World's Strongest Martial Warrior
World's Strongest Martial Warrior
The extreme sports lover Peter Parker got into an accident when he went hiking in some isolated mountains. As he opened his eyelids with effort, what he saw was hundreds of training tools hanging on the walls while he himself was lying on the floor. What happened to him? He then realized he had crossed to a martial continent, and the original owner of this body was Jeff Parker, a useless brat born in the Ghost Blood City, a military trainee of the Parker family specializing in mystic arts, and the only son of the patriarch of the Parker family. His father loved him so much that he sacrificed his life to gain an opportunity for him to enter Fierce Lions Military Academy. But he was looked down upon by all the other students and cheated by his own uncle and relatives. Nobody knows that current Peter has a mysterious system that helps him upgrade from time to time. Taking a step, the Basic Fist technique gained. Experience points achieved: 10x100 Throwing a punch, 10 x 100 experience points earned! His technique upgraded to Blue Rank. Taking a pill, his cultivation level rocketed even faster than the rocket! Sword technique is hard to learn? Being an alchemist is hard to realize? For him, all of this is nothing. He could do all of them on his will and at any time!
Mafia's only prey
Mafia's only prey
[WARNING: RAPE, TORTURE, MURDER, MATURE CONTENT 18+] In the shimmering light of what was supposed to be her dream wedding, Hazel's life descends into a nightmare she could never have foreseen. As the celebration unfolds, the joyous occasion swiftly transforms into a horrifying bloodbath, leaving Hazel to wonder if anyone has survived. The man she was meant to marry, her childhood lover... Was he still alive or not? But the nightmare was far from over. Captured by a ruthless and deranged man who reigned as the king of the underground mafia, Hazel's life took a dark and harrowing turn. Forced into his bed in a state of vulnerability and despair, Hazel faced a horror she had never imagined on what should have been the happiest day of her life. But her body bears the scars of unspeakable cruelty; her innocence is forever stolen. Her secret mission, the path she embarked on with purpose, has now spiraled into a dark and perilous mission for survival. ** “You have no right to treat me in this way.” Francisco, a man with a darkness that matched the shadows of his empire, gritted his teeth and issued a chilling warning, "I can be more cruel to you, detective." ‘I am not weak; just remember it, Francisco. I am not afraid of you…’
It's a dark romance/thriller. It's about a woman's life changes when she meets a mysterious man. They were both in that gallery, and the woman was drawn to him because of the book he held. This was the start of everything.. The woman was excited to meet a person who shared the same interests as her. Unfortunately, she soon realized that he wasn't who she thought he was. The story took place in the man's condo in the U.S., where she was held against her will! The woman was shocked to find herself trapped in the man's condo. With no way out, she was at her captor's mercy. As she tried to come up with a plan to escape, the man toyed with her emotions. He was cruel at times and sympathetic at other times. As the days dragged on, she became conflicted about whether he was truly a monster or if there was more to him than he was letting on. She knew she had to be on guard and find a way to survive. As the days turned into weeks, the woman struggled to come to terms with her situation. She felt helpless and afraid, but she also felt a strange connection to her captor. He was manipulative and controlling, but he seemed to understand her in a way that no one else did. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, her captor dropped a bombshell and revealed a dark secret that changed everything. After weeks of uncertainty and fear, the woman finally let down her guard and allowed herself to fall in love with her captor. As they began to open up to each other, the woman discovered that the man was not the monster she thought he was, but rather a broken and lonely soul in need of love and acceptance. He too, had changed since meeting her, and was now willing to do anything to protect and love her. In the end, they had found each other and knew that their future would be one filled with love and understanding. Though it was not always easy, the man and the woman who fell in love with her captor eventually found a way to make their relationship work. Despite the challenges they faced, they stayed committed to each other and continued to work on their relationship. The main conflict of the story is that the man is a psychopath and the girl lead is drawn to him. Despite her best efforts to resist him, she cannot help but feel a deep connection to him and falls in love with him. This creates a difficult situation for her as she tries to navigate her feelings and navigate the dangers of being involved with a psychopath. Despite the challenges they faced, the two of them were ultimately able to create a beautiful and fulfilling relationship. They learned to trust each other and were able to overcome their differences and grow closer as a couple. In the end, they had found each other and were able to find happiness together, despite the struggles they had faced along the way
El ser humano tiene la tendencia de, entre más prohibido, más tentador y excitante se vuelve y Leandro Licciardi lo era. Con su sola presencia erizaba cada parte de mi cuerpo, era un hombre imponente con una mirada que hacía desde mojar mis bragas, a hacerme temblar de puro miedo, todo de él emanaba peligro y sexo, mucho sexo. Él era el pecado hecho persona y yo solo una simple mortal que cayó en tentación. Soy Nicole Davis y esta es mi historia.
