El Mandón De Mi Jefe
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
Laura Smith una mujer de carácter firme y directa que busca un empleo perfecto sin saber que encontrara a un jefe mandón y perfeccionista. Dyland Corner un hombre con mucho poder que busca una secretaria. Sin darse cuenta conoce a la que próximamente será su dolor de cabeza. Un jefe mandón, egocéntrico y para nada sociable. Una secretaria agradable, sincera y de buen carácter. Dos personas completamente diferentes, pero ¿Ambos podrán controlar sus celos? ¿Podrá el amor y el deseo triunfar? Te invito a conocer a Laura y Dyland un amor inesperado.
Married with the Brokenhearted CEO
Married with the Brokenhearted CEO
"Honey, it's time to make a baby~" "You're crazy, Adira. Get lost!" Two CEOs got into an arranged marriage for convenience. One is a strong-willed woman who doesn’t believe in love. The other is a cold-hearted man who was rejected by his unrequited love. Adira Hale and Chadwick McElroy appear to be perfect in front of many. They are rich, influential, leaders, and good-looking. People said that they are the best couple, a match made by heaven. But the truth is far from the imaginary perfect romance that one could think of. Adira only married Chadwick in order to get pregnant. All she desires is his body and not his affection. Meanwhile, Chadwick despises the idea of sharing the bed with his wife just because he’s still in love with another woman. Is there a chance for love to bloom between temptation and betrayal?
Cold Water
Cold Water
Nicki Palmer would describe herself in three words: adventurous, ambitious, and fun. She's not your average girl; she gets into trouble at school, doesn't do what her parents ask of her, and likes to sneak out at nights. She can't wait for high school to end so she can pursue her favourite hobby: dancing. Niall Harrison is a troublemaker who happens to hate her. He would describe Nicki in three words: selfish, spoiled, and annoying. The two of them have never been able to stand each other, ever since Rey moved to a public school 3 years ago. All they have to do is get through their last year of school without killing each other before they will finally get their freedom. But that could be a little tough, since they're stubborn, tough, and strong-willed. Their differences may collide, but at the same time, they sort of complete each other. Too bad hate is much more powerful than love. Or is it?
Steamy Stories
Oh My Master
Oh My Master
Male Lead:- Nicklaus Wilhelm Statham. 6ft4 tall, strong abs, typical white boy with thick jet black hair....27years old. Bast*rd multi-billionaire! Cold and ruthless businessman! Owns chains of companies and hotels... Loves isolating himself, prefers his personal space! Allergies:- Women! ••••••••• Female Lead:- Anastasia Lopez. 5ft8 tall, a shade of blue, big, round eyes. An oval shaped face, flawless skin with brunette, long hair... 21years old. Warm and cheerful. An undergraduate that does all kinds of day job to save her little brother! Smiles through any situation! ••••••••• Marcus Aurelius:- Nicklaus's best and childhood friend. Matilda Jane Spears:- Anastasia's best friend. Ms Bell Lopez:- Anastasia's Aunt. Claudia Marie Murray:- Nicklaus's personal assistant. ••••••••••
His Despair
His Despair
"Don't make me say this again," He said, his voice hard, "Spread your legs wide for me, Love, Or You will be punished," Arthur Spencer, 30 years old C.E.O. and Golden heir of the world's most enormous business empire, Spencer Enterprises, he's a powerful billionaire and an eligible bachelor of New York City, He's cold, Self-centred, Impulsive, and extremely possessive. He has the power to destroy anyone's life in just a blink of an eye, and his family is acknowledged as Dark Royalty. Davina Ellis, a divorced 27 years old sweet, and naive woman, works as a restaurant manager at Neens Restaurant. With her hard work and determination in just three years, she made the restaurant more popular and successful than other branches of it. *** What happens when Arthur discovers that It was Davina's husband, with whom Olivia, his fiancee and the love of his life had an affair and chose to leave him?
Switch in
Switch in
It's a love story of Emile Kiddie and Nate Dickinson.Nate Dick is married to Emily Dickinson. He can't have children naturally due to a passing sickness. Luckily he stored some of his fertile sperms before his operation which coated him his fertility. Emily his wife has had two unsuccessful inseminations. These miscarriages had a bad effect on her and tune Emily drunkard.The doctor later announced that only one sample of the sperm was left. Emily did want to go for it again. She said that she had a lot of trauma already. But Her husband Mr Dickinson insisted on having it. It was planned to be inseminated to Emily and it was their last attempt to have a baby. So if it failed again, Mr Dickinson won't have a child!. Unfortunately, Emily drank too much the previous night that she didn't show up for her appointment at the hospital the next day.Rather, Emile Kiddie did show up that day!.
