El Alfa prohibido
El Alfa prohibido
Adea no tiene interés alguno en salir con alguien ni en hallar a la pareja que la Diosa le haya destinado. Está resuelta a hacer caso omiso de las pesadillas que perturban su descanso, a conservar su empleo en la manada de la Media Luna y a llevar una vida serena. Pero cuando su inseparable amiga Mavy le suplica que la acompañe a Desert Moon en la búsqueda de su alma gemela, Adea se ve incapaz de rechazar la petición. ¿Qué camino tomará Adea al ser ella quien descubre a su pareja en el Baile de la Luna Creciente? ¿Logrará desentrañar el mensaje oculto tras sus sueños atormentados? Y una vez que ensamble todas las piezas del rompecabezas, ¿tendrá el poder de alterar su propio destino?
The Forbidden Alpha
The Forbidden Alpha
Adea isn’t interested in dating or finding her Goddess-chosen mate. She’s determined to ignore the nightmares that plague her sleep, keep her job at Half Moon pack, and live a peaceful life. When her best friend, Mavy begs her to go with her to Desert Moon to find her mate, she can’t say no. What does Adea do when she’s the one to find her mate at the Crescent Moon Ball? Will she be able to figure out what her nightmares are trying to warn her about? When she pieces it all together can she change her fate?
Alpha Shane
Alpha Shane
Adea is the air I breathe. I won't let anyone come between us and I won't let the Moon Goddess try and decide who she gets to be with. Whether it be her father or destiny, no one will get in my way. Fate? Mate? These words mean nothing to me. No one wants us together, but the jokes on them, I'll decide my own destiny. Adea Biscoff is that destiny. !! TRIGGER WARNING This book contains sexual assault and violence that may be triggering to survivors. !! NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Alpha Shane is split between two different lives. Shane and Adea's first life together and the life AFTER The Forbidden Alpha. Alpha Shane CAN be read as a standalone but I would recommend that readers read The Forbidden Alpha first.
Anything For You
Anything For You
*****"""""***** I was there looking into your life and your soul was always mine, but you were reluctant . This was an undeniable Twist of Fate that brought them together, even if they both belonged to two different worlds and were never meant to cross paths, which them got entangled into a series of lives and deaths, reincarnating to end that "Pact". EMERALD AZURE, a would be Alpha king who is not blessed with a 'Destined Mate' by Moon Gooddess, happens to come across an independent, University student SCARLET LOZENGE, who happen to be a weapon Designger and they both got into each other again . But what would happen when they would come to know the past that they shared ? Would Scarlet be able to forgive Emerald ? And Would Emerald be able to protect Scarlet ?? How long they are safe?. But what would happen when her true self is revealed?? Would they again be dancing as puppets in the hands of so called " Destiny" this time too ?? Or This time it's all about the choices they make ?? Whom would they both choose ??? .. .. their lives or the unspoken relationship...!!! *****"""""***** Stay tuned to find out the beautiful journey of reincarnation of these two people who found each other in different Eras and time intervals due to series of twists and turns. **Join me on this adventure to unfold this mystery** **Instagram handle:- Pooja.bansal.92560 **Email- [email protected] **Cover credits- Author
Su Alfa posesivo
Su Alfa posesivo
"¡Tú me perteneces, Ava! ¡Eres mía! ¡Y que me lleve el diablo antes de permitir que otro te posea!" rugió él, consumido por una ira desbordante. Los antiguos líderes de la manada Luz de Luna mantenían una tradición arraigada que jamás se había quebrantado: seleccionar a la Luna ideal para su Alfa de entre sus propios miembros, orquestando así la unión perfecta que, según creían, ni la misma diosa de la luna podría igualar. Ava Maynard, integrante de la manada Luz de Luna y la próxima en ser coronada como Luna, fue designada para este destino desde su más tierna infancia y se ha venido preparando para ello durante toda su vida. Sin embargo, al llegar el momento de cumplir con su deber y contraer matrimonio con Ray, el Alfa de la manada Luz de Luna, su camino se cruza con el de Lucas, su verdadero compañero. Respecto a su auténtico compañero, Ava siempre había supuesto que lo rechazaría en cuanto apareciera, tal como lo habían hecho las Lunas precedentes; si ellas habían logrado manejar la situación con éxito, ella estaba convencida de que también podría hacerlo. Pero surge un contratiempo: ¿qué decisión tomará al darse cuenta de que ninguna de las Lunas anteriores se había enfrentado a un compañero como Lucas? Un ser tan posesivo, que no escatimaría esfuerzos para alcanzar sus deseos; alguien que no renunciaría a ella sin dar batalla, alguien resuelto a reclamar lo que la diosa Luna le ha otorgado, incluso si ello implica desafiar las tradiciones de su propia manada. ¿Qué ocurrirá cuando Lucas De 'Clan, Alfa de la manada Alba y verdadero compañero de Ava, descubra que ella está siendo preparada para otro? ¿Acaso renunciará a su compañera para que ella cumpla con sus deberes como Luna? ¿O luchará por lo que le pertenece por derecho? Y Ava, ¿qué camino elegirá? ¿Dónde reside la lealtad de su corazón? ¿En su destino o en su deber? Descúbrelo en "Su Alfa Posesivo; Historia de una loba rota". Advertencia: Este libro contiene temas oscuros, contenido sexual agresivo y maduro que puede resultar inapropiado para lectores jóvenes.
