It was a bleak world out there. The weak were not spared. You don't have an option but to attack or be killed, and there's no room for contemplation. No one could establish a clear distinction between right and wrong. It was all a jumbled mess! In such a blue world, Ying Zui had no particular thoughts on life. He was muddling through it. But how long could it last? When the mysterious elder he had saved seven years ago asked his thoughts on immortality, "Immortal? It's a shackle from which no one can break free. Everyone aspires to be immortal. I used to wish to be immortal as well, but what I've seen now is there in front of my eyes!" He had excellent ideas, but who could be apathetic in the face of savagery and the slaughter of loved ones? Can Ying Zhui's thoughts remain unwavering? In the end, who is this elder? Who was Ying Zhui in the past, and why was he reborn?