La sexy secretaria de Luke
La sexy secretaria de Luke
Advertencia: este libro contiene escenas explícitas y no es adecuado para lectores menores de edad. Allie había estado trabajando como la secretaria de Luke durante siete años. Fue ella quien le partió el corazón hace siete años, lo que lo impulsó a casarse. Ahora, tras su divorcio, Luke desea tener a Allie de vuelta, no como su pareja, sino como su esclava sexual. ¿Qué sucederá cuando Allie quede embarazada del hijo de Luke? "No significas nada para mí", expresó él con frialdad. "Los hombres solo son amables con las mujeres que les atraen, después de tener sexo con ellas. Pero no puedo ser amable contigo, porque no me atraes, eres solo mi secretaria". Las palabras de él se clavaron en su corazón como un cuchillo. Las lágrimas brotaron en sus ojos. "Si no significo nada para ti, ¿entonces por qué te acuestas conmigo?" gritó ella, mientras las lágrimas de dolor recorrían sus mejillas. "Es la única forma de vengarme", le gritó él a cambio. "Quiero vengarme porque me rompiste el corazón hace siete años".
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 04)
Esclavitud: Una serie de juegos eróticos (Libro 04)
A Julia le fascina sumergirse en la lectura de novelas eróticas con temática BDSM. Un día, su esposo la sorprende inmersa en una de estas historias y, llevados por la curiosidad, deciden experimentar con juegos sexuales que convierten a Julia en la sumisa. Estos juegos de pasión y sumisión se vuelven una práctica que ambos disfrutan en su intimidad. Sin embargo, surge la pregunta: ¿Podrán estos juegos tener alguna repercusión en su matrimonio? Descubramos juntos el inicio de esta aventura y cómo se desarrolla actualmente. Nos encontramos ante el cuarto y último volumen de la serie sobre la esclavitud, un desenlace que promete ser revelador.
Hunted By The Player
Hunted By The Player
Determined, dreamy and independent Selena travels to Barcelona to study for a month and get away from her past. Little does she know her life will never be the same after 30 days. Arrogant, wealthy football player, Hunter not only enjoys his great form in football but also enjoys all the femme fatale attention on his night time prowls.Little does he know that in a second, his life will change just by spilling a drink on a feisty motormouth girl who will test his patience. Will Hunter be hunted or will he conquer his prey? Together Selena and Hunter will have to find out how to deal with fame, gossip, jealousy, and distance to make this relationship work. How many chances will life give them to do so?
Steamy Stories
His Mate, Her Fate
His Mate, Her Fate
LILA KING is somewhat notorious in her old wolfpack - as a child she led a rebel crew of delinquents who caused havoc in the reserve and fought vampires. She was one of the best fighters in the pack, but following her best friend's death at 18 she left the pack to live with humans. For her 25th birthday, she finally returns, but only to introduce her werewolf family to a human fiance. What no one expects, though, is that at the party her family throws...she will encounter her destined mate. He is no other than DARIUS CARTER - the new alpha of the biggest wolf-pack in the region, holding a bad rep for killing the former alpha to assume his righteous position. But there is much more to him than just a pretty face and a fabulous six-pack... Can Lila fight destiny? Does she even want to? And why are those vampires starting to appear again with her return?
Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)
Slavery: A series of erotic games (Book 04)
Julia loves reading BDSM erotic books. Her husband catches her reading one of those books and then they both try out playing sex games where Julia gets to be a slave and she loves playing these love games with her husband. But will these games affect their marriage? Let's find out by reading how it all started and how it's going! This is book 04 and the final book of the slavery series.
Steamy Stories
Take Out
Take Out
This is the another nightmare of Hyeopil but this time he wasn't Sunie or Junhyuk anymore but himself. He dream himself living in the forest with his so called twin. Their living in the forest was normal but not until the nightmare began when they stepped in the monster's property. This nightmare was very similar to werewolves.
