LitRPG: I Live By Picking Up Stat Points

LitRPG: I Live By Picking Up Stat Points

"'Ding... Pick up successful. Obtained Power Attribute * 10. '"
"'Ding... Pick up successful, obtained Tyrant of the World level 1.'"
"'Ding... picking up successful, obtaining Space-Time Esper. '"
After passing through the Apocalypse, Long Chen found out that he could pick up the attributes dropped by others to strengthen himself. How could this be?
Strength could be picked up, speed could be picked up, defense could be picked up, Esper abilities and martial skills could be picked up as well. Even girls... Cough cough, girls had to be picked up by themselves.
In any case, cultivation is impossible, it is impossible to cultivate in this lifetime, only by relying on picking up attributes can one maintain life...
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