Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
"¿Tu tenias un novio?" Stefan mordisqueó mi oreja, volviéndome loca. "Hmm" Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo temblara de emoción. " ¿Dormiste con el?" La voz ronca de Riven vino desde mi lado, sus manos recorrieron mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. "Noo..." Mi voz era entrecortada, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó hacia atrás sobre el pecho de Stefan. "¡No te preocupes, lo vamos a sacar de tu sistema!" Kevin prometió con su seductora voz profunda. …………… Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Dark Sapphire para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo esposo, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Dark Sapphire es una de las más ricas y Alpha Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. ¡Los famosos tripletes alfa! Por alguna razón desconocida, Triplet siempre despreció a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de hacer de su vida un infierno cuando ella entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará cuando sepa que los trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los dos trillizos, Kevin y Stefan, hagan todo lo posible para persuadirla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Podrá domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que hay zorros a su alrededor disfrazados de hombres lobo, que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (solo mayores de 18 años)
The Alpha's Mate who cried Wolf!
The Alpha's Mate who cried Wolf!
Astrid lives alone with her dad, she has no idea she is a werewolf or that they even exist! It turns out the man that helped raise Astrid isn't her father at all, he tells her that her mother wanted her to have a "normal" life until the day she turned eighteen when she would have no choice but to tell Astrid the truth about her true identity. After a tragedy that killed her mother, her father turned abusive towards her blaming her over the years for her mothers death. Astrid remained completely unaware of her heritage, until a man named Ryker comes into her life claiming they are mates!
Her Unpleasant Return
Her Unpleasant Return
Bullied-such a simple word, yet that was the total definition of my life. I kept quiet and endured. Because in my heart, I held on to that one small hope that my mate will rescue me. However, that hope gets crushed when my mate, the Alpha of my pack rejects me before the entire school. Well, the joke is on them when I stood before them as a beautiful weapon with the toughest pack supporting me. It wouldn’t have been possible without my new Alpha’s support. But am I ready to open my heart for him?
True Luna
True Luna
“I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack.“ I could feel my heart breaking. Leon was howling inside me, and I could feel his pain. “I, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept your rejection.“ When Emma turns 18, she is surprised that her mate is the Alpha of her pack. But her elation was short-lived when he rejected her for a stronger she-wolf. That she-wolf hates Emma and wants to get rid of her. Emma’s problems don’t end there. She realizes that she possesses unusual powers, making her an exceptional wolf. As a result, she becomes a target for dangerous people who are determined to exploit her abilities. Emma is faced with the difficult decision of how to handle these challenges. Will her mate have second thoughts about rejecting her? Will he be able to protect her from the people who threaten her?
Lycan Prince Matteo
Lycan Prince Matteo
Freya is the adoptive daughter of the warrior mated couple of the Midnight Pack. She didn't have a scent, so everyone thought that she didn't have a wolf, just like humans. Matteo Harith is the Lycan prince, soon to be king, who was waiting for his mate. He had smelled her since 9 years ago in the palace, but after that, he never found her, no matter how much he looked for her. When Matteo was assigned by his king's father to look into the case of a pack that had been wiped out, he lived in the Midnight Pack and found Freya. The moment Matteo stepped out of his SUV, Freya found out that he was her mate. But Matteo couldn't smell her at all. A tournament that had been held within the pack made Matteo find Freya to be his mate when their eyes met. When Matteo finally smelled Freya's scent, it was also the time that she remembered what had happened in her childhood and that the palace had refused to help them when they asked, which caused her biological parents' death. What is he going to do when Freya was blaming the royals and wanted to reject him even after they mark each other?