Alpha's Nala
Alpha's Nala
“Love is not a force between a mind and a body, but a force between two hearts...” But what happens when there are three hearts involved? One that beats for a soul, One that beats for a body, And One, that purely beats for love? ..........…………………….…………….…………….……………. Legaxy Dyme was just your average human girl. Working non-stop in a hotel by day and by night, you hear her sing in every bar on the island called Mallow Key. Did I also mention that despite on the average side of life, Legaxy was basically raised by the mixed-race of Vampires and Witches? Anyways, having her memories bottled up somewhere by a spell, Legaxy found herself torn between being a MATE to an Alpha King, Michael Angelo Cane, and being a chosen RED to the Vampire King, Theo Calix Gray. Who will she choose? But the real question is, will she choose?
Billionaire's Great Obsession
Billionaire's Great Obsession
Brianna walked towards him obediently. Seeing how stiff and hesitant she moved, Scott was displeased. “What? Are you a robot? Don't you know what your job is?” “Yes. To please you,” Brianna answered awkwardly, “But... but we know little about each other and... and we don't have feelings towards each other as well…” “What are you talking about? You are merely my possession.” Scott said coldly as he slid his finger from her lips down her neck towards her collarbone. Brianna felt his finger moving downwards and resting on her right breast. She bit her lips and said, “Mr. Anderson, I'm just a common girl to you compared to those that you have met. I don't think I'm good enough to please you.” “Whether you are good enough or not is up to me. Also, why would I look for others since I have got one here that I've paid for?” Scott said in a cold voice.
Fallen Rose
Fallen Rose
Emma Wisconsin is a transfer student along with her bubbly twin sister Lisa. Unlike her twin sister, Emma is a quiet kind and tends to confide to a little group of friends. Her once perfect but not so rosy life is turned into a chaos zone of which she can't handle alone, she meets a charming funny guy named Israel, a badboy but caring Freesville high star student Flynn and a lastly Eric. Flynn Nile is your potential badboy that got every girl's attention, but unfortunately for them he's got his eyes set on a quirky teen girl who he claim to love but has no beginning of how his love started. Things weren't working for him in the aspect of love based on the reputation he has and a legend that has been written along with his name. As crazy as this story gets there is a honourable mention that shouldn't be left out, the entire beginning to this entire story started with an anonymous writer known in different counties as the Overseer, it's name has spread across several places and Freesville happen to be it's next target. Every character is important as they bring a whole lot to the table, their uniqueness connects this story proved what teenage life especially in your sophomore year. Do watch out for the MILFs, Lisa and also try to figure out who the Overseer is.
Hate To Grab You
Hate To Grab You
Sherin Sarquez, a 20-year-old student. Before she live a normal life... not until their house was tragedies by a wildfire. Her whole family died including her parents and siblings. Everything she had has been taken away from her. The money, the house, the property, and whatever stuff she had to survive life were all gone. In just a blink of an eye, everything that she has vanished away. One horrifying night, she was walking at the side of the street while tears streamed down her face. She didn't know where she should go and what she should do. Because of loss of hope she felt, suicide crossed her mind. When she saw a car approaching, she immediately ran towards the middle of the street to bang herself by the fast-speed-car. But she's wrong when she thought she would die because of the approaching car. The car's speed may be fast but the driver inside it isn't reckless. She slowly opened her eyes. She cried so hard when she realized that she was still alive. A man driving the car, named Cedrick Wagner, went outside to check for the girl. He sighed in relief when he saw the girl was still breathing. He was mad at first but it faded immediately the moment he saw the beautiful face of Sherin, he smiled inside his head. He asked about the girl's problem, and that's because she lost everything she had. So Cedrick thinks, he will give everything the girl wants, but there's one condition... She'll give pleasure to the man whenever he wants. "Undress yourself in front of me, I'll watch you." Cedrick commanded and so Sherin did.
Steamy Stories(ph)
Amaba el romance, pero no creía en príncipes azules ni en finales felices. Más bien me atraía los príncipes negros, aquellos misteriosos hombres, que lo único que hacen en ti, es activar una atracción difícil de quitar, que te hacen descubrir ese lado oculto que todos tenemos, esos que tienen el cartel de prohibido y peligro con luces de neón alrededor suyo. Exacto, los chicos malos. Y Alessandro Rizzo lo era. La primera vez que lo vi, su belleza me deslumbro. La segunda vez que coincidimos, decidí hablarle. Lo que no contaba, era con la ignorada olímpica que me dio, fuera de ponerme triste, me puso ansiosa y deseosa por conseguir su atención. La tercera vez, lo tenía apuntándome con un arma en la cien. La cuarta, lo estaba salvando de la muerte. Sabía que no estábamos hechos para estar juntos, su mundo y el mío eran muy distintos...o eso pensaba yo. Pero la atracción que había, era mucho más fuerte que la razón. Sabía de antemano que solo yo perdería en esto, pero no lo pensé dos veces, y me tire al abismo sin tener la certeza de que sería atrapada al caer. Solo podía pensar. ¿Estará él, al final del abismo?
