La Luna Verdadera
La Luna Verdadera
"Yo, Logan Carter, Alfa de la manada Crescent Moon, te rechazo, Emma Parker de la manada Crescent Moon". Podía sentir mi corazón romperse. León estaba aullando dentro de mí y podía sentir su dolor. "Yo, Emma Parker de Crescent Moon Pack, acepto tu rechazo". Cuando Emma cumple 18 años, se sorprende de que su compañero sea el Alfa de su manada. Pero su júbilo duró poco cuando él la rechazó por una loba más fuerte. Esa loba odia a Emma y quiere deshacerse de ella. Los problemas de Emma no terminan ahí. Se da cuenta de que posee poderes inusuales, lo que la convierte en una loba excepcional. Como resultado, se convierte en el objetivo de personas peligrosas que están decididas a explotar sus habilidades. Emma se enfrenta a la difícil decisión de cómo afrontar estos desafíos. ¿Su pareja tendrá dudas sobre rechazarla? ¿Podrá protegerla de las personas que la amenazan?
The Alpha's Mate who cried Wolf!
The Alpha's Mate who cried Wolf!
Astrid lives alone with her dad, she has no idea she is a werewolf or that they even exist! It turns out the man that helped raise Astrid isn't her father at all, he tells her that her mother wanted her to have a "normal" life until the day she turned eighteen when she would have no choice but to tell Astrid the truth about her true identity. After a tragedy that killed her mother, her father turned abusive towards her blaming her over the years for her mothers death. Astrid remained completely unaware of her heritage, until a man named Ryker comes into her life claiming they are mates!
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Chassy, an omega who carries the weight of her heritage, is mistreated by her mother and the Red Moon Pack for her entire existence. Her real potential, which was acquired from a father who came from a mysterious Lycan clan, is hidden from her and her tormentors. She found out that Xander, her Alpha, was her mate. For some reason, he hurt her. And as a result of his own inner conflict and cultural expectations, he made a decision that damaged their relationship. After Chassy leaves, a series of things happen that send her running into another alpha's arms where he takes care of her and helps her get stronger. But destiny has more in store for her. With the advent of her Lycan beast, she unexpectedly rises to the position of alpha in her adopted pack. Then she met her father whom she never knew and found out more about herself. The persistent vampires, who have emerged as a common enemy, push packs to band together under an alliance. Chassy's previous and present lives intersect when Xander stops by her new pack for a joint training session against this backdrop of peril and unity. Lured into a story of redemption, forgiving others, and the enduring power of love as alliances form, tensions increase, and secrets come to light. Will Xander and Chassy be able to cross the gap between them? Can they stand together in the face of the impending vampire threat?
Lycan Prince Matteo
Lycan Prince Matteo
Freya is the adoptive daughter of the warrior mated couple of the Midnight Pack. She didn't have a scent, so everyone thought that she didn't have a wolf, just like humans. Matteo Harith is the Lycan prince, soon to be king, who was waiting for his mate. He had smelled her since 9 years ago in the palace, but after that, he never found her, no matter how much he looked for her. When Matteo was assigned by his king's father to look into the case of a pack that had been wiped out, he lived in the Midnight Pack and found Freya. The moment Matteo stepped out of his SUV, Freya found out that he was her mate. But Matteo couldn't smell her at all. A tournament that had been held within the pack made Matteo find Freya to be his mate when their eyes met. When Matteo finally smelled Freya's scent, it was also the time that she remembered what had happened in her childhood and that the palace had refused to help them when they asked, which caused her biological parents' death. What is he going to do when Freya was blaming the royals and wanted to reject him even after they mark each other?
True Luna
True Luna
“I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack.“ I could feel my heart breaking. Leon was howling inside me, and I could feel his pain. “I, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept your rejection.“ When Emma turns 18, she is surprised that her mate is the Alpha of her pack. But her elation was short-lived when he rejected her for a stronger she-wolf. That she-wolf hates Emma and wants to get rid of her. Emma’s problems don’t end there. She realizes that she possesses unusual powers, making her an exceptional wolf. As a result, she becomes a target for dangerous people who are determined to exploit her abilities. Emma is faced with the difficult decision of how to handle these challenges. Will her mate have second thoughts about rejecting her? Will he be able to protect her from the people who threaten her?
