Spanning a cosmos of 1300 light years, The Black Dragon Empire was a massive interstellar realm headed by Emperor Joey Baram. After inheriting his father’s legacy at a young age of forty years, Emperor Joey Baram was an emblem of power and evolution. Under his rule, the population of his empire increased immensely and as such, the need to expand his territory to accommodate the surge in numbers was dire. The Emperor issued an order to the three great noble families under his command, the Duchy of Nylung, the Duchy of Calt and the Duchy of Kermit to expand their armies. Furthermore, he offered a generous reward and the grand title of a Marquis to anyone who expanded his territory. With a fleet of huge interstellar warships, planet destroyers and interstellar fighter jets, he was not short in equipping the new recruits who were more than excited to join his army. Somewhere in the green planet, located southeast of the empire, Lu Gang was just completing his final training to join the Emperor’s army. Although impressive in every way, he had a low IQ, which labelled him a fool in the training camp. In truth, his low intelligence was not innate, a meteor happened to strike him while he was watching its passing years back. Unbeknownst to anyone, the soul of a great Nascent Soul Cultivator from earth had occupied his body during the incident. The great cultivator’s legacy and the immense knowledge he retained practically overwhelmed Lu Gang’s frame leading to his eminent condition. Torn between two worlds, Lu Gang frequently strives to maintain a state of balance and sanity between the great legacy of the Nascent Soul Cultivator and his own soul. He successfully passes the recruits test, wildly impressing his superiors. Though nicknamed a fool, his quick rise of ranks over a short period is something that could not be taken lightly. After an impressive feat of a series of grand adventures across the interstellar domain, it is only a matter of time before the Emperor takes notice of him, branding him the new title of the Interstellar Legend.