La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
La Guardían, El inicio del camino.
Ella, es una niña hermosa, con cara de Ángel y dulces ojos, muy inteligente y audaz, que a pesar de su fragilidad no tiene miedo a enfrentar nada y prefiere guardar silencio a que la vean débil. Él, es un hombre adulto, de carácter duro e inflexible, casi amargado, dedicado al servicio a su país, y al cuerpo de Marines. Ella, ha crecido para ser una jovencita hermosa, pero solitaria por ser considerada rara, por su extrema inteligencia, que soporta en silencio los insultos y las burlas de sus compañeros a pesar de haber aprendido a defenderse; y ahora más que nunca necesita su ayuda y protección. Él, ha cambiado desde que la conoció, ahora sonríe más y es más relajado, siempre pendiente de cualquier problema que tenga, listo para ayudarla y protegerla. El tiempo sigue su curso, ella crece ante su mirada atenta, más hermosa cada vez y mucho más audaz que nunca, un beso, una mirada, y una amenaza que provoca el descubrimiento de un mutuo sentimiento que ninguno de los dos se atrevía a aceptar. Es necesaria una amenaza contra su vida para que muchos secretos comiencen a descubrirse, pero más que nada para que ambos acepten sus sentimientos. Y no puede seguir negando que lo que siente desde hace casi diez años, es más grande de lo que el mismo creía, el ama con locura y desde el fondo de su corazón. Un incidente al otro lado del mundo, una misión de rescate fallida, una acción salvaje, audaz y solitaria, que logra trae de regreso a más de uno, pero solo cuatro le importan a ella, tres de ellos son su sangre, él cuarto es el dueño de su corazón. Verla nuevamente en peligro por su osada acción, cuando se creía condenado a muerte, lo perturba y lo aterra, pero aun así se siente feliz de tenerla entre sus brazos, pues ella es suya y él es de ella hasta la muerte ¿Podrán por fin ser felices juntos sin perder de vista lo que ambos son? ¿Podrán amarse por fin, a pesar de que todos critican la diferencia de edades entre ellos? Esta es la aventura de una niña muy inteligente y audaz que se enamoró de un hombre veintitrés años mayor que ella; mismo que vio en ella a la mujer que llegaría a ser con los años; y de un hombre cuya vida dedicada al servicio a su país, a quien los golpes de la vida estaban volviendo duro, frio y amargado, que tras conocerla supo que su vida cambiaría por completo y solo para mejorar.
Reawakened By His Love
Reawakened By His Love
After catching her fiance cheating on her on the day of her wedding with her brother, an innocent girl who cherishes love loses faith in it; she flees away from the wedding but gets involved in an accident that leaves her barren and paralyzed in the lower body temporarily. She accepts help from a billionaire who happens to be the one that was driving the car that hit her and begins to rebuild her life and her broken heart in a foreign country, far away from her ex. She later marries the CEO and takes revenge on her ex.
Wolf or Love
Wolf or Love
Danica Hart, the strongest female alpha has to mate but she is not going for the male who has been known to be her true mate since they were young.       Is she going to mate with an Alpha whose wolf has the tendency to turn wild?       Or Mate with another Alpha who doesn't want her for just a mate but a high sex slave?  
Di akhir abad ke-18 ada seorang pemuda yang memiliki wajah androgini. Pemuda itu adalah seorang mantan gemblak (anak laki-laki yang dijadikan pemuas seksual seorang warok) di Ponorogo. Dia melarikan diri dari waroknya selama tujuh tahun dengan hidup berpindah-pindah. Akan tetapi trauma dan bayangan tentang sosok sang warok tidak juga memunah dari pikirannya. Pemuda itu merasa telah diselubungi sebuah mantra yang membuatnya selalu ingin kembali dan takhluk pada sang warok. Apa yang terjadi pada pemuda itu dan bagaimana perjuangannya untuk bisa lepas dari selubung mantra itu?
