Seducing the Alpha King

Seducing the Alpha King

Author: Bosy Elselhdar
War between werewolves and vampires was on the verge of beginning, and the new Alpha king was even more ruthless than his father, who had died just a few months before. It was only by giving his elder princess to the alpha king Marcus that the war could be ended peacefully, and this was the only solution the vampire king could come up with to bring the war to a close.
However, fate played a role because Ava, the younger vampire princess, had a strong attraction to the alpha king Marcus and decided to accept the challenge of becoming his mate to prove herself.
The Alpha king Marcus, on the other hand, had one condition for accepting Ava, the 18-year-old vampire princess, as his mate: "she must seduce him." Ava, the 18-year-old vampire princess, did just that.
Would a virgin, inexperienced girl have a chance at success and winning the heart of the Alpha king?
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