My Blind Wife Wants Divorced
My Blind Wife Wants Divorced
Leonel Grisham, CEO of Mountain Ltd, 38th, considers his wife a status symbol. There is no love between them. It's cold. They rarely spend time together. They rarely even show affection to each other, which can be counted on one hand. Throughout their 5-year marriage, nothing was special except that Chloe Delilah is Leonel's parents' favorite daughter-in-law. Leo has a girlfriend whom he loves deeply. Unfortunately, Leo's mother disapproves because his girlfriend, Ester Gabriella, is an ordinary-class photo model. Leo's world revolves around his work and Ester. Chloe is not a part of his life; she is just a trophy wife. The unfortunate incident that took away Chloe's eyesight also shocked Leo when Chloe, after waking up from a coma, requested a divorce. Leo cannot accept Chloe's ridiculous request. But she insists, no matter what happens. This includes demanding all Leo's assets and shares as stipulated in their prenuptial agreement. Leo can't understand how Chloe could express such a crazy idea. One by one, Leo discovers that Chloe's accident was staged. Someone orchestrated it all. Mountain Pte is also in a significant crisis because the mastermind targets the destruction of the Group that Leo leads. Chloe continues to insist until she eventually realizes that her accident was not without reason. Will Chloe maintain her desires or help Leo regain his power in Mountain Ltd?
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
"Compañera!" Escuchó a su lobo gruñir. Los ojos de Lancelot se posaron en el lugar donde ella le estrechó la palma. 'Tienes que estar bromeando.' ******** Lo había perdido todo en solo un día: el trabajo que tanto intentó encontrar, su prometido con el que salió la mitad de su vida y lo que quedaba de una relación con su hermana gemela. Lo único que no podía permitirse perder era lo que quedaba de su dignidad; ciertamente no en una boda que debería haber sido suya. Y por eso lo necesitaba a él, al apuesto extraño al otro lado de la calle. Lo que Roxanne Harvey no sabía era que este extraño había llegado para quedarse. Lancelot Dankworth, Príncipe Alfa del London Pride Pack no podía creer lo que veía. La loca americana que le gritaba a su asistente hizo que su lobo gruñera posesivamente por primera vez en 26 años. Nunca creyó que sería capaz de amar a nadie más, pero ¿por qué parece que no puede controlar sus emociones cuando está cerca de la loca estadounidense? Le encanta estar solo, siempre lo había estado, pero ¿por qué de repente estar separado de ella lo vuelve loco? No deberían estar juntos. Él es un príncipe alfa y ella es una mujer humana. Sin embargo, este hecho no le impide enamorarse perdidamente de ella. Con el oscuro pasado de Lancelot y sus numerosos enemigos, él lucha por protegerla de sus innumerables enemigos, así como de él mismo. ¿Su vínculo sería lo suficientemente fuerte como para conquistarlo todo? ¿O se perderían el uno al otro junto con ellos mismos?
Fantasy Romance
My Sassy Boss
My Sassy Boss
Sunny is an aspiring writer who wants to venture into the world of writing erotic romance. One night, while she was browsing some photos to use as her book cover, she saw a picture of a very handsome man with golden blonde hair yet green emerald eyes. Sunny used the photo without knowing what awaits her after the man in the photo knew that his photo was used in an erotic novel.
Dirty Sexy Saint
Dirty Sexy Saint
"Okay, let's make a deal." I shouldn't have engaged him. I know I shouldn't have, but I did it anyway. "What deal?" "Six months. I give you six months. If you fall in love with me within that time frame, I kill you. If you don't, your freedom is guaranteed." He gave me a sinister smile. If I looked hard enough, I'd see the horns on his head, portraying him as the devil he really is. "Deal?" Everything in me was screaming to say no and get the fuck away from him. I knew I was going against everything I know when I said, "Deal." Alessandro Maurizio is someone Jordan shouldn't mess with, but she hasn't been known to make the best decisions either. What happens when she disrespects her boss, the crazy mafia don?