"I never chose the life I had back then. Never asked for it But now all that I have, I have earned. Maybe not by the right means but they are mine all the same. " His rough hands caressed my tear stained cheeks with such gentleness that it could easily fool me. It almost did. I wanted to scoot away but the ropes tying my hands to the bedpost, tugged at my skin harshly. There was no escape. "But even if I get everything in the world, there will always be one thing missing." He didn't have to complete the sentence for me to know the answer. **** The darkness from her past had returned hand in hand with the taunting present. Rose was caged in the hands of the devil and he was not ready to let go anytime sooner. **** Sequel to the submission series. (Submit #2) Slow updates. Triggers and smut present. I do not own the background picture of this book's cover. Book cover made by me.
Steamy Stories
The Punisher System
The Punisher System
At eighteen years old, she was thrown into the deepest level of hell, even though she was there already. Receiving a mysterious system that assigned seemingly harmless missions of taking out the evils of humanity, her righteous tasks ended the suffering of others, but instead confined her to a life of death and madness. She wallowed in the shadowy abyss, where she withered gradually in the darkness. But just when she was about to lose herself completely, she found her light. A bright light that guided her out of the deep ocean of red. Now her damned soul has a bit of white, but more so red. Her hands might be stained with blood but, she would give everything to protect her light. Including herself. FL: Child, don't worry. I'll take care of everything. Just do what you want, and I'll settle the aftermath. She said with a solemn expression. ML: Ah, my little professor. First take your hand out of the cookie jar. But since you said so, you have to remember your words. I can do anything, right? He says from behind her, his breath fanning against her ear. FL: of course. She agreed instantly. Unaware of the dangers ahead. ML: He-he. Alright~ This is a work of fiction from the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any real life events without fore mentioning is purely coincidental. I do not own the book cover. The artist can contact me if they want it taken down.
In everyone else's eyes, Safiyya Hamarsya is a pessimistic, poor and cowardly girl who's useless in everything. But no one knows that it was all just an act to cover her true colors. "Her mind was already filled with thorns, yet a rose remained blooming in her heart. Please, don't let that rose die..." In contrast with Emeralda Saphie, a sweet, optimistic and caring girl who only wants what is best for everyone she loves. But no one realized the secret hidden behind her beautiful smile. "The smile she shows is less than the pain she hides" When the two souls from different worlds met in the Limbo, an imaginary space between life and death, what happened next was not something the two could have ever anticipated. What do you expect their endings would be?
The Vampire Secret
The Vampire Secret
The killers (which are still called the Vampires) seek their revenge on 'Mid West City' and the haunters who hunt them. They were destined to kill their families, children and loved ones. Put them in pain. One of them (Vampire) was sent to Mid West city to spy on them and give report. Gad Rimac later end up falling inlove with one of the daughter of the late haunters' spending more than the time required of him. He couldn't hurt her, but still crave for her, wanting to taste her, feel her and bite her, Gad knowing this may cost his life, coz he was been warned not to develop feelings for the humans but rather kill. Despite the warnings from the elders, he craves for her, not caring about been killed! He kept the SECRET away from them and Rhonda Jones (his lover) when he knew, it was getting intensed, he decided to avoid her BUT it didn't worked out well as she always visits him. There was the mixed secret feelings he had To kill or mate. Is he going to kill her? Or mate with her... Lets find out.. 'The Vampire Secret"
A Little Touch Of Roses
A Little Touch Of Roses
Rosita Altansarnai Donahue is the daughter to the leader of the most feared assassin empire. It has been for years in the business, from generation to generation. Though all offspring had been male, she is the only female ever bore to the Donahue history as the heir. Rosita proves to be worthy than any male ever recorded, proved to be more than just the assassin leader. The deadly killer known as Altansarnai, wanted and fear allover the world but respected as the unidentified CEO of a massive business empire. In all her power and fame, in all glory, one thing haunts the young lady. Her hate for the mother who abandoned her at birth grows each day. The moment she became queen, she sent men to investigate and find her mother so she could finally satisfy that hate. Her mother is found living in Japan with her three children, ones Rosita grew to despise until she finally decides to go down to Japan and wipe them one after the other. However, Rosita is quick to realize that the woman she thought her mother was wasn't what her father painted her to be; she was the opposite and learns that she was never abandoned. She decides to play a game of hide and seek to get to know her new family well. But Rosita soon gets caught up in a situation she never dreamed she would encounter in her stay. Will she be able to handle it without exposing her identity? Would she accept the reality of the drastic change? What will happen when her father, the most dangerous being she knows find out where she is and who she is with? Find out in this story I am not sure yet. This story mostly takes place in Japan, so you will see a lot of dramatic and cheesy stuffs. I can't write the book in Japanese, so it will be in English. And if you do see Japanese later and I happen to write it wrong or translate it wrong. Don't blame me, I'm not Japanese, just trying to write a book. Thank you.
