Find A Gangster As Daddy

Find A Gangster As Daddy

"Marry me, be the aunt of the former fiancé, who will torture you, torture you back!"
From now on...
"Reporting to the CEO, Madam wants to buy the company of her opponent!"
Jun Siming: "Give her the card and spend it however you want!"
"Reporting to the CEO, there's a man who sent flowers to Madam."
Jun Siming: "Prepare a wreath for him."
The cute babies were all very happy. "Dad, we owe our younger brothers and sisters a year ago. Can you give birth to Mommy?"
Early in the morning, CEO Jun kneeled straight down on the washboard: "Wife, don't be angry. It's not good for the fetus to be angry."
Five years ago, she was persecuted by her best friend and fiancé.
Five years later, she came back with two children. She didn't show any mercy when she humiliated them, and her peach blossoms bloomed.
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Modern Romance
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