The Lycan King's Breeder
The Lycan King's Breeder
"On the bed!" He commanded gruffly, leaving no room for questions. Everything was quiet and I heard my heart pounding. It was difficult to even breathe. He suddenly moved, reaching for me. I felt his fingers brush over my shoulder, the silky robe slowly slipping off of me. My heart filled with dread as I thought about how I looked in his eyes right now. My body trembled, my eyes shut and it felt like my face was on fire. "Please..." I begged in a broken and shaky voice. “I don’t want to be your breeder.” *** Talon the Black is as his name suggests. Dominant. Heartless. Ruthless. King of the Lycans, Talon is madly in love with his mate, Willow, but things start to fall apart when she cannot bear him a child. Driven to desperation, Willow begs him to breed a filthy human and while Talon is reluctant to, he does as his beloved wants. Abused and maltreated by her parents, Avalyn has been sold by her father to the Lycans. Her life is even made worse when she realizes that she is to be the Lycan King’s breeder. She is to sleep with him and carry his child even though he is already married. It is a cold business exchange, her curvy body in exchange for an heir, nothing more. But what happens once this ruthless King starts to fall in love with her? Can they hide their forbidden love from Willow or would there be hell to pay once she finds out?
Su Alfa posesivo
Su Alfa posesivo
"¡Tú me perteneces, Ava! ¡Eres mía! ¡Y que me lleve el diablo antes de permitir que otro te posea!" rugió él, consumido por una ira desbordante. Los antiguos líderes de la manada Luz de Luna mantenían una tradición arraigada que jamás se había quebrantado: seleccionar a la Luna ideal para su Alfa de entre sus propios miembros, orquestando así la unión perfecta que, según creían, ni la misma diosa de la luna podría igualar. Ava Maynard, integrante de la manada Luz de Luna y la próxima en ser coronada como Luna, fue designada para este destino desde su más tierna infancia y se ha venido preparando para ello durante toda su vida. Sin embargo, al llegar el momento de cumplir con su deber y contraer matrimonio con Ray, el Alfa de la manada Luz de Luna, su camino se cruza con el de Lucas, su verdadero compañero. Respecto a su auténtico compañero, Ava siempre había supuesto que lo rechazaría en cuanto apareciera, tal como lo habían hecho las Lunas precedentes; si ellas habían logrado manejar la situación con éxito, ella estaba convencida de que también podría hacerlo. Pero surge un contratiempo: ¿qué decisión tomará al darse cuenta de que ninguna de las Lunas anteriores se había enfrentado a un compañero como Lucas? Un ser tan posesivo, que no escatimaría esfuerzos para alcanzar sus deseos; alguien que no renunciaría a ella sin dar batalla, alguien resuelto a reclamar lo que la diosa Luna le ha otorgado, incluso si ello implica desafiar las tradiciones de su propia manada. ¿Qué ocurrirá cuando Lucas De 'Clan, Alfa de la manada Alba y verdadero compañero de Ava, descubra que ella está siendo preparada para otro? ¿Acaso renunciará a su compañera para que ella cumpla con sus deberes como Luna? ¿O luchará por lo que le pertenece por derecho? Y Ava, ¿qué camino elegirá? ¿Dónde reside la lealtad de su corazón? ¿En su destino o en su deber? Descúbrelo en "Su Alfa Posesivo; Historia de una loba rota". Advertencia: Este libro contiene temas oscuros, contenido sexual agresivo y maduro que puede resultar inapropiado para lectores jóvenes.
