Twisted Love

Twisted Love

Author: Reema
Every single girl, no matter what, wants the perfect man as her husband or boyfriend. No matter how feisty, rude, or callous that woman is, she would never want a bad and uncaring man. 
And that is exactly what Amelia Pritchett got. A rich, handsome, sexy, and caring man; William Gold.
She was feisty with him at first; "You ass****! How dare you kidnap me?!" And then she bore only hatred for him, right after she had started loving him; "You lied to me! After all these months? How could you?", her voice breaking and her eyes misty as she stared intently at him. 
He was dumbfounded...
* * *
Well, it turned out she had not fallen in love with the perfect man after all but is there really a perfect man?...
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