Your Love Is Only A Scheme

Your Love Is Only A Scheme

Song's biggest willfulness was marrying a stranger to the Song family, and she was always free and unconstrained. She had grown up barbarically, but she was shackled by a man. He was hypocritical and gentle... Song You had to protect her from disgust and resistance to lose her heart. Finally, she realized that it was all a scheme.
She sneered, and blood flowed out of the corner of her mouth. "Ling Feng, this is the end of my love for you."
He had been searching for her and falling into chaos. It turned out that he had long lost his heart in the act of cooperating with her. To the ends of the earth, just to find her, I beg you, return to my side.
After leaving the man, Song Youyou, whose life had become extremely comfortable, started munching on melon seeds. "Bah, dog man, you don't deserve it."
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