Sweet Love and The Crimes

Sweet Love and The Crimes

Author: Emmanuel Abraham
Duke Rexon, son of a billionaire, was one of the most popular Kids in the Lisbon estate until the shocking death of one of his teachers in Moleaf High College—Edison Tandana.
Soon police investigation began...
This tragedy followed several others until the unwelcomed appearance of Duke’s grandmother, Pamela Xobed. The evil genius who turned Duke into a brainless child, and got him prepared for the unbelievable.
As Duke’s education suffers, he soon became the instrument of terrible undying vengeance.
His sixth target for his vegetable experiment was the family of Bruno Strullid—the same family he got a crush on a thirteen-year-old girl, Sandra Strullid.
“...kill them all.” The mystery voice came again. And Duke Rexon knew he must not stop until everybody dies...
Everybody in Lisbon must feel the wrath of his pistol...
Is the purple Old Witch behind his vengeance? Or—
Duke's crush on Sandra Strullid gradually metamorphoses into a life of love and passion that spiraled far beyond the realm of humans.
Duke is in a coma and he is dying!
Sandra Strullid is determined to bring the love of her life back but has to visit the realm of the immortals amid other obstacles—
Did she die or survive to rescue the love of her life?
It is worth finding out how it all went wild!
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