Her Possessive Alpha
Her Possessive Alpha
"You belong with me Ava! You are mine! And I'll be damned before I let anyone else have you!!!" He growled with boiling rage. The former leaders of the moonlight pack from time past had a popular tradition that had never been broken; choosing the perfect Luna for their Alpha from within the pack, arranging the perfect union they thought that the moon goddess could not provide. Ava Maynard, a member of the moonlight pack and the next in line to be the Luna, was chosen for this role when she was just a baby, and has been preparing for it her whole life. But when the time comes for her to assume her duty and marry the moonlight pack's Alpha Ray, she meets her true mate, Lucas. As for her true mate, well, Ava had always thought that she'd just reject him whenever he came along, just like all the other Luna's before her had done, if they'd been able to manage it well in the past she thought, then she should too. But there's a problem; what will she do when she finds out that all the other Luna's have never been mated to someone like Lucas? Someone so possessive, someone who will stop at nothing to get what he wants; someone who won’t give her up without a fight, someone who is determined by all means to get what the moon goddess has blessed with, even if it means going against her pack's tradition. What will happen when Lucas De ‘Clan, Alpha of the Dawn pack and Ava's true mate finds out that she's being prepared for someone else? Will he eventually let go of his mate so she can fulfill her Luna duties? Or will he fight for what rightfully belongs to him? And what about Ava? What will she choose? Where does her heart belong? Her fate or her duty? Find out in Her Possessive Alpha; Tale of a broken wolf. Warning: This book contains dark themes, trigger aggressive and mature sexual content that might be considered unsuitable for younger readers.
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
Alpha King's pregnant Ex-luna
"Get undressed and wait for me in bed. Keep your legs open until I finish my shower," he commanded with the power of his Alpha status and as her mate. She wanted to resist. "Do you think I'm the same Luna you forced in the past? I refuse to submit to you. I won't let you touch me." He growled softly, feeling a hot desire for her. She was no longer the unattractive Luna he remembered - she was gorgeous. He wanted to devour her with his tongue. He pulled her close and pushed her onto the bed, licking the back of her ear, making her moan in pleasure. He whispered, "I won't touch your body. Just your p*ssy until you beg for more." He used to be next in line for Alpha and was under the control of his grandfather, the Alpha king. He had to accept mating with the woman he disliked the most - the daughter of one of the most powerful Alphas in the werewolf kingdom. If he didn't, he might lose his chance at being Alpha king after his grandfather's death. He thought he was mateless at the time. He didn't choose to mate with the unattractive woman, so he cheated on her day and night. But, one drunken night, he lost control and slept with her. Later, he forced her to break their mating bond. But, he discovered she was carrying his triplets. He forced her to be his mate again, or she wouldn't see her children again. Six years later, he was no longer weak. He was the Alpha king of werewolves.
Mi rey licántropo personal
Mi rey licántropo personal
Victoria Gibberson, una joven de 18 años con habilidades telepáticas, capaz de leer la mente de los demás cuando lo desea. Más que un don, era una maldición. Hacía un año que sus padres habían fallecido en un accidente de tráfico, así que tras finalizar el instituto, decidió cambiar de aires y se mudó a un pequeño pueblo llamado Pearly Canines, junto a su tía. Sin embargo, algo en ese lugar era inquietantemente peculiar. Un encanto extraño e inexplicable lo envolvía. Lo que más desconcertaba a Victoria era la atracción innegable que sentía hacia un chico llamado Alexander Hunter. Él la miraba fijamente, como si pudiera descifrar sus secretos más ocultos, transmitiéndole una atención que rozaba lo sobrenatural. ​ No le facilitaba las cosas que una noche, él se acercara, se inclinara hacia ella y le susurrara de manera seductora al oído: "Hola, compañera. Dejémonos llevar por el amor."
My Personal Lycan King
My Personal Lycan King
Victoria Gibberson, an 18 years old telepathic girl who can read the mind of others whenever she wants. It was a curse more than a gift Her parents died in a car accident, one year back, and thus, the first thing she did after completing high school was changing her place of residence, moving to a small town called Pearly Canines with her aunt. But there was something strange with this place. There was a strange lure in this place. The thing that was most strange to her was, she felt an undeniable attraction to this guy called Alexander Hunter. He would stare at her deeply as if knowing her deepest secrets, showcasing her his utmost care. It didn't help her when one night, he came and leaned towards her before whispering seductively in her ears, "Hello, mate. Let's fall in love with each other."
