So poor but well read! Desperate for a good job but unfortunate when he found one because an unrepentant rich spoilt girl ruined his chance! Spoiling for vengeance with a boiling hatred but got sent to prison without trial where he almost died! Vengeance was his mission when he got out of prison, but when he fought it was against hands that were too strong for him! He ran and they pursued him with rage to kill him, but at the point where he was caught there was a woman long forgotten and she holds the key to his safety because she was a raped victim of those pursuing her son. Read this pulsating book about the rough road back home for an unknown heir of Africa most wealthy billionaire - You will not be able to put it down till you finish it!
Young Adult
Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby
Deadly Waltz of the Lupine Lullaby
Unlike centuries ago...when both species remained in secluded isolation with their own kind, keeping their distance from the human race; while, frequently clashing with each other in bloody skirmishes over territorial 'hunting's werewolves and vampires have found it necessary, and mutually agreed, to civilly co-exist with one another; while clandestinely living intermingled among the humans. But, when an increasing number of brutally savage murders start occurring...seemingly committed by a rampant, rogue werewolf... a growing tension arises; and animosity quickly begins to form between several of the werewolf packs and vampire clans in the area. Why? Because, the gruesome murders are drawing a lot of public attention and police activity...which is now not only making it difficult for the vampires to feed; but, may also expose the existence of the werewolf community to the humans.
Sometime Roughly Between 28 Days to Weeks Later...As Dawn vs. The Ambling Dead
Sometime Roughly Between 28 Days to Weeks Later...As Dawn vs. The Ambling Dead
The good news ... the CDC just announced that we may have possibly seen the last variant of Covid-19 variant. The pandemic is finally ending. The bad news ... the CDC also just announced the discovery of a new virus that's turning those people and animals who are by it into ravenous, flesh-eating zombie-like mutations. The 'Zombie Apocalypse' is about to begin. The question now is ... what will Dawn and the rest of her ragtag, senior class high school friends do now that the world's being overrun by these carnivorous mutants? ... Not that any of them had any significantly noteworthy or grand plans after graduation anyway. Who knows ... perhaps being surrounded by all this death will bring some purpose to their lives.
Calypso's Child
Calypso's Child
Seven years of marriage, several years of living together ... Calypso would have given everything to have a son; alas! All attempts had been unsuccessful. One evening in a hotel, misfortune pushes her into the arms of a stranger, who disappears almost immediately. a rather banal meeting which will be a source of joy and at the same time the beginning of his ills.
Burning Passions
Burning Passions
Archie and Johnny's friendship did not start off auspiciously. Both got involved in prostitution, but not of their own volition. Percy and Miguel's friendship didn't begin auspiciously either. Both got into bad company, but not by choice. In one night, the lives of all four of them change. Archie gets a driver next to him. Percy applies for a job. Johnny is just heading out for a regular night out. And Miguel wants to relax after the week. The fate of all four of them is intertwined on this unexpected evening.
Never Love Me
Never Love Me
Claiming to love me yet pushing me at the same time. I was forced to marry him, I begged him countless times but he still forced me. Then why did he push me away after our marriage. Comforting me when I'm sad, pushing me away when I show care for him. What does he want? If he had never planned to get close to me then why did he marry me? Why? Will I ever know?