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Chassy, an omega who carries the weight of her heritage, is mistreated by her mother and the Red Moon Pack for her entire existence. Her real potential, which was acquired from a father who came from a mysterious Lycan clan, is hidden from her and her tormentors. She found out that Xander, her Alpha, was her mate. For some reason, he hurt her. And as a result of his own inner conflict and cultural expectations, he made a decision that damaged their relationship. After Chassy leaves, a series of things happen that send her running into another alpha's arms where he takes care of her and helps her get stronger. But destiny has more in store for her. With the advent of her Lycan beast, she unexpectedly rises to the position of alpha in her adopted pack. Then she met her father whom she never knew and found out more about herself. The persistent vampires, who have emerged as a common enemy, push packs to band together under an alliance. Chassy's previous and present lives intersect when Xander stops by her new pack for a joint training session against this backdrop of peril and unity. Lured into a story of redemption, forgiving others, and the enduring power of love as alliances form, tensions increase, and secrets come to light. Will Xander and Chassy be able to cross the gap between them? Can they stand together in the face of the impending vampire threat?
El lobo de Trueno
El lobo de Trueno
Nadie ha visto su rostro, pero todos han oído hablar de él. Todos temen su nombre porque dondequiera que se pronuncie su nombre, el resultado es la destrucción absoluta y completa. Se sabe que acaba con una manada completa en unos pocos minutos y nunca ha habido un sobreviviente. Dicen que ataca a los Alfas, otros dicen que odia a los pícaros pero nadie sabe quién será su próximo objetivo. Dicen que el cielo se cubre de nubes negras y los truenos golpean el suelo en el lugar donde ataca. El consejo de hombres lobo lo declaró el lobo más buscado del mundo, con la orden de matar a la vista. Si tan solo pudieran tenerlo a la vista Con la vista del águila, la velocidad del relámpago y el rugido del trueno, él era el lobo más poderoso que jamás se haya conocido. Era el LOBO DEL TRUENO. ¿O debería decir ELLA?
El heredero rechazado del Alfa
El heredero rechazado del Alfa
Rosalyn Parker ha sido abusada verbalmente por su madre durante años y su padre la ha ignorado. Su hermano fue la única persona que la trató con amabilidad. Pero, en la noche de su cumpleaños número 18, cuando fue rechazada por su compañero ke'shaun Black, que pronto sería el alfa de la manada de la luna aulladora, después de que él se apareara con ella. Ese fue el último empujón que necesitaba para irse, pero pronto descubriría que estaba embarazada del heredero del alfa... 17 años después de dejar atrás a su manada y su familia, Rosalyn ha hecho una vida para ella y su hijo en Italia después de unirse al pacchetto della luna del sangue (manada de luna de sangre). Se había mantenido en contacto con su hermano ya que él era la única persona a la que consideraba familia... Ahora se enfrenta al horror de volver al lugar que la rompió después de haber sido invitada a la boda de su hermano. Lea para averiguar qué sucede cuando el alfa se encuentra con su heredero rechazado.
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
Pareja inesperada del príncipe alfa
"Compañera!" Escuchó a su lobo gruñir. Los ojos de Lancelot se posaron en el lugar donde ella le estrechó la palma. 'Tienes que estar bromeando.' ******** Lo había perdido todo en solo un día: el trabajo que tanto intentó encontrar, su prometido con el que salió la mitad de su vida y lo que quedaba de una relación con su hermana gemela. Lo único que no podía permitirse perder era lo que quedaba de su dignidad; ciertamente no en una boda que debería haber sido suya. Y por eso lo necesitaba a él, al apuesto extraño al otro lado de la calle. Lo que Roxanne Harvey no sabía era que este extraño había llegado para quedarse. Lancelot Dankworth, Príncipe Alfa del London Pride Pack no podía creer lo que veía. La loca americana que le gritaba a su asistente hizo que su lobo gruñera posesivamente por primera vez en 26 años. Nunca creyó que sería capaz de amar a nadie más, pero ¿por qué parece que no puede controlar sus emociones cuando está cerca de la loca estadounidense? Le encanta estar solo, siempre lo había estado, pero ¿por qué de repente estar separado de ella lo vuelve loco? No deberían estar juntos. Él es un príncipe alfa y ella es una mujer humana. Sin embargo, este hecho no le impide enamorarse perdidamente de ella. Con el oscuro pasado de Lancelot y sus numerosos enemigos, él lucha por protegerla de sus innumerables enemigos, así como de él mismo. ¿Su vínculo sería lo suficientemente fuerte como para conquistarlo todo? ¿O se perderían el uno al otro junto con ellos mismos?
