LitRPG: Specializing In Incurable Diseases

LitRPG: Specializing In Incurable Diseases

"Beep. Detecting host is about to become an official doctor. Sign for system activation."
After completing nine years of medical studies from one of the top universities in the world, he thought he had gained quite a bit of experience, i.e. until he gains the System.
[Professional Sills: None]
After completing the System quests, Ding Ge quickly advances learning why he was evaluated as such by the system, and what the real Professional Skills are.
"Heart transplant? I'll go!"
"Stomach cancer? I'll go!"
They beg to learn from him, calling him teacher, calling him a Master.
They beg him for a cure, calling him a doctor, calling him a God.
After learning thousands of Skills from the system, he solves all kinds of illnesses and diseases, whether they be complicated, difficult, grueling.
When even the most mysterious and incurable illness can be cured by him so what else could he not get or do?
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