The Alpha's Little Witch
The Alpha's Little Witch
Amyra was a witch who worked in the Alpha's pack manor as a maid, she had powers that were dormant in her for some reason, though she didn't even know she was a witch until another war started between the witches and werewolves. Though constantly maltreated by the Luna, she doesn't complain and tries to focus on her work. Unexpectedly finding herself in the middle of everything, she discovered who she was and also tried to navigate the powers brewing in her to bring peace and balance. But she needed Alpha Caden of Moon River pack to be able to complete this quest. An Alpha who hated her and hates the witches too. But will it work? Will she be able to save the day and end the killing of both communities she had strong links to? Will the Alpha succumb to the passion and allow himself be uses to bring this peace and balance? Or will everything fall apart and both communities will be left to keep fighting until they both finish off one other?
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Not Just A Luna; I Am Alpha!
Chassy, an omega who carries the weight of her heritage, is mistreated by her mother and the Red Moon Pack for her entire existence. Her real potential, which was acquired from a father who came from a mysterious Lycan clan, is hidden from her and her tormentors. She found out that Xander, her Alpha, was her mate. For some reason, he hurt her. And as a result of his own inner conflict and cultural expectations, he made a decision that damaged their relationship. After Chassy leaves, a series of things happen that send her running into another alpha's arms where he takes care of her and helps her get stronger. But destiny has more in store for her. With the advent of her Lycan beast, she unexpectedly rises to the position of alpha in her adopted pack. Then she met her father whom she never knew and found out more about herself. The persistent vampires, who have emerged as a common enemy, push packs to band together under an alliance. Chassy's previous and present lives intersect when Xander stops by her new pack for a joint training session against this backdrop of peril and unity. Lured into a story of redemption, forgiving others, and the enduring power of love as alliances form, tensions increase, and secrets come to light. Will Xander and Chassy be able to cross the gap between them? Can they stand together in the face of the impending vampire threat?
Her Unpleasant Return
Her Unpleasant Return
Bullied-such a simple word, yet that was the total definition of my life. I kept quiet and endured. Because in my heart, I held on to that one small hope that my mate will rescue me. However, that hope gets crushed when my mate, the Alpha of my pack rejects me before the entire school. Well, the joke is on them when I stood before them as a beautiful weapon with the toughest pack supporting me. It wouldn’t have been possible without my new Alpha’s support. But am I ready to open my heart for him?
Su Desagradable Retorno
Su Desagradable Retorno
Acosada: una palabra tan simple, pero esa era la definición total de mi vida. Me callé y soporté. Porque en mi corazón, me aferré a esa pequeña esperanza de que mi pareja me rescatara. Sin embargo, esa esperanza se ve aplastada cuando mi compañero, el Alfa de mi manada, me rechaza ante toda la escuela. Bueno, la broma es sobre ellos cuando me paré frente a ellos como un arma hermosa con el paquete más duro apoyándome. No hubiera sido posible sin el apoyo de mi nuevo Alfa. Pero, ¿estoy lista para abrirle mi corazón?
Rejected Luna
Rejected Luna
Amelia is an orphan, working as a maid in the crescent moon castle. She fell in love with the alpha’s brother Crane, On her eighteenth birthday, he rejected her and she was shattered. One day, Crane and his brother were having a conversation and she overheard them saying she has a pack. Not knowing that they have been lying to her, all she wants is revenge. What happens when she asks the most powerful and aloof alpha, Jackson Kane for help and he asks her to be his luna, claiming that she is his mate? Will she agree? Will she ever love him? Will she ever get her revenge?
Princesa licántropa Luna predestinada
Princesa licántropa Luna predestinada
Mudarse a la ciudad y abrir una tienda de té parecía una buena idea, o eso pensaba Soma. Sin embargo, la situación se torció rápidamente cuando un detective llamado Marks la puso en el punto de mira, arrastrándola al centro de un conflicto entre él y Oliver Stone, el Alfa de la manada Blood Moon. Oliver compra té y queda cautivado por el embriagador aroma de Soma, revelándola como su compañera. El detective Marks se entera de esto poco después. Oliver, sin querer asustarla, prefiere ir con calma y presentarse adecuadamente, pero cuando Marks incendia su tienda y casi la mata, Oliver se ve obligado a mostrar su naturaleza lupina para salvarla. ¿Lo aceptará Soma o lo rechazará y huirá?
