I Have A Patron Who Keeps Hitting On Me

I Have A Patron Who Keeps Hitting On Me

Tian Xiaolu, who specialized in men's business, secretly fell in love with a financial backer. From then on... a young woman who went to school on a bicycle had a luxury car to pick her up. Those who bullied the little girl had disappeared for no reason. Those who wanted to confess to the little girl would be banned before the card was released! The financial backer's eyes narrowed. It was so obvious. It can't be that the little girl still doesn't understand what I mean, right? Later on... the Internet spread that all the big school flowers were scrambling to confess to the little girl. The leaves that were plucked by the mysterious man on the way were all gone! Businessman: Hehe... You think you're worthy of snatching a woman from me?
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