"I will not be your mistress." She spoke, whispering, with her mouth a sigh away from his. He swallowed hard and nodded, agreeing with her even as he close the distance between the, kissing her to madness, leaving nothing to sanity. Bethany Fitzgerald hated the idea of marriage and stood against it with everything she was. Charles de Nocrosse had to marry the insufferable Lady Cossington, for it was he will of his late father and he must abide by it. But when fate moved in favour of the Duke of Carlisle and the daughter of an impoverished Land Baron, very little can be done to fight against it.
My CEO is an Alpha
My CEO is an Alpha
SYNOPSIS She falls in love with her dangerous CEO, who everyone has thought would fire her. She misinterprets his kindness to her as love whereas, he only wants her body. To satisfy his lust, he sleeps with her. However, she gets blinded by love and a painful feeling of a past life with him. After sleeping with her, he changes into what everyone believes is his true self. He makes work unbearable for her. She almost quit until the CEO's cousin comes into the picture and becomes obsessed with her. The CEO falls head over heels with her and becomes hers. She finds out her CEO is an Alpha werewolf which gives a clue to her painful feelings. Evil rises against their union but their undying love would stand the test of time.
The Flesh and Temptations
The Flesh and Temptations
Mandolin Trump thought he could live above the flesh. The harder he fought against the desires of the flesh, the more he discovered that his journey to success over it had only just begun— The seduction and deadly influences that come with the flesh set him on fire to become the pastor he never envisioned. Soon, he engaged in extramarital affairs with sexy women. The more he fought to resist the passion and fleshly sins that held him, hostage, the more he knew he needed external help to rescue him, or he dies early. But his past sins soon came knocking— The quest to survive soon began, and it unearths deadly secrets that even human ears have never heard. Now, he only has one chance of escape. Will he survive? Or die before dawn?
Steamy Stories
Am I Married?
Am I Married?
Samara comes closer to me, now studying my face. Her eyes are wandering all over my facial features. I contort my face in confusion at her weird stares, "Umm, hey-" "Listen, can you wear my wedding dress and be a bride at my place?" She questions. Ec-excuse me? I give her a long stare. I think she is joking and would burst into laughter any minute...but she doesn't. Her face has no trace of humour. "What?" I quirk up my brow. "You've to be a bride at my place." She repeats with no hesitation. Cold shiver trickles through me. .... Sanaya Frances, 18 years old, an orphan is finding ways to earn more to gather money for her college tuition fee. She gets a chance to work as a house cook for Hobsons - one of the richest families in New York City. At the job interview, she finds that Hobsons's second son, Ashar Hobsons is getting married within a month. On the wedding day, the bride disappears, asks Sanaya to be at her place until her return. The real bride hides Sanaya's face with a veil, so that no one can recognize the different face. She comes back, but it was too late. The rings were already EXCHANGED. 25 years old, Ashar Hobsons, a successful businessman, decides to marry his childhood friend and a daughter of close business ally. On the wedding day, he is utterly unaware that the girl behind the veil who is taking marriage vows with him is not his fiancee, but a new, young cook. His bride-to-be deceived him and the worst part is she made him married to a teenager he barely remembered. Two complete strangers. Accidental marriage and their confused marital status. This doesn't sound easy and surely doesn't sound romantic.
A Little Touch Of Roses
A Little Touch Of Roses
Rosita Altansarnai Donahue is the daughter to the leader of the most feared assassin empire. It has been for years in the business, from generation to generation. Though all offspring had been male, she is the only female ever bore to the Donahue history as the heir. Rosita proves to be worthy than any male ever recorded, proved to be more than just the assassin leader. The deadly killer known as Altansarnai, wanted and fear allover the world but respected as the unidentified CEO of a massive business empire. In all her power and fame, in all glory, one thing haunts the young lady. Her hate for the mother who abandoned her at birth grows each day. The moment she became queen, she sent men to investigate and find her mother so she could finally satisfy that hate. Her mother is found living in Japan with her three children, ones Rosita grew to despise until she finally decides to go down to Japan and wipe them one after the other. However, Rosita is quick to realize that the woman she thought her mother was wasn't what her father painted her to be; she was the opposite and learns that she was never abandoned. She decides to play a game of hide and seek to get to know her new family well. But Rosita soon gets caught up in a situation she never dreamed she would encounter in her stay. Will she be able to handle it without exposing her identity? Would she accept the reality of the drastic change? What will happen when her father, the most dangerous being she knows find out where she is and who she is with? Find out in this story I am not sure yet. This story mostly takes place in Japan, so you will see a lot of dramatic and cheesy stuffs. I can't write the book in Japanese, so it will be in English. And if you do see Japanese later and I happen to write it wrong or translate it wrong. Don't blame me, I'm not Japanese, just trying to write a book. Thank you.
