The moon is our witness

The moon is our witness

Author: Ayathehot
Ivana Evans is in love with her bestfriend's childhood friend Evren Wilson that is a popular guy in their school. But what if everything change because of Faded Memories.
No matter what happen memories will never fade, memories will never be replaced.
That's what I always believe.
Part of our memories are how we feel about each other, the times we are together and the two of us are happy. All of that is a part of our core memories.
No matter what happen memories will never fade.
But what if destiny suddenly takes it?
Memories will never be replaced.
But what if our memories of the person I love dearly were replaced by the memories of the person he was with when he forgot who I was in his life.
No matter what happen memories will never fade, memories will never be replaced.
That's what I believe.
But what if he really forgot?
What if he doesn't know me anymore?
What if he remembered something else?
What if he no longer knows who I am in his life?
And what if the happy memories of the two of us were completely replaced?
Could I still believe it?
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