Hate To Grab You
Hate To Grab You
Sherin Sarquez, a 20-year-old student. Before she live a normal life... not until their house was tragedies by a wildfire. Her whole family died including her parents and siblings. Everything she had has been taken away from her. The money, the house, the property, and whatever stuff she had to survive life were all gone. In just a blink of an eye, everything that she has vanished away. One horrifying night, she was walking at the side of the street while tears streamed down her face. She didn't know where she should go and what she should do. Because of loss of hope she felt, suicide crossed her mind. When she saw a car approaching, she immediately ran towards the middle of the street to bang herself by the fast-speed-car. But she's wrong when she thought she would die because of the approaching car. The car's speed may be fast but the driver inside it isn't reckless. She slowly opened her eyes. She cried so hard when she realized that she was still alive. A man driving the car, named Cedrick Wagner, went outside to check for the girl. He sighed in relief when he saw the girl was still breathing. He was mad at first but it faded immediately the moment he saw the beautiful face of Sherin, he smiled inside his head. He asked about the girl's problem, and that's because she lost everything she had. So Cedrick thinks, he will give everything the girl wants, but there's one condition... She'll give pleasure to the man whenever he wants. "Undress yourself in front of me, I'll watch you." Cedrick commanded and so Sherin did.
Steamy Stories(ph)
The Virgin's Cravings
The Virgin's Cravings
“How cruel of you! You were the one who left when I was ready to fight for you. I searched the world for you, and now that I found you, you were betrothed to another man. Tell me how! How do I unlove you?” Tears fall from both our eyes and the next thing we know, we are kissing each other, deeply and passionately, as if the two years of longingness for each other has finally been released. ___ Avery Anderson called "Ava" who is still a virgin in her early thirties is a career-oriented woman. She puts up her own business through her hard work and is envied by a lot of women because of her seven-year-long relationship with Seigfried Cohen, a hot bachelor in an accounting firm. Their relationship starts to fall apart as they get into a heated argument because of Ava's unfathomable sexual drive. Determined to lose her virginity, she travels to Austria to unwind and get laid by whoever finds her attractive. There, she encounters a guy named Dmitri, a gorgeous sexy billionaire: an encounter that shouldn't have happened in the first place. She will then, know a world, that she never expects to get addicted to.
Cold Water
Cold Water
Nicki Palmer would describe herself in three words: adventurous, ambitious, and fun. She's not your average girl; she gets into trouble at school, doesn't do what her parents ask of her, and likes to sneak out at nights. She can't wait for high school to end so she can pursue her favourite hobby: dancing. Niall Harrison is a troublemaker who happens to hate her. He would describe Nicki in three words: selfish, spoiled, and annoying. The two of them have never been able to stand each other, ever since Rey moved to a public school 3 years ago. All they have to do is get through their last year of school without killing each other before they will finally get their freedom. But that could be a little tough, since they're stubborn, tough, and strong-willed. Their differences may collide, but at the same time, they sort of complete each other. Too bad hate is much more powerful than love. Or is it?
Steamy Stories
Teenage Dirtbag
Teenage Dirtbag
Renee Delilah Parker has always been an average girl. She had average grades, she was funny and a basic tomboy. Her mother sends her to spend the Summer in Mullingar, with her paranoid grandmother, her grumpy grandfather and her slutty cousin. She doesn't want to do anything but stay inside all day on Tumblr. It all changes for her when she meets Nate. Nate’s tattoos, his attitude and his flirty ways annoy her, but she can't help the attraction he feels towards him. They're complete opposites: he's the punk bad boy, while she's the goody two-shoes. Soon, he shows her what his life is all about: skating, smoking, drinking, partying, drugs and sex. The normal life of a teenage dirtbag. Without either of them noticing, the start to fall in love. But what will happen when she'll have to leave Mullingar, to go back to London? Is it just a fling for them, just a normal summer love? Find out in Teenage Dirtbag.
La mujer menos esperada (Bilogia : Amores Imprevistos #1)
La mujer menos esperada (Bilogia : Amores Imprevistos #1)
Tiempo después de haber sido abandonado por su pareja, Jonathan intenta seguir adelante a pesar de todo. Un hombre que dedica la mayor parte del tiempo a su trabajo y con una hija de un terrible carácter, creía que todo se le estaba yendo por la borda. Pero sin esperar nada, aparece en su vida Cecilia, la hermana de su ex mujer. Una joven sensible y bondadosa, quién terminará bajo el mismo techo de Jonathan escapando de su ex novio. La cercanía entre ambos generará mas confianza de la que pretendían, por lo que Cecilia intentará derribar el escudo mas fuerte, su sobrina. Pero aquello sólo logrará despertar sentimientos que pondrán a prueba sus deseos y temores por el lazo que realmente los une.