millonario
Un multimillonario, convencido de que su esposa le es infiel, la expulsa de su vida. Cinco años más tarde, se entera de que tiene una hija y emprende el intento de reconquistar a su exesposa. ¿Logrará su objetivo o la perderá para siempre?
Uncle, Love Me Deeper
Uncle, Love Me Deeper
WARNING: This is a 18+ story. Ivy is a beautiful college girl, everyone wants to touch at least once. Her seduction is enough to pique a boy's desire. She dates a lot of boys, then one day, her uncle appears. ** "Uncle, I have a question for you," I said aggressively as I approached him. He responded, "yes, Ivy," without looking at me. He always ignores me in this manner. He considers me to be that little girl. "Uncle, are you gay?" I asked hastily. I think he is. That's why he keeps himself away from me. "What?" He said, his eyes widening as he heard me. He asked, "What did you say?" "If you aren't, why can't you love me back?" I enticingly asked.
Steamy Stories
Laura was a bold, courageous, gorgeous, intelligent young lady who always stood out for herself. She always fought for her right and never allowed anyone to look down on her , her family nor her friends. She was known as the most brilliant and talented student in her class. This irritated some of her mates and led to the plot of her attack to tame her. " Hold her, let's see how her intelligence works this time...", Ben exclaimed, landing a huge slap on her cheek. Patrick and Fred held her tightly, chuckling and teasing. They molested and bullied her until she passed out. " Wait, Ben, I think we killed her....", Fred cried " Shut up, what do you know? She's just doing that to scare us...." " No, Ben...I think he's right...we killed her..." " Oh, my God...what should we do..." Join me on this journey while we find out what they did to her body and the outcome of their action. ENRAGED SOUL;The revenge of a traumatized girl
Young Adult
