The Offside Of Love
The Offside Of Love
Sometimes we find the best thing inside the worst person " Savannah Yardley, the college beauty of Sunblock College didn't expect that her so called perfect boyfriend, Finn Hansley, the number one basketball player of Sunblock's basketball team would be the reason of her most devastating birthday celebration on her 19th Birthday. Finding her boyfriend with her own best friend on the bed was the birthday present that she had on that night. Heartbroken at that sight, Savannah accidentally came across the path of her sworn enemy, Ares Thatcher, the current caption of basketball team from their rival college. Ares wasn't the absolute man to share her sorrows but Revenge is dish best served cold. In her spark of revenge that engrossed her soul like wildfire, she made a deal with the cold, playboy, Ares Thatcher ---- Reveal Finn's weakness to Ares, get revenge on Finn & being done with Ares at the end. But she didn't know that dealing with a bad boy was like playing with fire__ either you burn or you get burn. Was it worth to cheer for her enemy in order to seek her revenge or something was more behind this?
Steamy Stories
Nine-year-old Karie Wright watched her mother live in fear of the unknown, and growing up with those thoughts almost paralyzed her relationship with her parent. As she grew, she struggled to leave the ugly memory of her childhood behind, and the moment, she fell in love with her childhood friend John Mandela, everything changed. Her love for John Mandela soon metamorphosed into something more romantic. The more she struggled to put him out of her mind, the more she realized, she was already a prisoner of sweet love. Now, she knew the era of love had arrived— That cold night, she watched him fight for her love in the boxing ring with his last breath in shock, she knew his love for her was not only romantic but was true, and she vowed to love him till the end of time.
Girlfriend? For Hire! (BxB—R)
Girlfriend? For Hire! (BxB—R)
[BxB. Warning: Mature Content] Aiden and Wyatt have been best friends since they were kids. Wyatt's grandfather wished to see his girlfriend before he die, but the problem is Wyatt doesn't have one. And so, he thought of hiring a fake girlfriend. Since Wyatt is popular, a lot of girls applied to be his girlfriend but he didn't like any of them at all. And that's when the craziness hit Wyatt, he asked for his best friend- Aiden to pretend to be his girlfriend in exchange for paying his father's hospital bill.
The Accidental Bride
The Accidental Bride
She goes to attend a wedding, but ends up being the bride...... Priya, a sweet beautiful girl, has a huge crush on Rahul inspite of the fact that he always ignores her. She still has eyes only for him. Her heart gets shattered into thousand pieces when she gets to know that Rahul is getting married to his girlfriend. But she still goes to attend his wedding. What happens next???