Young Adult
Anaelise estudia el primer año de Medicina en la universidad de Durango Colorado, ciudad donde reside con su padre. Ella trata de llevar una vida, pero sabe que es un compendio de fragmentos que ha tratado de volver a unir por años. Su terapia una vez a la semana, es el lugar de refugio donde respirar no le cuesta tanto. Todo en su vida debe ser cuidadosamente planeado Sin embargo, el cambio repentino de su Psiquiatra jubilado y el profesor más verdugo de la academia, que a resumidas cuentas resultan ser la misma persona, desequilibran su supuesta normalidad haciendo que ella saque a flote los rincones más oscuros que ha querido esconder desde hace mucho tiempo. Xavier está convencido que nadie interrumpirá su rigurosa vida, de hecho, él es lo suficientemente cuidadoso como para que nadie esté a su lado por lo menos 24 horas seguidas. Es un hombre cerrado, dominante y muy controlador, entre eso, manipulador. Pero cuando Anaelise entra en su campo de visión, no solo sacará lo peor de él, ella romperá sus barreras y desatará el caos que él mantiene oculto. Ellos son sombras, y estas, se unirán formando un caos interminable.  
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
The ONE (Kristin Vayden)
When your best friend is also your boss, ‘great ideas’ aren’t always optional. After all, when you run the largest fashion, gossip and trend blog in the country, you got to take risks to keep it edgy. Believe me. This is edgy. The idea? For one week, date every male fantasy. The list? The Jock The Rock star The Billionaire The Stepbrother See how they are all crossed off except one? That’s because he’s Satan. And Scottish. And my best friend’s stepbrother. And there may or may not have been an incident in Jr. high that he hasn’t forgiven me for…but that’s history. Or so I hope, because I’m at his mercy for the next week…
Amaba el romance, pero no creía en príncipes azules ni en finales felices. Más bien me atraía los príncipes negros, aquellos misteriosos hombres, que lo único que hacen en ti, es activar una atracción difícil de quitar, que te hacen descubrir ese lado oculto que todos tenemos, esos que tienen el cartel de prohibido y peligro con luces de neón alrededor suyo. Exacto, los chicos malos. Y Alessandro Rizzo lo era. La primera vez que lo vi, su belleza me deslumbro. La segunda vez que coincidimos, decidí hablarle. Lo que no contaba, era con la ignorada olímpica que me dio, fuera de ponerme triste, me puso ansiosa y deseosa por conseguir su atención. La tercera vez, lo tenía apuntándome con un arma en la cien. La cuarta, lo estaba salvando de la muerte. Sabía que no estábamos hechos para estar juntos, su mundo y el mío eran muy distintos...o eso pensaba yo. Pero la atracción que había, era mucho más fuerte que la razón. Sabía de antemano que solo yo perdería en esto, pero no lo pensé dos veces, y me tire al abismo sin tener la certeza de que sería atrapada al caer. Solo podía pensar. ¿Estará él, al final del abismo?
El hombre menos deseado (#2 Bilogia: Amores Imprevistos)
El hombre menos deseado (#2 Bilogia: Amores Imprevistos)
El trabajo, los estudios y la caótica ciudad, termina superando la paciencia de Jurlyn, quién gracias al estrés, vuelve a ser tan histérica como lo era años atrás. Todo empeora cuando su padre sufre un accidente, por lo cual se ve obligada a estar cerca de él; y como si fuera poco, conoce a su insoportable compañero de trabajo. Damián, un joven con rasgos asiáticos, quien recientemente había sido promovido. Saldará la deuda que tiene con el padre de Jurlyn, ganándose su confianza y acercándose a ella, para ayudarla a tranquilizarse un poco. Lo que ninguno se esperaba ni remotamente, era enamorarse. Pero el orgullo, los prejuicios y la aceptación, será algo que tendrán que derribar si en verdad buscan ser felices.
Alex stood up infuriated. He took a step towards her. “I know what I said little miss know-it-all, you don’t have to remind me.” Kim gulped but still maintained eye contact with him. He scoffed at her audacity. He took another step towards her. “How much do you need this job?” Kim blinked confused. “What?” A love called hatred is a true life story of the complicated and misunderstanding caused by love mistaken for hatred .