Fantasy Romance
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
"Get undressed and wait for me in bed. Keep your legs open until I finish my shower," he commanded with the power of his Alpha status and as her mate. She wanted to resist. "Do you think I'm the same Luna you forced in the past? I refuse to submit to you. I won't let you touch me." He growled softly, feeling a hot desire for her. She was no longer the unattractive Luna he remembered - she was gorgeous. He wanted to devour her with his tongue. He pulled her close and pushed her onto the bed, licking the back of her ear, making her moan in pleasure. He whispered, "I won't touch your body. Just your p*ssy until you beg for more." He used to be next in line for Alpha and was under the control of his grandfather, the Alpha king. He had to accept mating with the woman he disliked the most - the daughter of one of the most powerful Alphas in the werewolf kingdom. If he didn't, he might lose his chance at being Alpha king after his grandfather's death. He thought he was mateless at the time. He didn't choose to mate with the unattractive woman, so he cheated on her day and night. But, one drunken night, he lost control and slept with her. Later, he forced her to break their mating bond. But, he discovered she was carrying his triplets. He forced her to be his mate again, or she wouldn't see her children again. Six years later, he was no longer weak. He was the Alpha king of werewolves.
Su Desagradable Retorno
Su Desagradable Retorno
Acosada: una palabra tan simple, pero esa era la definición total de mi vida. Me callé y soporté. Porque en mi corazón, me aferré a esa pequeña esperanza de que mi pareja me rescatara. Sin embargo, esa esperanza se ve aplastada cuando mi compañero, el Alfa de mi manada, me rechaza ante toda la escuela. Bueno, la broma es sobre ellos cuando me paré frente a ellos como un arma hermosa con el paquete más duro apoyándome. No hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de mi nuevo Alfa. Pero, ¿estoy lista para abrirle mi corazón?
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)
The Alpha's Mate Is Impostor
The Alpha's Mate Is Impostor
Desperate to find her twin, Freya, who got kicked by their father out of their pack, Mia Eveleigh entered the BloodPearl Pack territory—the rival of their pack. Mia Eveleigh learnt that the Alpha of the BloodPearl Pack was currently looking for Freya because the Alpha discovered that Freya was his mate. But Freya was already pregnant by somebody else. Afraid, Freya begs Mia to pretend to be her and immediately ran away. Suddenly, the Alpha’s comrades surrounded Mia. Magnus Haven, appeared and the moment he saw Mia, his blood-like handsome eyes glowed. Magnus grabbed Mia’s collar, he looked down to her lips and whispered, “Found you, Freya” that made her left shocked. The Alpha thought she was her twin sister! Mia thought of running away until she remembered the poor pup inside Freya’s womb. Mia has only one option left to save her family, and that is to accept to pretend ... and be the impostor of the Alpha’s mate.
His Gifted Luna
His Gifted Luna
My name is Gemma and I'm the white wolf. My life has been really, really shitty. At 3, the pack I stayed at was attacked, I lost my mother, was kidnapped and abused by some people. They asked me to reveal the identity of the white wolf. I was only 3 for goddess' sake! How was I supposed to know? After I was deemed useless to their search, I became their maid. I lost 12 years, 12 freaking years, to these people but I escaped. I had planned it for a long time and managed to get from America to England. I met my mate there. Alpha Conner Hughes. I love him. He helped me figure myself out and taught me about gifted wolves. I'm a gifted wolf, scratch that, His Gifted Luna. Everything was quiet for four years, four beautiful years, until fate just decided to just fuck with me and send me back to my old pack to deal with hunters. Secrets will be revealed, hardships will be overcome and hearts will be broken. I just hope i can get through it all with Conner by my side.
