Wanted: Cute Twins & Wife

Wanted: Cute Twins & Wife

At the engagement ceremony, she suffered from the collusion of her sister and her fiancé, lost her virginity, and ruined her reputation. 
Four years later, she returned with two munchkins who protect and dote on their mother. 
"Mommy, we found a daddy who looks exactly like us! " 
"Mommy, he is very powerful, so you won't be bullied by your vicious mother-in-law in the future!" 
The CEO was not to be outdone: "My lady has her eye on that island? Buy it for her! She doesn't like it anymore? Blow it up! What? Who dares to bully my lady?! I'll make him regret being human!" 
She looked at two munchkins, "Hold on a minute, have you guys got my permission for getting me a husband?"
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Modern Romance
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