Lycan Princess Fated Luna
Lycan Princess Fated Luna
Moving to a city and opening a tea shop was a good idea or Soma thought. But that idea soon took a turn for the worst when a Detective by the name of Marks targets her and puts her in the middle of a war between him and Oliver Stone, the Alpha of the Blood Moon pack. Oliver buys tea, and he is hit with Soma’s intoxicating scent exposing her as his mate. Detective Marks finds this out shortly after. Not wanting to scare her, Oliver wants to take it slow and introduce himself, but when Detective Marks burns her store down and almost kills her, Oliver is forced to expose his wolf side to save her. Will she accept him or reject him and run?
Red Riding Hood Killed A Wolf
Red Riding Hood Killed A Wolf
Her downfall came hours after her birthday when she found out that she was the mate of the very monster she hunted. A father, tormented by the grief of the past, could do nothing until he found someone like-minded and formed the Alliance to fight those who took away the love of his life. He fought behind the screen while his daughter did what he never could - she killed the big bad wolf. The years passed, and she followed her father's vision until an ill-advised mission led her to imprisonment under the command of an Alpha. Little did Enya know that misfortune would reveal too many secrets. Will Enya ever find herself in a tangle of lies, or will she perish with those who led her astray?
TRAPPED Nala price got rejected by her mate who was also her boyfriend, Jordan price. She was lucky to have a second chance mate Don Richardo a ruthless hot and rich lycan well know for his anger. Will Nala be able to open her heart to Don? And will Don be able to open his heart after the death of his first mate. They are each other's second chance at love!!
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
Mi trío de hermanastros alfa
"¿Tu tenias un novio?" Stefan mordisqueó mi oreja, volviéndome loca. "Hmm" Salió más como un gemido cuando sentí el cálido aliento de Kevin en la piel ardiente de mi cuello, haciendo que todo mi cuerpo temblara de emoción. " ¿Dormiste con el?" La voz ronca de Riven vino desde mi lado, sus manos recorrieron mi cuerpo libremente, tocando los lugares prohibidos. "Noo..." Mi voz era entrecortada, llena de necesidad. Mi cabeza cayó hacia atrás sobre el pecho de Stefan. "¡No te preocupes, lo vamos a sacar de tu sistema!" Kevin prometió con su seductora voz profunda. …………… Giselle Swan se vio obligada a unirse a la manada Dark Sapphire para quedarse con su madre, Vera Smith y su nuevo esposo, Alpha Riley y sus hijos, cuando Vera ganó el caso de su custodia. La manada Dark Sapphire es una de las más ricas y Alpha Riley la aprecia. Pero el problema eran sus hermanastros trillizos Kevin, Riven y Stefan. ¡Los famosos tripletes alfa! Por alguna razón desconocida, Triplet siempre despreció a Giselle, pero se aseguraron de hacer de su vida un infierno cuando ella entró en su territorio. ¿Qué hará cuando sepa que los trillizos son sus compañeros? ¿Qué pasará cuando los dos trillizos, Kevin y Stefan, hagan todo lo posible para persuadirla de que sea su Luna? ¿Los aceptará? ¿Por qué es tan difícil impresionar a Riven? ¿Podrá domarlo? ¿Los rechazará a todos por uno? ¿Cuál será su reacción cuando se les revele que hay zorros a su alrededor disfrazados de hombres lobo, que están jugando con sus vidas? ADVERTENCIA: Contenido extremadamente adulto (solo mayores de 18 años)
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
My Triplet Alpha Stepbrother Mates
“You had a boyfriend?” Stefan nibbled on my ear, driving me crazy. “Hmm” It came out more like a moan when I felt Kevin’s warm breath on the burning skin of my neck, making my whole body shiver with excitement. “Did you sleep with him?” Riven’s hoarse voice came from my side, his hands roaming my body freely, touching the forbidden places. “Noo…” My voice was breathy, full of need. My head fell back on Stefan’s chest. “Don’t worry, we are going to f*ck him out of your system!” Kevin promised in his seductive deep voice. …………… Giselle Swan was forced to join Dark Sapphire pack to stay with her mother, Vera Smith and her new husband, Alpha Riley and his kids, when Vera won the case of her custody. The Dark Sapphire pack is one of the wealthiest packs and Alpha Riley cherishes her. But the problem was her triplet stepbrothers Kevin, Riven and Stefan. The Famous Triplet Alphas! For some unknown reason, Triplet always despised Giselle but they made sure to make her life a living hell when she entered their territory. What will she do when she will get to know that Triplets are her mates? What will happen when the two of the triplets Kevin and Stefan will try their best to persuade her to be their Luna? Will she accept them? Why is Riven so hard to impress? Will she be able to tame him? Will she reject them all because of one? What will be their reaction when it be revealed to them that there are foxes around them in the disguise of werewolves, who are playing with their lives? WARNING: Extremely Mature Content (18+ only)