The Accidental Bride
The Accidental Bride
She goes to attend a wedding, but ends up being the bride...... Priya, a sweet beautiful girl, has a huge crush on Rahul inspite of the fact that he always ignores her. She still has eyes only for him. Her heart gets shattered into thousand pieces when she gets to know that Rahul is getting married to his girlfriend. But she still goes to attend his wedding. What happens next???
Tu no me mandas
Tu no me mandas
Raisa Bech la mejor amiga de Jane Tuell desde la niñez, sus padres son ricos pero nada comparado con el gran imperio Tuell, de las dos la más dulce y soñadora, pero algo que pocos saben es que la dulce Raisa lleva toda su vida enamorada del cruel Damián Tuell, el hijo mayor los Tuell y su perdición.
Unordinary bet to Ms. Mysterious
Unordinary bet to Ms. Mysterious
With her best friend's offer, Heaven agrees to accepts the bet. Will she make the mission possible? Knowing that the one they are talking about is the one and only Skyler Stanfield. With her dark-mysterious-aura, will Heaven make her smile and laugh? Hence, even make her fall in LOVE? But what if a surprising turn of events happens? Will Heaven still do her best for the benefit? "1st rule: make her smile. 2nd rule: make her laugh. 3rd rule: build good memories with her. 4th rule: make her fall in love with you. and lastly, break her heart.."
A Secret Crush On My Step-Uncle
A Secret Crush On My Step-Uncle
"If I leave now, I'll never come back! I might end up dying. Is that what you want?" She asked. "Yes. Who cares if you die? I'm already lenient with you for not sending you to jail!" I said. __ Elise Sinclair got entangled with the wrongest person in the world, her step-uncle but what happens when he cast her aside when the world turned against them. Years later, she came back as the most sophisticated while she threaded on thin ice. She got threatened by her unknown enemy from the past. How will she navigate all the setbacks in her life? Damien Sinclair was empty and emotionless after Elise left. He had to enter into a relationship with his ex because of a few circumstances surrounding the situation. However, his heart still longed for Elise. When he finally sees her again, his hope is reignited, only to be dashed again. How will he get his love back? Will he go to the ends of the earth for her?
Casada con el CEO descorazonado
Casada con el CEO descorazonado
"Amor, ha llegado el momento de tener un bebé~" "¡Estás demente, Adira! ¡Lárgate!" Dos CEOs entran en un matrimonio de conveniencia por acuerdo previo. Ella es una mujer de voluntad férrea que no cree en el amor. Él, un hombre de corazón gélido, rechazado por el amor de su vida. Adira Hale y Chadwick McElroy dan la imagen de ser la pareja ideal ante todos. Ricos, poderosos, líderes y atractivos. La gente comenta que son la pareja perfecta, unidos por designio divino. Pero la realidad está muy lejos de esa fantasía de romance perfecto que muchos se imaginan. Adira solo se casó con Chadwick con el fin de quedar embarazada. Lo único que desea de él es su cuerpo, no su cariño. Mientras tanto, a Chadwick le repugna la idea de compartir la cama con su esposa, ya que su corazón aún pertenece a otra mujer. ¿Existe alguna posibilidad de que el amor florezca entre la tentación y la traición?
La amante del rey licántropo
La amante del rey licántropo
*CONTENIDO ALTAMENTE CALIFICADO Y EXPLÍCITO. ADVERTENCIAS DE GATILLO. SE ADVIERTE DISCRECIÓN AL LECTOR.* Elora, una joven licántropa e hija del Beta de la Manada Darwin, es forzada a la esclavitud junto con sus hermanos cuando su padre es traicionado y tachado de esclavista por su propio Alfa. Su única meta es hallar la forma de restaurar el honor de su padre y encontrar un hogar seguro y distante de su reino, donde su familia pueda reunirse; sin embargo, numerosos enemigos obstruyen su camino. Convertirse en la amante del rey de los licántropos parecía un paso adelante en su búsqueda de venganza, pero esto solo la hizo blanco de amenazas aún más letales. Rome, el Rey de los Licántropos, está desolado por la traición de su esposa y ha perdido toda paciencia con los asuntos del corazón. Está empeñado en asegurarse de que la nueva ley contra la esclavitud que promulgó se cumpla, cuando se topa con una mujer lobo cuya presencia le roba el aliento y acapara su atención. Descubre que ella es la hija de un esclavista y, aunque espera mantenerla a distancia, la amenaza de perder su trono lo obliga a tomarla como su amante.