Wolf’s Bane
Wolf’s Bane
Eron Camden just wanted to be free of his past... He was hellbent to escape it all: Being the oddity of the pack, dealing with a demanding Alpha father, living in the shadow of his overachiever brother and working for a corrupt, sex-starved boss who wanted to keep him in his private army/ Finally finding a way to fake his own death and erase his former assassin/mobster identity, he moved into the most remote mountain village he can find and lived the life of a hunter/logger/handyman while staying off the grid. While doing so, he found himself being accepted by the village people, loved by the local children and even trusted by the community elders. And upon meeting the widow Diwana, he knew he never wanted to leave that village again. But, unfortunately for him, his past is fast catching up to him. Worse, he is totally unaware of it. Would they still accept him if they knew who he really was? Will he still dare stay and endanger everyone he now loves?
The infinite growlers
The infinite growlers
The war between the werewolves and vampires had been raging on for centuries. They were natural enemies, their instincts programmed to destroy one another. But amidst the conflict, a werewolf named Thrain and a vampire named Lila found themselves drawn to each other. Their first meeting was on the battlefield, but instead of fighting, they found themselves staring into each other’s eyes. There was something about the way they looked at each other that defied everything they had been taught about their kinds They couldn’t explain it, but they felt an unexplainable connection. Over time, they continued to cross paths, seeing each other secretly and forming an unlikely but passionate bond. They knew that if they were ever discovered, the consequences would be dire for both of them. Despite their best efforts, their hidden relationship was discovered by the other members of both factions. The werewolves were enraged at Thrain’s betrayal, and the vampires were disgusted by Lila’s choice to ally herself with their natural enemies. As punishment for their love, Lila was exiled by the vampires, and Thrain was forced to leave his pack. They continued to meet each other in secret, in the desolate forests where they first caught each other’s eye. On one fateful day, the war intensified, and in the chaos of the battlefield, Lila and Thrain were separated. Thrain was mortally wounded by a group of vampires, and Lila used her vampire powers to heal him. In that moment, they both realized that true love knows no boundaries. Together, they proposed a truce between the werewolves and vampires, suggesting that there could be a peaceful coexistence between the two factions. The idea was laughed at by most, but their love eventually led to a detente between the wolves and vampires.
Bajo las sábanas del enemigo.
Bajo las sábanas del enemigo.
Maxine Prior siempre supo lo que quería para su vida, iría a la universidad, conseguiría un empleo y probablemente se casaría con su novio de toda la vida, Nick Scott, sin embargo, todos sus planes cambiarán cuando por cosas del destino, sea obligada a vivir en el mismo departamento con el hermano de su novio, Trevor Scott, un chico problemático, mujeriego, que solo le interesa divertirse. El problema es que Trevor tiene el ojo puesto en Maxine, y ella no sabe si será capaz de resistirse a sus encantos.
Quande was not only a hardened criminal but a lover of his family. When times became difficult, he knew he had to be more difficult on the times to survive— To survive, nine-year-old Minlax was required on the altar of Calwalls... And as soon as he took the invisible oath he turned into a life of a Monster he never envisioned— Gilly, his beautiful wife soon noticed that Quande had changed and that the love that once held the family together was fast disappearing— Who made him a Monster? When did his greed for money and sex become insatiable? The more Gilly’s thoughts tumbled in the inside of her head, the more Quande became a shadow of himself and soon, the seven witches of Izaza have to be summoned on a rescue mission to keep Quande alive— Quande must die? Or— Will God save him? Was karma bringing its victim home to roast? Something sinister awaits the Quandes, something so hideous; it seems not earthly but spawned in hell...
The Scars
The Scars
Ilana’s life sucked her. Living in poverty, she strove to both fight against hunger and pursue her dreams. The nightmare always chased her. Ilana’s father, the one she thought of being able to protect her, ruined her life instead. Moreover, Suffering from bullying at school turned her world into hell. A friend was the term that never emerged on Ilana’s mind until she met Reno, the nerd yet the smartest boy at school, and Vera, an energetic student with her secrets no one knows. They were bond in a friendship. Their scars were the thing that united them. Could Ilana go through the obstacles that lie ahead and achieve her dream? Could their friendship last forever when Ilana discovered the secrets Reno and Vera hold?
