You’ll know her when you see her.” Lark realizes what his father meant the night he meets Erin. The most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life. It is love at first sight but Erin’s father has other plans for his daughter. He will not allow her to marry a commoner such as Lark and he warns Lark to stay away. When Erin’s father discovers that Erin and Lark have ignored him, he resorted to harsher measures and Lark finds himself cursed for all eternity. The only way the curse could be broken is with a kiss from Erin but the curse itself makes it a near impossibility for Lark to get close to Erin in this life or the next let alone get her to kiss him. He eventually gives up and resigns himself to a life without Erin. The universe will not be thwarted though and no-one gets to turn their back on a curse. Lifetime’s later, Lark again meets Erin, reincarnated. Or does he. The person he believes is Erin knows his secret and fools him into accepting them as Erin for a reason Lark could never have imagined. Will he discover the truth and he will find the real Erin reincarnated? Will they be together at last and will they survive the challenges thrown at them again even if they can finally beat the curse and be together?