Her Possessive Alpha
Her Possessive Alpha
"You belong with me Ava! You are mine! And I'll be damned before I let anyone else have you!!!" He growled with boiling rage. The former leaders of the moonlight pack from time past had a popular tradition that had never been broken; choosing the perfect Luna for their Alpha from within the pack, arranging the perfect union they thought that the moon goddess could not provide. Ava Maynard, a member of the moonlight pack and the next in line to be the Luna, was chosen for this role when she was just a baby, and has been preparing for it her whole life. But when the time comes for her to assume her duty and marry the moonlight pack's Alpha Ray, she meets her true mate, Lucas. As for her true mate, well, Ava had always thought that she'd just reject him whenever he came along, just like all the other Luna's before her had done, if they'd been able to manage it well in the past she thought, then she should too. But there's a problem; what will she do when she finds out that all the other Luna's have never been mated to someone like Lucas? Someone so possessive, someone who will stop at nothing to get what he wants; someone who won’t give her up without a fight, someone who is determined by all means to get what the moon goddess has blessed with, even if it means going against her pack's tradition. What will happen when Lucas De ‘Clan, Alpha of the Dawn pack and Ava's true mate finds out that she's being prepared for someone else? Will he eventually let go of his mate so she can fulfill her Luna duties? Or will he fight for what rightfully belongs to him? And what about Ava? What will she choose? Where does her heart belong? Her fate or her duty? Find out in Her Possessive Alpha; Tale of a broken wolf. Warning: This book contains dark themes, trigger aggressive and mature sexual content that might be considered unsuitable for younger readers.
El lobo de Trueno
El lobo de Trueno
Nadie ha visto su rostro, pero todos han oído hablar de él. Todos temen su nombre porque dondequiera que se pronuncie su nombre, el resultado es la destrucción absoluta y completa. Se sabe que acaba con una manada completa en unos pocos minutos y nunca ha habido un sobreviviente. Dicen que ataca a los Alfas, otros dicen que odia a los pícaros pero nadie sabe quién será su próximo objetivo. Dicen que el cielo se cubre de nubes negras y los truenos golpean el suelo en el lugar donde ataca. El consejo de hombres lobo lo declaró el lobo más buscado del mundo, con la orden de matar a la vista. Si tan solo pudieran tenerlo a la vista Con la vista del águila, la velocidad del relámpago y el rugido del trueno, él era el lobo más poderoso que jamás se haya conocido. Era el LOBO DEL TRUENO. ¿O debería decir ELLA?
La ángel del Alfa
La ángel del Alfa
Ava Carter era una huérfana de 17 años. Ella era miembro del Crystal Blue Pack. Ella era el saco de boxeo en su manada, ya que la gente normalmente la pisoteaba, literalmente. Ella era la debilucha, la marginada, la solitaria a la que nadie se molestaba en conocer. Hasta la noche de su cumpleaños, decidió irse. Se encontró con el hombre más guapo que había visto en toda su vida y pronunció una palabra que cambiaron su vida para siempre. "Mío" Jayden King fue el alfa del North Pack. Era el alfa más temido y, a menudo, se lo llamaba el alfa de todos los alfas. Ninguno de los que invadieron su tierra vivió lo suficiente para contarlo. Hasta la noche en que se topó con alguien a quien hace mucho tiempo había perdido la esperanza de encontrar.
The Rebel
The Rebel
"Lower your eyes mate" He said with a hint of warning in his tone. She didn't flinch under his cold fingers coiled around her neck, instead with a smirk on her bruised lips,she looks back at him. Daring to defy him. "Submit!" He growled at her this time, frustrated with her ability to infuriate him to the extent of forcing him to hurt her. "Many have tried mate" The word mate leaving her lips sounded more of a mockery, making his grip on her neck to tighten slightly. "I am not others Vera. I am your mate. Your superior. Submit this instant!" She again smiled, managing to roll her eyes at him. "You can try . But remember,you will never succeed in it." He could end her with just a little more pressure on her neck, having the fate as many others who have dared to defy him,but something in those eyes was stopping him. He wanted to extinguish that fire in them, to see them rolling over as he thrusted inside her, to see them begining him to continue as he denied her. He wanted her to submit.Badly. Completely to him in all respects. Body and soul both. To let him be her protector,her punisher, her dominant,her lover her mate. Her everything. But little did he knew that his mate was not an ordinary Luna who happily submits to her mate's whims and needs. She was who they all popularly call as "The rebel" The mysterious protector of good and savior of women. The man who gives justice to the inequality created by men. If only they knew he was a women instead. .................................................... "The day I submit to a man will be the last day of my life mate. Vera Red was born as a rebel, will live as a rebel and will also die as a Rebel. With or without a cause" .....
