The seven reckless crimsons
The seven reckless crimsons
"Fun is my fuel, chaos is my canvas, Pain is my indicator I am not dead yet, the paradox of a leader. To fight within this realm, one must master the art of controlled madness. In a story of conflicting ideologies and untamed rivalry, Paul Walker, an aggressive, quirky, fun-seeking gang leader, finds himself at odds with Nicole Ruby, the obsessive, quirky, power-hungry student council president. Both yearn for fun and excitement but fear it will compromise their respective responsibilities. Despite there similar desire an immesurable amount of hatered for each other grows in there heart as past bytrayal, different idealogy and position continues to fuel it Although Paul's gang management and pursuit of his father's killer, and Nicole's duty as the supreme council president over many schools aiming to control city gangs, they wage a deadly prank war at each other, seeking to expel one another. As the battlegrounds of their conflicting worlds expands, Paul and Nicole spiral deeper into a web of vengeance and ambition. The stakes intensify as their personal vendettas threaten to engulf not just their lives, but the fragile balance of power in the city. As associatiom fractures and loyalties are tested, the line between chaos and control blurs, leaving a tantalizing question hanging in the air: Who will emerge victorious, will the become friends again, and at what cost? Dive into a gripping tale where the collision of opposing forces ignites a battle that will redefine the very essence of power, loyalty, and the pursuit of thrill in the midst of responsibility."
Young Adult
Stolen Innocence
Stolen Innocence
"Daddy, please let me go." Broken Raped Abused Rejected I'm the girl who wears a smile so no one knows she's broken on the inside. I'm the girl who is hurting but no one can see my pain behind the smile on my face. Will anyone ever see that I'm hurt? This is the story of Zahrah.... Warning: Self Harm, Abuse, Rape and Panic Attacks
Steamy Stories