Billionaire's Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back
Billionaire's Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back
Lily was the wife of the richest and most powerful man in the continent, but because she couldn't conceive an heir for her husband, everyone treated her without respect including her husband. After five years, she finally conceived but her husband, Drake Bell believed her pregnancy was a result of an affair she has because he never had any intimacy with her ever since his childhood sweetheart returned back to his life and that was a year ago. Hence, he took Lily to the hospital and enforce an abortion on her pregnancy eventhough it was against her will. Broken, battered and wasted, Lily dropped a divorce paper on the table and left her husband's villa. The wife of the richest man in the continent ended up being homeless and sleeping on the street but two weeks later, she started experiencing strange symptoms. On visiting the hospital, she was told she was pregnant. Many years later, Drake Bell knelt before Lily and begged her and her twin to come to him but Lily was already a top designer with enough money in her account, she has more than enough to take care of herself and her kids, as for Drake Bell, she told him to rot in hell. But destiny can be tricky, could there a possibility of love between Drake Bell and Lily considering Drake Bell's unforgivable act in the past?
La novia accidental
La novia accidental
Asiste a una boda, pero termina convirtiéndose en la novia...... Priya, una joven dulce y hermosa, está perdidamente enamorada de Rahul, aunque él la ignore constantemente. Ella solo tiene ojos para él. Su corazón se hace añicos al descubrir que Rahul va a casarse con su novia. Aun así, decide ir a la boda de él. ¿Qué sucederá después?
From the beginning, Samuel Aarick (CEO of Flown Enterprise) had his eyes on Beatrice. Besides the debt her father owed, Samuel felt that Beatrice deserved to be one of his kept women at the headquarters. In addition to being an influential CEO in the Southern Region, Samuel is also the leader of the Twin Dragons clan. The Twin Dragons are known to be ruthless and merciless. Their power extends to various illicit businesses, including arms and drug trafficking. For Samuel, it was easy to obtain Beatrice. He forgot that love can come knocking on his heart at any time. This includes when Beatrice is in danger due to Samuel thoroughly investigating the issue of his subordinate being shot for no apparent reason. Beatrice is kidnapped, which further fuels Samuel's anger. He makes an effort to free her and starts to question himself. Is this just love or something more?
The Witch's Protector
The Witch's Protector
Sonya Duville moved to a small village where her ancestors had a family land to restart her new beginnings in life. Since a child, Sonya has been curious about an old mansion that was abandoned near her family house. She felt that she should reveal the mystery of the old mansion. She knew that the old mansion had been cursed by a white witch family for centuries. One day, she found out that Knight Richard, a descendant of the old mansion's owner, returning from Romania and living in that old mansion which he changed to become a place for some people to stay overnights. Knight Richard appeared as a gentleman, otherwise, Sonya was curious to find out who he was actually in real life since she and her auntie found some weird occurrences since the day he moved to the mansion. There were some animals dead because a creature sucked their blood and bit them off. In her journey to find the answer, Sonya discovered another mystery within her big family as she knew that she could communicate with some animals. Up to that time, Clayton Stein, a nephew of her auntie, Caroline's late husband, appeared and stayed with them while he was doing an investigation about his uncle's death. The past romance between the witch ‘Rose Duville’, an ancestor of Sonya Duville, and Knight Richard, an arrogant vampire had spelled her curse on Knight Richard since he had broken Rose Duville’s heart.