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)
Her Unpleasant Return
Her Unpleasant Return
Bullied-such a simple word, yet that was the total definition of my life. I kept quiet and endured. Because in my heart, I held on to that one small hope that my mate will rescue me. However, that hope gets crushed when my mate, the Alpha of my pack rejects me before the entire school. Well, the joke is on them when I stood before them as a beautiful weapon with the toughest pack supporting me. It wouldn’t have been possible without my new Alpha’s support. But am I ready to open my heart for him?
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
"Get undressed and wait for me in bed. Keep your legs open until I finish my shower," he commanded with the power of his Alpha status and as her mate. She wanted to resist. "Do you think I'm the same Luna you forced in the past? I refuse to submit to you. I won't let you touch me." He growled softly, feeling a hot desire for her. She was no longer the unattractive Luna he remembered - she was gorgeous. He wanted to devour her with his tongue. He pulled her close and pushed her onto the bed, licking the back of her ear, making her moan in pleasure. He whispered, "I won't touch your body. Just your p*ssy until you beg for more." He used to be next in line for Alpha and was under the control of his grandfather, the Alpha king. He had to accept mating with the woman he disliked the most - the daughter of one of the most powerful Alphas in the werewolf kingdom. If he didn't, he might lose his chance at being Alpha king after his grandfather's death. He thought he was mateless at the time. He didn't choose to mate with the unattractive woman, so he cheated on her day and night. But, one drunken night, he lost control and slept with her. Later, he forced her to break their mating bond. But, he discovered she was carrying his triplets. He forced her to be his mate again, or she wouldn't see her children again. Six years later, he was no longer weak. He was the Alpha king of werewolves.
Princesa licántropa Luna predestinada
Princesa licántropa Luna predestinada
Mudarse a la ciudad y abrir una tienda de té parecía una buena idea, o eso pensaba Soma. Sin embargo, la situación se torció rápidamente cuando un detective llamado Marks la puso en el punto de mira, arrastrándola al centro de un conflicto entre él y Oliver Stone, el Alfa de la manada Blood Moon. Oliver compra té y queda cautivado por el embriagador aroma de Soma, revelándola como su compañera. El detective Marks se entera de esto poco después. Oliver, sin querer asustarla, prefiere ir con calma y presentarse adecuadamente, pero cuando Marks incendia su tienda y casi la mata, Oliver se ve obligado a mostrar su naturaleza lupina para salvarla. ¿Lo aceptará Soma o lo rechazará y huirá?
El Alfa prohibido
El Alfa prohibido
Adea no tiene interés alguno en salir con alguien ni en hallar a la pareja que la Diosa le haya destinado. Está resuelta a hacer caso omiso de las pesadillas que perturban su descanso, a conservar su empleo en la manada de la Media Luna y a llevar una vida serena. Pero cuando su inseparable amiga Mavy le suplica que la acompañe a Desert Moon en la búsqueda de su alma gemela, Adea se ve incapaz de rechazar la petición. ¿Qué camino tomará Adea al ser ella quien descubre a su pareja en el Baile de la Luna Creciente? ¿Logrará desentrañar el mensaje oculto tras sus sueños atormentados? Y una vez que ensamble todas las piezas del rompecabezas, ¿tendrá el poder de alterar su propio destino?
