La segunda opción del CEO
La segunda opción del CEO
Los sueños de Elena Wiltshire se estaban haciendo realidad; ¡Acaba de ser aceptada en la escuela de sus sueños sin la influencia del poderoso nombre de Wiltshire! Pero cuando el compromiso de su hermana gemela con Sebastian Dumont, el director ejecutivo más rico del Reino Unido, fracasa debido a sus comportamientos vergonzosos, las matriarcas de la familia obligan a Elena a ocupar su lugar para evitar un escándalo de clase alta. ¿Sobrevivirá Elena estando casada con el frío y egoísta director ejecutivo, especialmente cuando él esconde su propio secreto?
The Proposal is a bitter-sweet love story of Fiona Lawson and Alexander Harrington. Things were all good with the Lawsons until Mr. Lawson, Fiona's father passed and left them with almost nothing. Not until her Mr. Lawson died did Fiona find out about the debt her father had taken for the company and used the house as part of the collateral leaving her and her younger brother, Thomas, homeless. Fortunately or unfortunately, Fiona is reminded of her father's friend, Victor Harrington and decides to approach him for help with their not so good situation. Victor Harrington was happy to help if only she would marry his son, Alexander Harrington. At the time, Alexander Harrington was already engaged to be married to Eleanor William. It was not hard to convince him to leave Eleanor for Fiona as he was a lover of very beautiful women. Eleanor, upon hearing of this plan decides it is best that she kills herself and committed suicide. She would rather die than see Alexander with someone else. Fiona Lawson is determined to get the company back until she finds out that her father was killed and that Mr. Victor Harrington might inf act have a hand in her father's death. She is determined to avenger her father's death and her mother's reappearance only fuels her to do so. Later on, we will find out that Eleanor's suicide was staged and she is very much alive. She collaborates with Fiona to bring the Harrington's to the book. But what happens when feelings begin to stir up between Fiona and Alexander? Never say never when it comes to matters of the heart.