The Ceo's Ex-Wife Can't Escape
The Ceo's Ex-Wife Can't Escape
"Tell me you want me, too”, He grunted, trying hard to control, "Order me to kiss you, Airina.” "Beg me." "What?" She raised her hand to his cheek, repeating her words. “Beg me to want you.” === Jackson Miller Georgiñia is an outlawed man, and Airina was well-aware of that fact. Yet she still grasped the opportunity that was given - marry him. She believed he was a loyal man until she witnessed the back door. She discovered her husband was cheating behind her back. And not only that, he even had the nerve to divorce her. But everything changed after they met again - Jackson didn't want to let her go for he wanted her so bad it makes him frustrated if he hadn't seen her for a moment. Yet however she means to push her ex-husband away, he didn't simply follow along her terms....
La gran obsesión del millonario
La gran obsesión del millonario
Brianna se acercó a él con obediencia. Al notar su rigidez y vacilación al moverse, Scott se mostró contrariado. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Acaso eres un robot? ¿No sabes a qué te dedicas?" "Sí, a complacerte", contestó Brianna con torpeza, "Pero... es que apenas nos conocemos y... tampoco hay sentimientos entre nosotros..." "¿De qué hablas? No eres más que una cosa mía." Scott replicó con frialdad mientras deslizaba su dedo desde los labios de ella, bajando por su cuello hasta llegar a la clavícula. Brianna sintió cómo el dedo de él continuaba descendiendo hasta posarse en su seno derecho. Ella se mordió el labio y dijo, "Señor Anderson, para usted soy solo una chica más, comparada con las que ha conocido. No creo ser lo suficientemente buena para complacerlo." "Si eres suficientemente buena o no, eso lo decido yo. Además, ¿para qué buscaría a otras si ya tengo una aquí por la que he pagado?" Scott expresó con una voz helada.
La perla susurrante del Alfa
La perla susurrante del Alfa
"Ella es muda... es una diminuta omega que luce tan maltratada y... ¿piensas realmente que los miembros de esta manada la aceptarían como su Luna? ¿Cómo pretendes que todos respeten a alguien así?" Everleigh es una omega muda que lucha día tras día para evitar el acoso, el abuso y las burlas de su propia manada. Educada para inclinar la cabeza ante los de rango superior, al final del día termina encontrándose con el alfa invitado, Grey, quien resulta ser también el alfa de la manada de lobos más poderosa, la Manada Luna Oscura. Y su amor secreto no traerá más que complicaciones. Entonces, ¿qué te parece emprender un viaje para convertirse en la Luna de la manada de lobos más fuerte?
The Secret Of My Husband
The Secret Of My Husband
It is the story of a wife who begins to suspect her husband's loyalty. When her investigation leads to the fact that her husband is proven to be having an affair, what will she choose? Letting go or forgiving? When there is a baby in their midst who still really needs a father figure. This is the story of Andrea Virginia, the figure of a wife who is persistent in trying to uncover the lies of her husband, Rafael Brandon, who is so good at speaking his tongue. Andrea is also a strong and tough wife who will do anything to prove that as a legal wife, she is much better and honorable than a woman who intends to take her husband.
My neighbor's son
My neighbor's son
Prepare yourself for a love story that's not your typical high school romance. Meet Amber, a girl haunted by her abusive past, and her brother's best friend, Mike - a total douchebag in her eyes. But what happens when Amber discovers a side of Mike that nobody else sees, a side that becomes her safe space every night, helping her piece together her shattered self? Mike is a mix of cheesy, cocky, and a notorious playboy. Despite her reservations, Amber can't help but fall for him. But with his "screw and scram" lifestyle, will their relationship survive? Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions as Amber navigates through the darkness of her past and the unpredictable nature of love.
Intense Love
Intense Love
Li XingYue was a workaholic person whose priorities were to live free and independent, but her mom was determined to see her daughter getting married. Hoping that her daughter will successfully settle down with her lovely husband, XingYue’s mom wouldn’t take “no” as an answer. Unable to convince her mom to let her live freely, she had no choice but to do as her mom wished. Or did she? She signed a deal to reject each other on the wedding point with her soon-to-be husband, Xi song, a well-known surgeon. Despite the planning, they get tied together by the ever-tightening strings of fate, where XingYue and Xi Song find themselves drawing closer, despite their best efforts. Engaged in a never-ending battle of wits, fighting against the ties that bind them, but how long will they be able to resist the inevitable? Will they get divorced, or cupid will finally unite the duo?
