A Tragic Obsession

A Tragic Obsession

Author: Onwuegbuchi Mercy
He was a handsome and charismatic young man who was aware of his goodlooks and its effect on women. He took advantage of it until he met and fell in love with Gift. 
Gift had loved Felix in secret for so long that it was a dream come true when he asked her to be his girl.
She has an obsession though that would manifest once she starts having sexual relations.
This obsession led to their breakup and Felix, nursing a broken heart, relocated to another state where he met and against his better judgement, fell in love with Mercy.
Mercy is a beautiful down to earth young girl from a wealthy family.
Their relationship is full of obstacles ranging from parental disapproval to rivalry for Felix' love even between Mercy and her sister Mary.
When Gift heard of this new love, she was determined to get Felix back into her life and felt it would be easy given how deeply he had loved her but it was not and she was determined to remove the competition even if it involves murder....
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Table of Contents

C1 Meet the Main CharactersC2 Chapter OneC3 Chapter TwoC4 Chapter ThreeC5 Chapter FourC6 Chapter FiveC7 Chapter SixC8 Chapter SevenC9 Chapter EightC10 Chapter NineC11 Chapter TenC12 Chapter ElevenC13 Chapter TwelveC14 Chapter ThirteenC15 Chapter FourteenC16 Chapter FifteenC17 Chapter SixteenC18 Chapter SeventeenC19 Chapter EighteenC20 Chapter NineteenC21 Chapter TwentyC22 Chapter Twenty OneC23 Chapter Twenty TwoC24 Chapter Twenty ThreeC25 Chapter Twenty FourC26 Chapter Twenty FiveC27 Chapter Twenty SixC28 Chapter Twenty SevenC29 Chapter Twenty EightC30 Chapter Twenty NineC31 Chapter ThirtyC32 Chapter Thirty OneC33 Chapter Thirty TwoC34 Chapter Thirty ThreeC35 Chapter Thirty FourC36 Chapter Thirty FiveC37 Chapter Thirty SixC38 Chapter Thirty SevenC39 Chapter Thirty EightC40 Chapter Thirty NineC41 Chapter FortyC42 Chapter Forty OneC43 Chapter Forty TwoC44 Chapter Forty ThreeC45 Chapter Forty FourC46 Chapter Forty FiveC47 Chapter Forty SixC48 Chapter Forty SevenC49 Chapter Forty EightC50 Chapter Forty NineC51 Chapter FiftyC52 Chapter Fifty OneC53 Chapter Fifty TwoC54 Chapter Fifty ThreeC55 Chapter Fifty FourC56 Chapter Fifty FiveC57 Chapter Fifty SixC58 Chapter Fifty SevenC59 Chapter Fifty EightC60 Chapter Fifty NineC61 Chapter SixtyC62 Chapter Sixty OneC63 Chapter Sixty TwoC64 Chapter Sixty ThreeC65 Chapter Sixty FourC66 Chapter Sixty FiveC67 Chapter Sixty SixC68 Chapter Sixty SevenC69 Chapter Sixty EightC70 Chapter Sixty NineC71 Chapter SeventyC72 Chapter Seventy OneC73 Chapter Seventy TwoC74 Chapter Seventy ThreeC75 Chapter Seventy FourC76 Chapter Seventy FiveC77 Chapter Seventy SixC78 Chapter Seventy SexenC79 Chapter Seventy EightC80 Chapter Seventy NineC81 Chapter EightyC82 Chapter Eighty OneC83 Chapter Eighty TwoC84 Chapter Eighty ThreeC85 Chapter Eighty FourC86 Chapter Eighty FiveC87 Chapter Eighty SixC88 Chapter Eighty SevenC89 Chapter Eighty EightC90 Chapter Eighty NineC91 Chapter NinetyC92 Chapter Ninety OneC93 Chapter Ninety TwoC94 Chapter Ninety ThreeC95 Chapter Ninety FourC96 Chapter Ninety FiveC97 Chapter Ninety SixC98 Chapter Ninety SevenC99 Chapter Ninety EightC100 Chapter Ninety NineC101 Chapter One HundredC102 One Hundred and OneC103 One Hundred and TwoC104 One Hundred and ThreeC105 One Hundred and FourC106 One Hundred and FiveC107 One Hundred and SixC108 One Hundred and SevenC109 One Hundred and EightC110 One Hundred and NineC111 One Hundred and TenC112 One Hundred and ElevenC113 One Hundred and TwelveC114 One Hundred and ThirteenC115 One Hundred and Fourteen C116 One Hundred and Fifteen C117 One Hundred and Sixteen