Young Adult
Sex With Mr Dangerous
Sex With Mr Dangerous
LEILANI. I'm an orphan who was picked up by the roadside and left on the gate of a convent when I was a baby. I was raised by Reverend sisters and I spent all twenty three years of my life in the convent. I went to school there and did everything in the big convent, I've never been on my own until six months ago. When I told the sisters that I want to go out on my own, Sister Bernadette was scared because I've never been on my own before. Six months later, I'm doing fine. In a small quiet town, everything is great. The people are good. All was going really well.....until the day he showed up. The scariest man I've ever seen. And the way he looks at me? It's a look I don't understand but it never fails to send shivers down my spine. Who is he? What does he want from me? ZERO HE IS DARKNESS.... I am the bad guy of this story. Every story has a villain, and I am that villain. You can call me, Number Zero. Or Zero, for short. Frankly, I don't care. I am a born killer and I'm called The Killer Machine in the dark world, the part of the world do-gooders don't see. Think of every name you would call a professional killer, and give me that name, because you wouldn't be wrong. I would like to tell you that I try to do good, to do the right thing but that would be a lie. I don't see any need why I have to lie here. I am a very bad man, don't go searching for good because it's not there. I have so much darkness in me that if you stay in my mind for a long time, you go dark too. Don't mistake this for a confession because it is not. I'm not seeking for forgiveness and if you give it, I won't accept it. I'm not seeking for redemption here. My sins are my own. The first day I saw her, I just knew something. My new fascination. My first fascination in all my thirty three years of life. I must have her. I must make her mine.
Steamy Stories
Her Bidder (Savior or Villain) Book-I
Her Bidder (Savior or Villain) Book-I
A girl named "Swara" spending her life, by doing a job in one cafe in the city of "London." She was happy in her small world created by herself. However, her life changed when she got kidnapped one day while returning from her job at night. Later, when she opened her eyes, she found herself tied with a pole. And in front of her were standing the people, who were having the sight of vultures. "No...," she murmured in fear.
Tattoo on her Face
Tattoo on her Face
Isla: A missing child who had been presumed dead for several years. Is she, however, truly dead? Tricia: An heiress and the daughter of a powerful Empire businessman. Was that life, however, truly meant for her? Violet: An Assassin’s Guild Founder and the reigning Queen of the Underground City. Is she, however, worthy of that title? All three distinct identities converge on a single fate. What if the enigmatic cold assassin and mafia heir named Seth happens to cross her path? Will Seth be able to figure out what she's trying to hide? Or will she reveal herself alongside him? Upon her sister’s death, she blamed herself for it. That she changed her identity in order to start a new life. She worked so hard to earn what she had right now. She became strong, powerful, feared, and respected. After many years have passed. What if a ghost from her past comes back to haunt her? What if the things she ought to believe isn't what they really are? Will she be able to deal with it? What if the people she's grown to love and care for have secrets of their own? Will she be able to accept it? Will it get easier for her in the long run? Or else fate will make things even more difficult for her. She had always wished to live a normal life, but that wish seemed to exist only in her imagination. For she is, after all, the girl with the TATTOO ON HER FACE.
Young Adult
The Dark Organization
The Dark Organization
An average woman an obsessed serial killer who wants to own her body and soul, can she make it can she survive. 3 of the best assassins in the world protects her. will their love be enough to oull her out of the darkness and back into the light??
Alice Moral finds herself in an abandoned camp in the forest, wondering how she could get there from the city center. All she could remember was walking home when suddenly a hand was pressed against her mouth, and darkness enveloped her. Now she has to look into the eyes of fear when she meets the infamous Camp South River Killer.
