Fallen For My Best Friend's Brother
Fallen For My Best Friend's Brother
"I am sorry. I didn't see you coming," I said keeping my eyes low. Because I don't want to get scolded by him. I kind of scared of him. His temper makes people terrorized. I was trembling inside. He's so scary. Like Satan. Yes. This name suits him better. "Really? I don't think so because you always finds way to bump into me. I know girls like you. You people just need a chance to be with a rich guy and then your life gets settled. Bloody gold diggers. “He snapped on my face which made my blood boil. "Mind your language. How dare you call me a gold digger? I am not a gold digger. I don't know how you got the opinion to call me with names just because I bumped into you few times. By the way what do you mean girls like me? You have no right to judge me. I live on my own. I don't need a rich husband to live my life. I am earning enough to live myself. Better check your eye site before you judge the other people. Get lost you jerk," I screamed on his face which made him shut his dirty mouth. Jerk. How dare he? What does he think of himself? I hate him. It's all because of you Arhaan. I have to bear his taunts. Meet Meera Deshmukh. Well she’s simple, cute and honest girl. She's beautiful from both heart and face. She has only regret that she couldn't say goodbye to her parents. Her parents and brother met with a horrible accident. Her brother and parents passed away on the way to hospital. There's no one who could help her. She survived on her own. Meet Armaan Joshi. Handsome, smart, egoistic, rude and introvert. He has habit of judging people easily. He has everything. Loving parents, siblings and friends. Except Love. He doesn't have past. He doesn't like people who ignores him. Meera is like both ice and fire. Armaan is like fire cracker always ready to burst. Let's see how our Meera going to making him melt and change his ideas about judging people.
Mi poderoso marido CEO
Mi poderoso marido CEO
Lita married a monster. According to the rumors, the monster was a disfigured, dying man who even couldn't let her conceive a baby. But after she was abandoned by her family, she had to marry that man! On the first night of marriage, that ugly man was waiting for her in bed, showing how dominant and strong he was! She's totally confused! Until that day, she found his secret... He's not ugly, but an incomparably handsome and powerful CEO! From that moment on, she realized that she had indeed married a monster. Not a scary, ugly one, but a handsome and strong monster who treated her as his body antidote!
I Married My Mother’s Fiancée As A Stand-In Bride
I Married My Mother’s Fiancée As A Stand-In Bride
My mother was a lot of things but I never knew she would dare leave her Billionaire husband on the Alter stranded. My soon to be step-father was a lot of things, but he wasn't one to accept humiliation. And for that reason he made me Amelia, the daughter of my runaway mother to take her place on the alter.
Marriage is never an easy thing and being forced out of your home with nowhere to go, hours after you find out you've been betrayed by your husband and best friend, Tessa Carl is completely torn apart. With no money, a home, or a family, what is she to do? Where is she to go? Everything is a huge mess and she's trying hard to fix it all while staying in a hotel where she meets the ever-goofy Jake Hensen and extremely hot Austin Kings. Who will claim the damsel and win her heart? . . …..
My Powerful Ceo Husband
My Powerful Ceo Husband
Lita married a monster. According to the rumors, the monster was a disfigured, dying man who even couldn't let her conceive a baby. But after she was abandoned by her family, she had to marry that man! On the first night of marriage, that ugly man was waiting for her in bed, showing how dominant and strong he was! She's totally confused! Until that day, she found his secret... He's not ugly, but an incomparably handsome and powerful CEO! From that moment on, she realized that she had indeed married a monster. Not a scary, ugly one, but a handsome and strong monster who treated her as his body antidote!
My Darling Wife
My Darling Wife
Since childhood, Erish is the one she loved dearly and her dream came true when he proposed to her on their last day of graduation. A few years later, the wedding finally took place and she became a wife to him legally. By marrying him, she felt like she had achieved everything. Now she needs nothing from this world. But her life did not go the way she thought. When she came to know the groom was not the same. He is not her lover Erish but his twin brother Eric. What would she do when reality hits her hard and she needs to choose between her husband and her lover.
Mika yang merupakan siswa berprestasi di sekolah memutuskan untuk tidak melanjutkan studinya ke jenjang perguruan tinggi. Sontak keputusannya itu memicu banyak pertanyaan orang-orang di sekitarnya, termasuk guru muda yang juga merupakan wali kelas Mika, Janu. Janu merasa perlu meyakinkan Mika agar mau melanjutkan studinya. Tanpa memberi tahu Mika, Janu melakukan kunjungan rumah. Dan betapa terkejut dia saat mendapati kondisi Mika yang menyedihkan. Rupanya ayahnya telah berjudi dan menyebabkan ibunya terlilit utang sampai ratusan juta. Utang yang besar itu membuat Mika terancam dinikahkan dengan seorang tuan tanah. Meski berat hati, Janu menawarkan bantuan yang lain, dia bersedia untuk membiayai kuliah Mika. Namun, ibu Mika yang konservatif mendesak agar Janu menikahi Mika supaya menghindari fitnah. Tanpa diduga-duga, Janu setuju untuk menikahi Mika. Pernikahan tanpa rencana pun terjadi. Namun, ada yang lain dari sikap Janu. Ada rahasia yang dia sembunyikan dari Mika, dan hal itu menyangkut masa lalu gelapnya serta mantan kekasihnya. Di lain pihak, kehadiran pria lain mulai mengacaukan biduk rumah tangga palsu mereka. Berhasilkah mereka bertahan? Lalu kenapa ada rasa cemburu apabila mengaku tak ada rasa?
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Billionaire wife
Billionaire wife
Nishant Mehta is CEO of Mehta groups of company. He is very rich and famous business tycoon. He's natural is not calm he is aggressive rude business minded person. He is eligible bachelor. But still he find her school friend. Which is now disconnected with him because of time. And the other hand isha is innocent soul very calm nature she is happy go Lucky girl. But her financial condition is not as good as compare to Nishant. She is completed her graduation and find job. What happens if he will tie a knot with her he will make her life like hell. Bcoz he doesn't know that she is her school friend which he likes her most but now he is just unknown that he hurt that same girl bcoz he don't know that she is the same girl he crave for.
Still Loving You
Still Loving You
Kobe couldn't believe that in an instant, he would suddenly get married. He is currently enjoying freedom because he has just graduated from the course he took. And he has no intention of forcing himself into the job his father gives him. He will marry an unknown woman, whom he has never met. He also can't remember the bride who became his wife. Anger filled his heart and mind for the woman especially when he knew her lies. To get revenge, he will hurt her very much.