His Sparkling Sunshine

His Sparkling Sunshine

Author: Early Bird
“Look me in the eye and tell me, that night meant nothing and I meant nothing to you.” 
Sebastian caressed her cheeks lovingly, ignoring her tears. Zara closed her eyes trying to hide her feelings and spoke harshly.
“Perhaps you should try to find someone else to satisfy your lust.” 
She pushed him hard as he is pressing into her more but to no avail. 
“What’s your problem? Why are you being stubborn? Why are you denying your feelings for me?” asked Sebastian tightening his grip on her thigh.
“I don’t want you and I hate what you are doing to me right now. Do you understand?” 
"Hate me if you can"
He ripped her panties making her scream
Sebastian Wild thought that making Zara Jones his wife will be his happily ever after of his life. It isn't easy to make his sunshine submit to him when she is headstrong on rejecting him countless times. Little did he know that the actual story begins after claiming his sparkling sunshine. And, he will be the reason for the pain his little baby will go through.
"Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?”
Zara leaned her head on the window as she was feeling dizzy.
“I am Poison’s right hand and all you need to know is that I'm going to kill you now.”
Zara’s heart beat increased after hearing his reply and was sweating profoundly. She prayed to God to send her Bash to her as soon as possible. She never harmed anyone in her life then why is Poison after her?
“You loved someone you shouldn’t have.”
Only Zara Jones knew the battles she fought to remember the promise she made to her father in exchange for her studies. The struggles she faced to forget the fateful night with her Bash. But at last when she decided to confront her fears and pave a path for her future with Sebastian Wild, everything changed. The enemy she never knew existed wants her dead. One day, she was dreaming about her life with her Bash and the next day she lost everything, literally. Her love, her family and almost her life.
How can she survive after witnessing the love of her life marrying someone that is not her? How is it possible for her to be free from the clutches of Poison, The notorious underground Mafia Don. How did she even become his target? Moreover, has she lost her Bash forever? 
What will be the fate of Sebastian Wild and Zara Jones? Will they overcome the hurdles in their way?
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