Things Change & Things Remain the Same

Things Change & Things Remain the Same

Author: Tianna Berry
Shanna James  is a country girl with big dreams. After graduating from high school, she heads north to attend college. This was where her life took a turn. She met the charming and well sought after Dr. Sean Matherson and engaged in a whirlwind romance. Shanna soon learns that all that glitters isn't gold. She learnt a dark side of Sean which she couldn't live with. Shanna begun to fail her classes and soon dropped out of college. But things were still about to get worse. Soon after, she learnt she was pregnant but by then, she had cut off all contact with Sean. Left with nowhere to go, Shanna moved into a women's shelter and slowly turned her life around, however Sean remained in the shadows and watched her from a distance, it wasn't long before he decided that he wanted he back in his life...
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