The Retribution

The Retribution

Author: Alegría
After the death of Alpha Rey Reed Smith, he opened his eyes, only to find himself in another realm; the realm of the ancient gods.
Rey Reed Smith opened his eyes and found himself on the salt sea shore with no memories of his past life, where he came from, or where he was going.
However, he was lucky to be adopted by two brothers, Garry and Gaius.
As Rey started seeking a way to recover his lost memories, he was caught in the affairs of the middle land. He discovered that everyone in the middle land was suffering from the curse of their first Alpha. Slowly, the curse started generating, affecting the two brothers that helped Rey on the beach, leaving Rey no choice but to help his friends.
When Rey was deeply engrossed trying to break the curse, he discovered that it might be the key for him to return to his realm.
But with the multiple trouble from Sebastian, the dark Alpha of the middle land, and Dylan, a distant cousin of Xavier Knoll who is back to avenge his brother’s death and unleash the wrath of Xavier on the people, Rey might find himself biting more than he can chew.
Now, grab your popcorn and sit tight as I take you into the realm of the night-walking creatures.
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