Mamá, mi papá es un CEO multimillonario
Mamá, mi papá es un CEO multimillonario
Debby Alessandro recibió un repentino mensaje de texto de su prometido informándole que había anulado su compromiso. Terriblemente desconsolada, corrió a la casa de su mejor amiga para llorar su pena, pero inesperadamente vio a su prometido y a su mejor amiga teniendo sexo. Sentía como si su corazón estuviera siendo destrozado por un asesino desalmado. Al no tener otro lugar a donde correr, aterrizó en un club donde, enojada e imprudentemente, bebió hasta el estupor. De repente se despertó desnuda junto a un hombre extraño. Inmediatamente estacionó sus cosas y abandonó el país. Regresó cinco años después con su guapo chico. No esperaba que su hijo la metiera en problemas desinflando uno de los neumáticos de un Mercedes-Maybach. ¿Cómo afrontará el hecho de que el propietario del Mercedes-Maybach no sólo sea su director general, sino que además tenga un sorprendente parecido con su hijo?
La paria de la manada: un misterio por desvelar
La paria de la manada: un misterio por desvelar
En el mundo de los hombres lobo, las brujas y los vampiros, aadhya, una humana, siempre se preguntó si este es realmente el lugar al que pertenece. No importa cuántas veces hizo la pregunta, la respuesta siempre fue la misma… SÍ. Sus padres eran una de las parejas beta (segundo al mando) más fuertes de su época en todo el continente. Pero incluso después de tener sangre beta corriendo por sus venas, aadhya sabía que es diferente de todos los hombres lobo que ha conocido en toda su vida. Ella no tiene sentidos intensificados de los hombres lobo, ni siquiera se transformó en su lobo cuando alcanzó la mayoría de edad, lo que automáticamente la convirtió en "el bicho raro de la manada". Incluso después de ser tratada como una paria, intimidada por otros niños lobo y despertarse todos los días con esa risa espeluznante y esa pesadilla que siempre parecía demasiado real para ser solo una pesadilla, nunca se permitió sentirse débil. Se esforzó al máximo y se entrenó como se entrenaba a todos los lobos de su manada. Era el día de su vigésimo cumpleaños cuando de repente sintió el "hormigueo de pareja" por el toque de su matón número uno, el futuro alfa de su manada, Ethan Smith. Sabía que nada iba a ser normal desde el momento en que sintió ese primer cosquilleo, pero no sabía que no había nada normal en su vida desde el momento en que vino a este mundo. ¿Aceptará Ethan el regalo del vínculo de pareja y dejará atrás a su novia con rango por una humana? ¿Podrá aadhya sobrevivir a todas las cosas que pronto se le presentarán? Únete a aadhya en el viaje de su vida, lleno de misterio, acción, romance y muchos giros y vueltas. Lea "El bicho raro de la manada: un misterio por desvelar" para ser testigo de la montaña rusa de emociones y ver cómo se desarrolla la vida de un "aadhya" humano normal en el mundo de los hombres lobo. Ya amado y apreciado por miles de lectores de todo el mundo en diferentes plataformas de libros electrónicos. La primera creación firmada del autor Mudita Upreti.
Taken away from her mate by a man who rejected her before, Grace must stay strong for her mate and for her unborn pup.
Death's Desire. Smerti Ohota
Death's Desire. Smerti Ohota
I chose death, but I was given to the heir of the most powerful man in the country – a man I hate. Now I have the opportunity to kill the enemy. The main thing is not to fall in love with his son, with whom I have to share a space of ten meters. One can only wonder what will surrender first: my heart or my desire for revenge.
Rich and powerful! Richard never imagined getting entangled with a girl like Lovelyn, the innocent and naive daughter of a pastor. This story is centered on the love story between two personalities from different world.
YOU ARE MINE: When I Have to Fight for You
YOU ARE MINE: When I Have to Fight for You
“Sidd, if you leave me here, I won’t ever forgive you,” I declared, glaring at him. “I will hold you responsible for anything that happens to me. Remember you made me stay here till late,” I stated, even though I was scared. “I don’t need your forgiveness, Rani,” he snarled. “Holding me responsible for anything bad that happens to you is what enemies do,” he declared and moved off. *** From hatred to love, a bond was created between Rani and Siddharth. But not without drastic challenges that are meant to separate them forever. Will their newly developed love withstand the challenges? Or will they allow their hatred to overpower their love and get separated forever?