The Dreaded Proposal
The Dreaded Proposal
In just one night, all of Alyssa Algernon dreams shattered when she is suddenly caught in bed with Quinn Winters of the Winters family, the most powerful and formidable family in the whole of Country N. Due to the wide spread of the news, she is forced to marry Quinn Winters regardless of the fact that he has a girlfriend who is madly in love with. Few months after their marriage, Alyssa finds herself slowly falling in love with her contract husband,Quinn Winters and is determined to keep her feelings to herself and only watch as Quinn and Tina display the love they have for each other publicly. Can Alyssa Algernon really keep her feelings to herself in spite of the jealousy she feels whenever she sees Quinn and Tina together?
Best Friend Obsession
Best Friend Obsession
[Warning: Matured Content ] EESHA DENISE COLLY is a simple girl who has lived a good life until she meets MIKE KRISTOFF MURGOCI, the man who claims her as his own. When he first saw Denise. He had already claimed her as his property. Denise is no longer an independent woman who lived her own life and made her own decision. She was ruled by him. He used her to his advantage. He had her under his control and was enamored with her. He was ruining the brave woman Denise once was because he wants Denise to be completely dependent on him. Mike changes Denise in many ways, and because of that, She doesn't even remember the old Denise was. She was gone since he meet him. She felt as if she were withering away like a flower that has died. She's on the verge of falling away. That's why the beauty wishes to escape from the beast.
Impersonating her
Impersonating her
😘😘😘IMPERSONATING HER Coming to New York Plan: 1. Go out with friends 2. Spend time with sis But Rebecca Estella Robins caught up with something she hadn't planned : Impersonating her look alike "Rebecca Hayley McCartney" And shit, this babe doesn't care a bit about the look alike. But Estella isn't as tough as she looks.. Felix John McCarter, a cousin to the strange lookalike knows the right pin to pull In this headstrong Estella.
Have sex with me
Have sex with me
Have sex with me is a story of a rich man named Paige who would later fall in love with a poor girl. Sounds little cliche? No, actually this story is different, it is educative, romantic and full of suspense. A rollercoaster of fun with a suspense to leave by our ready for each new chapter !!!
The Familiar Strangers
The Familiar Strangers
Running through the woods with logs laid everywhere and because it was getting darker by the minute, made it so hard for Laura to seek refuge. The only source of light was the full moon and even the moon didn't give clearer light because of the trees. Laura could feel she was running out of breath, but she was too scared to stop. She continues to run only for her to see a vampire coming from the front towards her direction. She turned to the right, another was coming, she turned to the left another was coming towards her, when she looked back, she saw the angry vampire she kicked in the groin coming towards her. She had no idea what to do. She knew there was no way she would escape, it's not like she could kick all of them in the groin as she did to the first. Maybe this is the end of her life, there are no two ways about it. She thought to herself as the vampires came close to her, ready to devour her when the light emanated from the moon shone on her necklace, attracting the attention of the vampires. "She is wearing the silver moon necklace, everyone run". the vampire that was hit in the groin said but before they could take off, the light from the necklace allowed the necklace to glow so much that it got the vampires and they burnt and disappeared. The moment they evaporated into thin air and her necklace were back to normal, Laura continued running not believing what just happened. As she was running, suddenly she felt a hand drag her pushing her against the tree. Laura tried to protest but the person covered her mouth. "Shh!" He whispered into her ears. "If you don't want to become their dinner, I will Advise you to stay put." the voice whispered into her ear. Laura had no choice but to succumb to his protection. Laura Hall has always lived a normal life with her family as a Florist but things changed when she had a dream or a nightmare that changed her life forever especially when that dream became a reality.