Steamy Stories
The Possessive Vampire Casanova
The Possessive Vampire Casanova
As the least rated Vampire Huntress of the Viper Clan, Aubrey Viper is given a task to kill at least ten vampires before the spring ends. Her abilities as a low-class vampire huntress are far different from those in the higher ranks, but her strategies are incomparable. She is known to her clan as the Silent Viper because of his demure and graceful way of luring her prey and kills them through luscious ways. She is at the peak of accomplishing her mission when she finds out that her last target is the most popular guy in St. Moroi Academy, the school she is in, named Alucard Pirkova. As she is doing her last mission which seems so easy for her, she falls in love with her last target and ends up enclosed by his luscious harm and intoxication, making her forget that she is a vampire huntress. Will she give up her mission for love? Or will she choose to kill him for her lineage’s honor?
Codéla is a book about child machines used as weapons of war by the IRS, chosen from every race and country,experimenting and training children for this purposes from the womb .The IRS is a secret organization that seems to erupt from the bowels of hell, no one can tell their beginning and their end never seems to be in sight. Experimenting and testing the limits of human capabilities,to use them as weapons to wreak havoc. From the young age of 7 this weapons of war are sent out to kill , destroy ,torture , gain information and simply achieve the impossible in classified missions but one of their missions go awry and the IRS is forced to wipe out any trace of the existence of this children. But one survives Adelani ,popularly known as codéla; in the world of computers. Being adopted by a christain couple ( for who else would take the risk of loving a weapon of war) délani carries on a normal life under a christain family.With the suddeness that comes with loss, codéla loses both of her parents and slowly starts sidestepping towards the world she was saved from as a child,in to the world of computers ,fast money and almost breaking the law.Doing business with and for the wrong people delani is kidnapped in to an unexpected marriage miles away from what she calls home,this seems to turn the light on for codéla and brings her back to reality , the reality of God ,of love and of forgiveness. There she meets general Wilson the husband she marries with a gun to her head and an unexpected ally. To earn back her freedom delani has to help a nation earn back it's sanity. The IRS is hot on her tail also,ready to capture the last of it's creation.
Postmortem Appointment
Postmortem Appointment
March 1, 2004, clear. I finished my last job of the day, lolled in my office chair with my secretary, Xiao Liu, and poured me a cup of coffee before leaving. The banging on the door pulled my thoughts back from nine days away. It's time to get off work. "Come in." I took a long drag on my cigarette, then dropped it into the ashtray and tried to sit upright in my office chair. The door creaked open. A beautiful woman came in.
Page Boy's Yin & Yang Road
Page Boy's Yin & Yang Road
A kind heart without evil, a rich Immortal affinity, can be accepted as a scented child! If you have any fate with me, you can accept me as a scented child! With evil bones growing all over his body, he could be accepted as a scented child!
Funerary Lady
Funerary Lady
Life cannot be man, and death cannot be the soul. The one who accompanied the living, Shang, accompanied the dead, walked the path of a slave, accompanied by a bereaved slave. Ten years ago, the bizarre death of the woman opposite me caused my adoptive father to mistreat me for a whole ten years. The cold wind blew, the door of the ghost was opened, evil had its consequences, and life and death were at a dilemma. A lonely soul in the middle of the night … Why did he stay … Why did he sigh? A story about repentance and redemption, here. What kind of secret was hidden within … In the end, who was the real mastermind …
Princess Sets Poison Again
Princess Sets Poison Again
Bai Li frowned in pain. She slowly opened her eyes but saw a strange scene. It turned out that she really crossed tima and space, thus came to this alien world that did not on history books. The owner of this body is Bai Lier, the legitimate daughter in the General's Office, whose name is similar to her. Her father died fighting on the battlefield and her mother was missing. Although she was silly since childhood, because of inborn phoenix birthmark, Bai Lier was selected as crown princess by the current emperor, an identity that made girls of the world envy. As the first killer and talented pharmacist in the last life, Bai Li became a crowardly blockhead. But she really can't figure out why she is half-human and half-devil? Fine, she endured it. However, what about the two fiances? ☆About the Author☆ Zui Ying Luo is a popular writer of romance novels. She has written two novels, they are The Cold-blooded Wolf King, Please Squat and Princess Sets Poison Again.
Historical Romance