Mi compañero Alfa
Mi compañero Alfa
Erik Smith es el Alfa de la manada Silver Growlers. A sus 22 años, aún no ha encontrado a su compañera. Es reconocido como el Alfa más poderoso y su manada es la más robusta. Se muestra cariñoso y amable con los miembros de su manada y con sus amigos cercanos, pero implacable y despiadado con los renegados y enemigos. Por otro lado, Clara Lee es la hija del Alfa de la manada Hollow Angel. Es la querida de todos, la princesa indiscutible de su manada. A sus 18 años, sigue sin haber hallado a su compañero, pero su vida da un giro trágico cuando un grupo de renegados ataca y aniquila a su manada, dejándola como única superviviente gracias al sacrificio heroico de sus padres y compañeros de manada. Al enterarse de la tragedia, su hermano Vincent se dirige sin demora al territorio de Hollow Angel y encuentra a Clara sumida en el dolor, llorando junto a los cuerpos sin vida de sus padres. Clara se traslada a la manada Silver junto a su hermano y allí descubre que el Alfa Erik es su destinado compañero.
"Jayden, el conocido matón de la escuela y playboy sin remordimientos, le gritó y ella frunció el ceño, la ira bullendo en su interior. "Corrección, nunca seré tuya, así que grábate eso en tu obtusa y densa cabeza". "Apártate de mí, tengo un novio que me espera", exclamó Rhoda, empujándolo y alejándose de su presencia. * * * Jayden era el matón principal del colegio. Si te negabas a acostarte con él, te hostigaba hasta que cedías. En el caso de Rhoda, era de carácter firme y se negaba a ser influenciada por sus intimidaciones. Ella lo ignoraba y aguantaba lo que fuera con tal de que él nunca viera su ropa interior. Finalmente se sintió aliviada al entrar en su último curso, pues pronto se liberaría de su acoso, pero parecía que la diosa de la luna la detestaba y jamás le permitiría ser feliz, o al menos eso creía. El mundo de Rhoda se derrumbó el día que cumplió 18 años y descubrió que su novio Luca, con quien había estado desde los 8 años, no era su destinado, sino que era Jayden, el mismo que tanto temía. Jayden estaba satisfecho, pues la chica de voluntad inquebrantable finalmente caería rendida ante él. Pero, ¿permitiría Luca, que había rechazado a su destinada hace un año por su novia, que Jayden se quedara con lo que consideraba suyo? ¿Aceptaría Rhoda alguna vez a Jayden como su pareja destinada? ¿Renunciaría Jayden a ella solo porque podrían rechazarlo? Continúa leyendo para descubrirlo en esta fantástica novela.
El híbrido rechazado
El híbrido rechazado
Elena Wolve nació marcada por el rechazo y el odio. Hija del poderoso y renombrado Alfa del Parque Luna de Plata, fue tildada de demonio. ¿La razón? Su nacimiento provocó la muerte de su madre en lo que se considera el parto más doloroso de la historia. Pero no solo eso, también vino al mundo con un par de ojos de distintos colores: uno azul y el otro rojo... Todos, incluido su propio padre, la repudiaron y la trataron como a una esclava. La situación empeoró cuando su padre, el Alfa, encontró otra compañera y tuvo otro hijo e hija. Elena quedó sumida en un mundo de dolor y desprecio, sin que nadie conociera su verdadera identidad, el secreto detrás de sus ojos, el poder oculto en su ser, la naturaleza híbrida que poseía... Todo ello permaneció oculto hasta el día en que su manada fue atacada.
Rechazando tu rechazo
Rechazando tu rechazo
"Soy Dante Hernández, Alfa de la Manada Carmesí, y te rechazo, Reina de Barbosa", dice él con una sonrisa burlona. "Y yo, Daniella Maynard, rechazo tu rechazo, Rey del Narcisismo", replica ella con firmeza. Dante Hernández, el Alfa más despiadado e intrépido de la Manada Carmesí, repudió a Daniella Maynard cuando ella tenía apenas quince años. Su compañera arrastraba un pasado lleno de adversidades y estuvo al filo de la muerte, hasta que su cuñado intervino para salvarla y la alejó de su manada. Daniella apenas lograba sobrevivir a sus demonios internos cuando Dante apareció y la rechazó de inmediato, sin dar explicaciones ni permitirle saber que él era su compañero destinado. Lo que más le dolió fue que la comparara con su compañera elegida o con su excompañera, tal como todos en su pasado habían hecho. Cinco años más tarde, sus caminos se cruzan de nuevo. ¿Persistirá Dante en su rechazo o será ella quien tenga la última palabra?
