The Alpha's Seer Mate

The Alpha's Seer Mate

Author: Joyce Oloh
Lilith Adams loved to pretend that her powers didn’t exist especially since they were always inaccurate and only seemed to ever cause more harm than good. The only time she had even believed her visions - which showed her brief flashes of people misfortunes even with the slightest physical contact – someone she loved had passed away.
Mikhail Smith, an alpha for a powerful werewolf pack was at loss when he began to see a strange girl in visions right after a strange phenomenon weakened the pack which left the strongest pack members helpless after their abilities began to 'halt'.
What would connect there’s two strangers who are desperately seeking answers to their own problems? Would sparks fly as they go through challenges together? And would the perpetrator be closer to Mikhail than he could have ever imagined?
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