La Guardián, la aventura comienza
La Guardián, la aventura comienza
Esta es la segunda entrega de la Saga de la Guardian, en donde las aventuras de Ángel y su amor por Alexander siguen su camino, uniendolos cada vez mas.
Is This Really A Game?
Is This Really A Game?
Is this really a game?! Then why did you lose your teammate's clothes when you hit them? What? You ask me if this game is serious? Of course serious! Moving bricks, running errands, picking up garbage, delivering couriers, fighting with mutants... The company can let you experience what you never even imagine. But this game is a little too real in some unnecessary settings like pain, every time I hurt it felt like someone hit me on my real body, this is just too real and there are others like if you even want the most basic game features then you have to spend the money... ...... [ If you want to read more chapters, you could visit my Patreon chancel...
Can't Get Over With It
Can't Get Over With It
Chandria thought she knew everything. But because of an unfortunate event-a tragedy we can call, from sad to happy memories suddenly vanished. Driven by curiosity, unraveling the past is her top priority. After all, who would want to walk on this earth clueless of who they really are?
X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
Pirates took everything from her. But they made a mistake that’ll be their undoing. Whitehaven. Once a place of joy for Diane filled with love, laughter, family—her home was the center of her life. Was. Until pirates sailed in. They took what they wanted and razed the city to the ground. But the pirates lost something too: a map. A map that Diane recognizes will lead her right to the Titan’s Treasure. Riches beyond belief might not replace what she’s lost but besting the pirates that ripped her life from her… that’s worth more than all the gold in the world. The hunt is on! Join Diane and her ragtag crew as they sail the seas on the run from pirates, the law, and the demons of their pasts in a race to find a mysterious treasure in this page-turning swashbuckling adventure!
Di akhir abad ke-18 ada seorang pemuda yang memiliki wajah androgini. Pemuda itu adalah seorang mantan gemblak (anak laki-laki yang dijadikan pemuas seksual seorang warok) di Ponorogo. Dia melarikan diri dari waroknya selama tujuh tahun dengan hidup berpindah-pindah. Akan tetapi trauma dan bayangan tentang sosok sang warok tidak juga memunah dari pikirannya. Pemuda itu merasa telah diselubungi sebuah mantra yang membuatnya selalu ingin kembali dan takhluk pada sang warok. Apa yang terjadi pada pemuda itu dan bagaimana perjuangannya untuk bisa lepas dari selubung mantra itu?
Wolf’s Bane
Wolf’s Bane
Eron Camden just wanted to be free of his past... He was hellbent to escape it all: Being the oddity of the pack, dealing with a demanding Alpha father, living in the shadow of his overachiever brother and working for a corrupt, sex-starved boss who wanted to keep him in his private army/ Finally finding a way to fake his own death and erase his former assassin/mobster identity, he moved into the most remote mountain village he can find and lived the life of a hunter/logger/handyman while staying off the grid. While doing so, he found himself being accepted by the village people, loved by the local children and even trusted by the community elders. And upon meeting the widow Diwana, he knew he never wanted to leave that village again. But, unfortunately for him, his past is fast catching up to him. Worse, he is totally unaware of it. Would they still accept him if they knew who he really was? Will he still dare stay and endanger everyone he now loves?
Guns and Love
Guns and Love
There's a fire that burns hotter than normal; a fire that travels from fingertips to skin, lips on lips, lips on skin, bare skin on bare skin. Everything comes with a price and the price of love must also have it's weights in gold. But how long and how far will a man go to own a woman that clouds his mind, and his heart. Jason has never been told no before and he'll do anything even hold the heavens up and freeze hell over just to keep his fire close to his cold heart. A clash between a fiery personality and ice cold one is bound to produce steamy romance.
Forbidden Crimes
Forbidden Crimes
During the first decade of the 21st Century, Miami City was probably just as hazardous as Mafia-ruled Italy, when even ostensibly respectable and influential people of the city were thugs. The underworld of Miami City was one of illegal prostitution, violent crime, jewelry theft, con artists, drugs, and human and human organ trafficking. All of this was readily apparent underneath the surface, and Harvey Banach, a rookie, was eager to see some action and carry out his duties. But in a city corrupted by vices, Harvey realized he could never put the thugs behind bars using virtues. So, he had to become the man of vices, to put the criminals behind bars, wrong by wrong. Consequently, his weakness for beautiful women became his most expensive vice. When Veronica noticed red-blue flashing lights in her rearview mirror, her boring evening took an interesting turn. She simply couldn't afford to get another ticket for speeding. She was determined to do whatever action was required to avoid receiving yet another fine when she saw the gorgeous Harvey Banach getting out of his car. Instead, she was aware of how to capture the attention of her protector. She only needed to stir up a little hardness for her dirty officer to show up and administer the severe punishment she so desired. But that was not all… When Harvey met Evelyn, he had to pinch himself to ensure he wasn't dreaming. She was his dream-come-true woman until he found out she was a cop in the same PD. Harvey hated her because she challenged Harvey's beliefs, "A man leads and the woman follows." Evelyn despised him because Harvey had no regard for her when she chose to be unapologetic for her femaleness and femininity. They hated each other just to start falling hard for each other. But a catastrophic debacle in an undercover mission forced a sudden change in Harvey's life. He was denied the life he believed he had the right to. He chose to become an outlaw. He did the right things in his own way, regardless of being hated or liked. Luckily, he found a protégée, Skarky. She saw all his light and walked with his angels. She loved all his darkness and danced with his demons. But was Sharky really who she claimed she was? Could Harvey banish the life of an outlaw?
Desired By The Don
Desired By The Don
Juan Pedro Silas datang dari Kolombia atas utusan Sang Patron, Salazar Silas, untuk mengurus bisnis gelapnya dengan seorang mitra di New York dan Miami. Pada jamuan makan malam, tuan rumah memberinya hadiah manis yang semula tak terlalu ia harapkan, yakni seorang gadis bernama Manuela. Selena Herera Brown membutuhkan uang secepatnya untuk merawat adik semata wayangnya yang sedang sakit. Ia terpaksa menyanggupi tawaran seorang mucikari untuk menemani salah seorang raja narkoba dari Kolombia, Juan Pedro Silas. Selena yang malam itu menggunakan nama Manuela tak pernah menyangka hubungan bisnisnya dengan sang mafia akan berkembang menjadi hubungan romansa. Boyd Matthew Williams O’ Connor memiliki cita-cita mulia menumpas segala kejahatan berkaitan dengan perdagangan obat bius yang kemudian menjadikannya salah satu anggota DEA. Di tengah misinya menangkap seorang Don yang tengah berusaha melebarkan bisnis ke Amerika, dia bertemu seorang gadis yang memikat hatinya, Manuela. The Deep and dark story about a woman who fall in love with a man she wish she hated. The Burning desire of a man who’s been longing for love