Half Moonlg...
"What's it?",old Parker asked,a frown on his face ,to his grand daughter
"....found a book,looks like a diary or such",chin replied dusting it...."u seems disturbed by what i found"
"No..but i am a little-where did u find it?",it wad obvious that old Parker was excited about the found book,He blinked his eyes repeatedly,trying to focus on the moment
The book in question is an old book with thick blood red covers......a silver bind at the edges and an image if a sparrow in front of it.....it had no name written on it..
The old man picked up the book....it was the same book,it remained him of his miseries,youthful miseries.
"No name".Chin looked puzzled.Abook with no name
"The sparrow",said Parker thoughtfully
"The sparrow.....how did you know that is the name"
And this was the part he had always ran away from retelling his past but he has to do so for her own good
"It a long story child but i will tell you"haven said that he began his narrative
"I'm a part of that book,sorry was a part and same it with me...The sparrow,a strong cult.They controlled day and night sunrise and sunset,twilight and dawn.The seven spirit were their head,our ancestor happens to be one of them---"
"Whoa"Chin was really into the story
"Yes whoa,but that came at a price.Each were to intitate a member from their lineage..and so it happened that my grandfather passed on his membership to me when he died...my father was unaware of this
Oh i wish i could go back in time to erase those memories,the horror,night-mares,deaths,so painful my child.I grew up noticing the constant presence of an unseen person..told my father about it.Well it was concluded as childishlg...