Blackened Boss, Let Me Go

Blackened Boss, Let Me Go

This article tanbi, do not like spray. The author of the original, if there is similar, are copied from me.
His style, when red and fresh, did not like to compete with the unwritten rules. He was always gentle and polite to anyone.
After a meal, he accidentally died. His style had been bound by something strange, and he was still constantly threatening him!
System: Host, the male lead and the female lead have an ambiguous relationship. Quickly go and stop them!
Style: Good, good, good! ( If you are ugly, you have the final say)
The style of the avatar was a good at breaking CPs. It had successfully broken a pair after another.
However, the System had started to become a demon again.
System: Host, hurry up and attack that blackened boss!
He flipped the table! F * ck, I'm straight!
[This article's one on one, masochistic sweet pets are all available.]
This article is original, never copy, forbid reprint.
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