El Alfa prohibido
El Alfa prohibido
Adea no tiene interés alguno en salir con alguien ni en hallar a la pareja que la Diosa le haya destinado. Está resuelta a hacer caso omiso de las pesadillas que perturban su descanso, a conservar su empleo en la manada de la Media Luna y a llevar una vida serena. Pero cuando su inseparable amiga Mavy le suplica que la acompañe a Desert Moon en la búsqueda de su alma gemela, Adea se ve incapaz de rechazar la petición. ¿Qué camino tomará Adea al ser ella quien descubre a su pareja en el Baile de la Luna Creciente? ¿Logrará desentrañar el mensaje oculto tras sus sueños atormentados? Y una vez que ensamble todas las piezas del rompecabezas, ¿tendrá el poder de alterar su propio destino?
Her Forbidden Alpha
Her Forbidden Alpha
"This is wrong..." She whimpered pleasure consuming her. “You want me just as much as I want you, give in to your desires sweetheart and I’ll make you feel so good, that you won't ever want another man to touch you.” He whispered huskily making her core throb. That was what she was afraid of, that when he was done with her, she would be left broken… ------ Scarlett Malone was a feisty headstrong young she-wolf, blessed by the moon goddess as the first Alpha Female. Moving to a new town with her mother to start afresh, they were welcomed into a new pack and a new family. Things became complicated when she begins to feel attracted to her smart and cocky stepbrother, the future Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack. Will she be able to overcome the illicit thoughts that consume her mind and awaken a pleasure deep within her? or would she push even her own boundaries and explore the forbidden feelings that burned within her? Elijah Westwood, the most popular boy around, and one every girl wished to have a taste of. A player who didn’t believe in love, nor mates. He was twenty-one and was in no rush to find his fated one, enjoying life as he was, with no shortages of women to. What happens when he returns home only to find that he’s begun to see his step-sister in a new light? Knowing that when the mating ceremony came, she would find her mate. Will he fight against everything for her, or would he let her go?
The Alpha's Beloved Human Mate
The Alpha's Beloved Human Mate
A dangerous and strong Alpha, waited for his mate to come. He didn't expect his mate to be a mere human with no werewolf blood running through her veins, but Alpha Arther fell in love with her at first sight. Letitia was a daughter of the famous model and an actor. Her parents hired an assassin to kill her while she was on vacation in her grandparent's house, but Alpha Arther saved her and allowed her to stay in their territory. Letitia will face many challenges while living with the werewolves, but how will she deal with the fact that she will one day be the Luna of Alpha Arther's pack? Being a Luna of a pack is difficult, especially since she is only human and can only rely on the skills her grandfather taught her when she was a child. But, what if there is a twist in her life after staying longer in the Forest? Will Letitia accept her fate?
Her Second Chance Mate
Her Second Chance Mate
Unwanted and Rejected. Dr. Roselyn Woodsman is the famous Beta’s daughter who was labeled a mateless wolf in her pack. She searched for her mate far and wide but it was quite unfortunate that the moment she met him, he was already engaged to another werewolf. The rejection made her wolf fall into deep depression. Ruthless and merciless, is what he is known for. He is a ruthless killer, who bathes in his opponent's blood. He has the strength of a thousand wolf. He is an abnormality that was meant to be slayed the moment he was given birth to. Alpha Nicholas got to power at a very tender age but he is a fierce warrior. He fought the Alpha that backstabbed his father and won. He’s on a rampage mission of retribution to slay everyone who had a hand in his family’s demise. Fate slaps him on the face with his clueless mate (Roselyn) whose wolf is depressed and dying. Will his plot of revenge ever end or will it cause his doom? Will she ever find happiness and true love or will it lead to her demise?
