His Secret Lover

His Secret Lover

Not only did he have the face to bring calamity to the people, he also had the ability to show off his skills. He was a heaven-defying newcomer in the shopping mall, yet he doted on him so much that it seeped into his bones.
She was just a simple and cute little sheep. Even though she didn't know what was going on, she was still scolded by the woman who came to her door from time to time. "Why are you by his side?"
He was the one who insisted on tying her to his side, wuwu! ~
The man glanced at her with his unfathomable eyes and asked faintly, "What? Am I not worthy of you?"
"Definitely, definitely worthy!"
There were countless beauties around them, and even some handsome celebrities offering to give him warmth. This sort of arrangement wasn't simple at all …
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Modern Romance
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