Dreamy Night
Dreamy Night
Dreams are a big part of our lives. They are our beautiful imagination. But some people start living inside their dreams too much and forget about the reality, they just want to live in their own world inside their, but when the reality strikes them..... Guess what will happen to a person who is afraid of the reality.. Siya a 16 year old teenage girl, has a very rich imagination and she started living inside her own world where she has also meet a person named Alex who is her only best friend in both of the worls.. Though she had never met Alex but they are connected through a pendant necklace that was given to both of them by their parents.. Their characters are totally different from the dreams in the reality... What will happen when they meet each other in the reality..? How are they both going to react to the reality? Continue reading to know Love from author ❤
The Four Wheel Saga Book 1: THE LEGACY TRIALS
The Four Wheel Saga Book 1: THE LEGACY TRIALS
In the continent of Kinenhi, ravaged by conflict and war, an age of peace and harmony has endured for years. Trade and commerce is flourishing among the six village nations. In the warrior village Karasuma, the annual Legacy Trials are about to begin, which test the mettle of the young and uninitiated. A host of budding warriors train to contend against each other in battles of melee, magic and the mind. Among them are heroes of the future, who shall possess unbridled power and suffer cruel choices of fate. Meanwhile, evil lurks in the dark, plotting and scheming, to rupture the fabric of peace, and pit village against village, ally against ally, and hero against hero. As matters escalate, dark secrets buried deep come to the fore, and a long-forgotten prophecy is revived from oblivion. Will the heroes respond to the call of destiny? Brace yourself for a journey through beautiful landscapes, electrifying battles, stirring romance and spine-tingling mystery. Disclaimer: Reader Beware. Bloodshed, gore and other adult themes resound throughout. Not for the light hearted.
Arima's curse
Arima's curse
Hitoshi Arima is a highschool loner who hates all magical stories unfortunately for him his life gets Tangled in magic when he turns sixteen. Together with his best and only friend, Tamaki Rein, he journeys to the mystic island to encounter Liaka, the sleeping empress of the sea to break the generational curse placed on his ancestor.
Reverse Orbital - The World when the Sun Rise from the West
Reverse Orbital - The World when the Sun Rise from the West
It just like how it happens before 21-12-2012. A group of paranormal state that a big event would happen to this world. But rather than an apocalypse, they said it’s a transformation, ‘Holy Friday’. The day when a total solar eclipse occurs but then the sun direction would be different, earth rotation reversed. The sun would be rise from the west. Furthermore, human would receive ‘grace’ from the higher realm. To compete, to improve, to develop, to adapt. How will the human and high-human respond to it?
Should Have Let Me Die
Should Have Let Me Die
Hyde is a 17-year-old bad-ass with and attitude problem that met his end in a grisly back alley, but he transmigrated into another world upon his death. Gripton, the Transmigration God, helps Hyde choose his magic but decides to stay and teach this boy some manners. Hyde gains a strong magical ability that could upend the world that Hyde was sent to save. These unlikely pair will travel the world, taking the nations and their daughters by storm. In a world where everyone has a magic skill and the strong rule, what path will the so-called hero take? Hyde is one of the five Harem Leaders in Reborn, a game world that has trapped players in an endless loop. The five leaders are fighting to reach the final Zodiac world to defeat Aegis and stop the Reset, and the unknown entity known as MainFrame. Hyde has complete the first 12 game worlds and had tried to enter this game world once before, but failed, leaving all of her harem members behind in this world. After fighting through the game worlds again with only the help of two other Harem Leaders Kiada, and Bhan, Hyde has reentered the Zodiac world, Leo, to find his girls and prevent the Game Master from destroying this world. This is the first part of the Reborn collection, and reading it will held understand Harem Reborn, and The Blood Servant System a bit better. You do not have to read then in this order because the stories do line up, but the events in should have let me die start before Harem Reborn. This book series is part of the Reborn Collection cover is not my art WARNING CONTAINS SEXUALLY EXPLICIT CONTENT AND A SINGLE RAPE SCENE. Hey Fans! I have started a another book to help you all keep track of the growing harem so check it out! The Great Master Hydes Harem List https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19073480406302905?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4314060402 My discord: Magic/Epictap/XBO#7267 Discord page: https://discord.gg/hQHJrZCYZu Instagram: ddcmagic_ Twitter: @Daniel_smiles Check my other books Harem Reborn To help support my work and for new covers https://www.patreon.com/Magic_?fan_landing=true https://ko-fi.com/magic_
My Idol Was Unsatisfactory, So I Fell For His CEO Instead
My Idol Was Unsatisfactory, So I Fell For His CEO Instead
When I was 10 I fell in love Kenji Akamura, and over the next 12 years I became obsessed… Everyday I always kept up with Kenji, every post had a like and retweet, every nomination had a vote, every fan meet had a fan, every poster, merch and sponser, had a buyer, every movie had a watcher and every controversy had a warrior. I Leo, am the ultimate fan of Kenji Akamura, and would do a lot for him! But what is going on right now? Why is my idol staring at me with hateful eyes and calling me a stalker? I just wanted to go to work! QAQ
I managed to get myself thrown into a story as a stepmother so jealous of her daughter that she tried to kill the girl with a poisoned apple. I’d love it if I could shower my cute and lovely Blanche with all sorts of affection, but– “Hilarious. Since when did you like Blanche so much?” This god-damned husband keeps getting in my way! “I am Blanche’s parent as well. I demand an apology for being so suspicious of me.” “And if I don’t?” “I’ll visit your bedroom tonight, your majesty.” “…..” “I even managed to get some really sexy panties just for you.” With a big smile on my face, I struck him with a critical hit. “I could show it to you right now if you’d like?” The look on his face was truly something to behold. I lifted my chin, and looked down on him victoriously.
My Succubus System
My Succubus System
After awakening in a new world a young man changes his life drastically by becoming a busty, lust craving succubus? Adventia, world of fantasy, where adventurer classes of all types live and thrive. Our intrepid hero acquires the Succubus class, transforming her into a carnal loving she-demon with a desire for all things erotic! In fact, to level he (I mean, she) must lewd! Other Original Light Novels: https://bit.ly/Ren's Den
Reincarnation as a fox with system in another world
Reincarnation as a fox with system in another world
This novel promotes step by step growth of the main lead since its no fun when the main just destroy everyone with a snap of his fingers!!!..... So good luck 🙂😉
The Supreme One
The Supreme One
He was a seeker! Not a believer! He was uncovering the mystery of the Earth in his entire life. However, his past was miserable. A coward! A slave! A loner! A genius who was a slave of a University king. The same king who brutally killed his entire family. .... When he reached the peak of his life, he learned what ordinary people could see is only the tip of Earth. ~The entire country's government is controlled by a single-family. ~The vampire and werewolf live with ordinary people. ~Some people could control elemental powers. If it is real why people never find anything unusual, the answer lies in the satellites which keep rotating over our heads. ... To find the secrets, he joined the virtual reality, famously called, "The Supreme Realm". **** The story has two components, the real world, and the virtual world, both of them will be equally focused.