Her King, His Destined Queen
Her King, His Destined Queen
“Clarissa baby run, no matter what you hear do not look back baby girl, promise me you’ll just keep running” My mama screamed at me through the mind link as she battled with the pain of losing papa her mate ten minutes ago and fending off against three huge rogues to make way for me to escape. I knew if I did as my Mama said I could survive and possibly get help, the down side was the fact that I knew deep in my heart that if I left, I’ll never see her again. Not just her, I’ll never see anyone from my pack again. Yet despite knowing the final outcome I sighed and looked at Mama longingly, memorizing every feature of hers before I bolted into the woods without looking back, I heard the screams, the growls and howls but I couldn’t stop, I had to keep going as fast as my seven years old legs could go. “Find your mate Isa, find him before you come back here. Your fated mate will be the key to unlocking your full potential, remember your Papa and I love you very much my little Dove” mama linked me again before I felt the pain, I felt it before I heard her. Everyone was gone just to protect me and stop that psychotic man. I’ll definitely end that old mutt one day and I’ll do it slowly and I will enjoy every single moment of it. I thought with heartache as I groggily got up and continued running while dodging tree roots and fallen tree logs. ‘Keep them safe creator and grant them eternal rest by your side, give me the courage and the strength I need to overcome this pain, I also ask for wisdom and knowledge to survive out here finally please grant me patience’ I quietly prayed in my heart. Hoping my prayers will be answered. Clarissa Rose Andrews was born a perfect princess, the only daughter/child of the Alpha and Luna of the Crimson moon pack, her parents loved and adored her with their whole heart, a pack that practically worshiped the very ground she walked on due to her kind and loving personality. Everything was perfect until someone betrayed them all and everything went to shambles. 0n her seven years birthday celebration an attack orchestrated by a family member forced her to flee home and endure the pain of losing everything and everyone. With a goal in mind Clarissa endures everything and remains hidden until fate decides to mess with her life all over again and throws a stumbling block that leads her back on the run into the woods where she comes face to face with HER KING. Xavier Nathan Jeremiah Alpha King to the Royal Lycans Pack had been king for seven years after he took over the position at a very young age of seventeen when his father became too ill to continue with the position and stepped down. As a young pup he dreamed of having his mate once he came of age and got his Lycan yet he still remains unmated at the age of twenty four. With the pressure to take a chosen mate from the council, Xavier is close to losing his mind and his wolf when he decides to go on a much needed vacation his wolf had recommended. She was out looking for her real 'mate' since the first one was the creator's prank on her, while He was looking for solace away from the burdens that came with being a leader. Their paths crossed and as predicted by the ancient prophesy. Now they have to battle their own demons and learn to love, trust and accept each other to help them overcome an ancient evil that has awakened and fulfill their destiny.As a young pup he dreamed of having his mate once he came of age and got his Lycan yet he still remains unmated at the age of twentyfour. With the pressure to take a chosen mate from the council, Xavier is close to losing his mind and his wolf when he decides to go on a much needed vacation his wolf had recommended.
Mr.Twin Alpha are you interested
Mr.Twin Alpha are you interested
Ava Sullivan, the only Omega in the Lunarbane Pack, is treated as an outcast and a slave. She dreams of escaping, but the fear of the unknown keeps her bound to her pack. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she is rejected by her mate, Beta Jackson Hartley, crushing her hopes of a better life. But fate has a different plan. Ava finds herself drawn to two handsome strangers, her true mates, who are also the most powerful Alpha twins in the werewolf community. As Ava navigates through the complexities of her new life, she uncovers shocking truths about her family and her pack. With her life in danger, she must make a choice - to stay and fight for her place in the pack or to run away and live in the human world. Amidst betrayal, secrets, and fear, Ava must find the strength to survive and protect those she loves. Will she embrace her destiny as Luna, or will she let her fear dictate her future? Discover Ava's journey in this thrilling tale of love, courage, and self-discovery.