Contract with the Billionaire
Contract with the Billionaire
Topaz Salvador is a girl in her early twenties, who dreams of becoming a florist. Saved by the love of her life from her abusive uncle, Topaz thinks she's finally free and could finally achieve her dreams of someday running her flower shop, which by the way, she was working hard towards achieving. Her days were long and hectic as she had to take up two jobs to make her dreams come true and with the help of her boyfriend who always encouraged her. Things seemed to work out just fine for Topaz but her life starts to take a turn for the worst with her boyfriend's sudden change in behaviour. He gradually started to become what she ran away from. Her fairy tale seemed to be ripped away from her, and her world crumbled even harder. There are days when she was even scared of returning from work due to the nightmare that awaited her every day at home. The final straw for Topaz was the day she was almost beaten to death. She realised that no matter how hard she tried, she will never be able to save him from who he was. Adams Anderson a thirty-year-old was the rightful heir of the A&A group of Companies, a wine company he inherited from his father. He had everything he wanted. A girlfriend, a successful company and a lovely family. To him, life was great. His life starts getting complicated when his mother requests a grandchild from him. His then-girlfriend who was a model didn't want her to break damaged or cut because she gave birth and had to begin working on her postpartum body. That was the greatest shock of his life as he tried convincing her in many ways but she wouldn't budge making him frustrated with her decisions his mother's constant want of children made him seek solace in alcohol but he later left that kind of life because it was detrimental and he could think properly. Not knowing what to do about making his mother's wish come true, Adams leaves town for a while to clear his mind where he rescues Topaz from being beaten to death by her then-boyfriend who had recently become a tyrant and a sadist.He rushes her to the hospital and he was reported to the cops as the Doctor mistook him to be Topaz's abusive boyfriend. Once everything cleared, the nurses informed Adams that the girl he had brought to the hospital was pregnant and that due to her condition, if not properly taken care of, she'll lose the baby. There, Adams finally finds the solution to his problem. When Topaz finally came out of the emergency room, Adams laid his proposal to her, which was to be his hired baby mama until when she gave her body and then the baby would be his and she could be his contracts wife until when their contract got terminated, during which they had to act in love in front of his family and after that, she gets to walk away with one hundred million dollars and her child's education will be guaranteed until whatever stage he wanted to get to.To Topaz, there was no thinking. No doubts. This was finally the breakthrough she longed for and she wasn't about to let it pass her by. She was going to escape her past and her child would get the life and education she could never have. This contract seemed to be the perfect solution for both of their problem. The more they seem to act in love in front of Adams's family, the more unsure they feel about the contract. The chemistry between them was magical and unlike something they'd ever experienced. What they thought to be the perfect plan, goes down the drain when Adams's girlfriend comes back into the picture, resurfacing some feelings he still had for her, Topaz's ex-boyfriend tries to win her back, and Adams’s family finds out about their contract.Topaz's ex-boyfriend and Adams's girlfriend decide to team up and cook up a malicious plan on how to separate them. All Topaz ever wanted, was security and a stable future for her child, especially after everything she's been through. She never intended to fall in love with Adams, and she most certainly, never expected to feel hurt from loving h
Summer Nights
Summer Nights
Aurora is A simple maiden living in the occupied lands of Montenegro. At a banquet truss, She was invited to the mansion of Montenegro, and one night changed her life when she met the siblings Manuel and Ezekiel. She discovered that the siblings had a strange feelings for her. She discovers that she also has a secret love for Montenegro. How can he fight that love without hurting the other one?
Always Been You-Favor V April
Always Been You-Favor V April
Sleeping with my best friend was something that shouldn’t have happened. We made a promise to each other when we were young, but it was long forgotten, at least by him, but not by me. I didn’t forget that he was my prince charming. He dated girls, which I didn’t mind because I was still underage. We slept in the same bed until this date, but we have never crossed the line. The problem started when his fiancée failed to appear for their wedding, and I had to play the role of his bride for the day just to save his face. That was the date everything changed. We had the steamiest night, and he told me it shouldn’t have happened because he was dating my best friend, Candice. That struck me dead in the gut. I should have known that our promises were long forgotten. He took my innocence and told me it shouldn’t have happened. That hurts, but nothing hurts more than learning you’re pregnant with your best friend’s child and you can’t tell him because he is in love with your friend.
