A Moment in Time - Descending in Darkness in Desire
A Moment in Time - Descending in Darkness in Desire
I don't know if it was once, it was in battle with the dark versions of the black multiverse, he was the darkest knight, it could have been another one, or all of them... Bruce didn't know how or when he started the idea, but he had a plan, but that plan didn't involve staying married to the cat woman, none of them knew when it started, they didn't know who, but what they knew was that it was one or all of them. at the same time. at a moment in time Everything changes Bruce had the idea, he invested in a madness, that was simply, start to conspire, discover secrets, investigate or all of them together, came to an agreement, but someone, or had a plan, it was a gamble, one of them won and they were all in trouble. Then at some point, the darkest knight wins realizing it wasn't as fun as he thought, so he returns to a moment in time when everything has changed. radically changing your plan of action. now, he has games with the hidden beings of the multiverse, does he win, the prize? traveling through the multiverse, returning in the moment of time, in the midst of creating conspiracies, preventing the future from happening. in one of his plans includes separating from CatWoman...
Fate of the Five Realms: Valor of Erdeos
Fate of the Five Realms: Valor of Erdeos
[Buku pertama seri FOTFR] Tiga bulan setelah Tornado Brooklyn, New York masih dalam kekacauan. Orang-orang protes di tengah jalan, lalu lintas kacau, dan rumor-rumor aneh menyebar. Leon Redwine memilih untuk menjalani hidupnya senormal mungkin. Impiannya hanyalah kesembuhan ibunya, dan kebebasan keluarganya dari kemiskinan. Sekembalinya dari sekolah, apartemennya hancur. Monster-monster bernama Esmerides berusaha membunuhnya. Gadis aneh bermata biru menyelamatkan nyawanya. Dia berharap itu hanyalah kejutan acara televisi konyol yang terlalu nyata—tapi dia salah. Terungkap selama ini dia mengemban tugas yang hebat dan berbahaya. Tugas yang telah menjadi takdirnya. Sebelum Lima Dunia musnah, Leon bersama teman-temannya—bocah maniak Star Wars genius dari Skotlandia dan gadis aneh yang menyelamatkan nyawanya—harus pergi ke Erdeos untuk menyelesaikan segalanya.
The Path To Perfection
The Path To Perfection
Al'ravee spent ninety-five years living the typical life of a mortal, only for him to wake up from his grave five years later to find out that he wasn't what he thought he was and that the last hundred years were just a scheme for his parents to raise the most perfect being in existence. Faced with his new reality, he quickly realizes that he has to drop his mortal way of thinking if he wanted to have a comfortable life in the vast universe. From planet-busting spaceships to unique creatures capable of superhuman feats and magicians from other separate dimensions. Let's not forget his fellow gods that could reshape continents. With new the ideals, mentality, desire, and ambition he never knew he could have, He decides to carve a path to reach his goal. The only question is ' To what extent is he willing to go to achieve the impossible.' " A lot of people want to reach the peak of existence for different reasons. Some are just power-hungry others do it to support their righteous sense of self, he did it to bring his loved ones back to life, she did it for revenge and that guy just doesn't want to be pushed down by anyone. Well too bad for you. I am the bully who will continuously push you down. I am the one who you want revenge against. I am the one who killed your loved ones. I am that final boss that you just can't beat. I am the one who will take that power that you seek and crush you like the weakling you are. Do you know why" He said towards the army of demons and gods flying towards him. He got ready to jump off the tall building to confront them as he flexed his muscles. *BANG* Like a bullet, he shot off with explosive speed. " IT'S BECAUSE YOU STAND IN MY PATH TO PERFECTION"