Betrothed To A Moron
Betrothed To A Moron
"Do you know what marriage is?" Evelyn asked with a raised brow. "Marriage is 'I do' and 'you do', then boom, children come in anytime they want," Drake replied with a cute smile. "How do children come in?" She asked knowingly. "Man and a woman call them," he replied foolishly. "How do they call them?" She probed. "Just like this…" He placed his phone to his ear. "I already forgot that it's useless talking to you," Evelyn got annoyed and walked away *** Twenty years old Evelyn Brown was forced to marry the son of the richest man in the country, Drake Valentino. She thought her life was perfect, not until she was forced to get married to a man she barely knows because of money. Evelyn had thought the arranged marriage wasn't bad as her groom was a handsome young man from a rich family, just like hers until she entered the marriage. She was shocked into disbelief when she realized her husband wasn't as normal as she thought he was, he was a complete… Moron!
Wife Loves Mafia
Wife Loves Mafia
An Tinh Tuyet, originally the richest lady of the An family in H province, after witnessing the murder of her parents, was thrown by her aunt and uncle to a remote orphanage, suffering all kinds of abuse from the nanny and like her. The other children. An Tinh Tuyet finally broke out, killing everyone in the orphanage one night, then was brought back for special training by the leader of the assassin organization M. After only ten years, An Tinh Tuyet has become the most bloodthirsty and perfect assassin. With a desire for revenge, she returned to An family, stepping on the bodies of each of those lying relatives to find the murderer of her parents. On the outside she always has a beautiful smile like an angel, on the inside she is dark and bloodthirsty like a devil, that is her. He is both the general director of the largest corporation in the country and the leader of the Blood Dragon gang with a reputation for brutality that everyone is afraid of. One time, he accidentally caught sight of her killing someone, and the thought arose of wanting to pull her out of that dark hell and protect her in the palm of his hand. It's just a pity that her heart has been rotten for a long time. Can he regenerate it?
The Actor's Contract
The Actor's Contract
A San Francisco boy. Famous actor and model. Renowned playboy. Damaged lover. And a heartless robot. He needs to fix his reputation.  I need money for my sister's treatment. Everything about us is fake ... but sometimes the line between fake and real can get blurred. Enrique Blackburn turned himself into a robot.  Untouchable.  Emotionless.  The quintessential bachelor of the silver screen. He doesn't do love.  He can never say the words.  Especially not to me, his contracted phony girlfriend.  But despite the consequences I let him take my breath and steal the things I know.  Like fire on fire, he burns himself into my heart.  And that's the last place I want him to be.    We made an arrangement.  We agreed to a contract.  No sex.  No love  No relationship. Can I unfold him?  Can I make this real?  Can I make him find his heart? But most importantly - can I make him say the words?
I'm Still His
I'm Still His
Jett Alejandre is a very hot bad boy. His being a badass makes him more attractive to women. Ashley Martinez is the very pretty and sexy photographer who caught his attention. He did everything to make her his. As expected,her resistance to his charms didn't last long. Who wouldn't want to be his girlfriend? He was almost a perfect boyfriend at first..but old habits die hard.. Ashley broke up with him only to discover that he is the baddest ex-boyfriend.. 'Please leave me alone Jett ! I have a new boyfriend now!' Ashley pleaded. 'The hell you have! No one else can have you because you are mine! I will kill that bastard!'he furiously said.
Her Possessive Lover
Her Possessive Lover
Shelly Fernandez is not really into good-looking men . Mas guwapo mas delikado dahil saksakan ng babaero. Jake Herrera is not only gorgeous but is also rich and powerful. He made it clear na gusto siya nitong maging girlfriend. What Jake wants, Jake gets..ito ang motto ng lalake. Can she say no to him lalo na if he'll even resort to blackmail just to make her his? Will she just be one of his conquests or will she be different?
My Crazy Man
My Crazy Man
Azura super model ternama, memiliki masa lalu buruk tentang kisah cinta. Lalu dalam sepinya hidup Azura, datanglah Devano Mackzie, CEO muda dengan semua kekonyolan yang ada pada diri pria itu. Devano bukan seorang CEO muda seperti yang ada di dalam buku-buku novel. Devano adalah pria menyebalkan yang tidak bisa membuat hidup Azura tenang. Itu karena dia benar-benar gila dalam mencintai Azura. Lalu apa yang terjadi jika wanita dingin dan acuh bertemu dengan pria yang banyak bicara seperti Devano ? Baca kisah mereka.
Random Husband
Random Husband
Fransisca atau yang akrab dipanggil Caca ini kebingungan mencari calon suami setelah dirinya telah mengemborkan rencana pernikahannya dengan seorang pembisnis berdarah barat namun ternyata malah kandas. Suatu ketika di sebuah pesta para rekan Caca mendesaknya untuk menunjukkan calon suaminya membuat gadis itu kebingungan. Malu jika dirinya mengatakan hal yang sejujurnya. Ide gila terbesit di otaknya. Secara acak wanita itu menunjuk seorang pemuda dan mengatakan itu calon suaminya.
Amaba el romance, pero no creía en príncipes azules ni en finales felices. Más bien me atraía los príncipes negros, aquellos misteriosos hombres, que lo único que hacen en ti, es activar una atracción difícil de quitar, que te hacen descubrir ese lado oculto que todos tenemos, esos que tienen el cartel de prohibido y peligro con luces de neón alrededor suyo. Exacto, los chicos malos. Y Alessandro Rizzo lo era. La primera vez que lo vi, su belleza me deslumbro. La segunda vez que coincidimos, decidí hablarle. Lo que no contaba, era con la ignorada olímpica que me dio, fuera de ponerme triste, me puso ansiosa y deseosa por conseguir su atención. La tercera vez, lo tenía apuntándome con un arma en la cien. La cuarta, lo estaba salvando de la muerte. Sabía que no estábamos hechos para estar juntos, su mundo y el mío eran muy distintos...o eso pensaba yo. Pero la atracción que había, era mucho más fuerte que la razón. Sabía de antemano que solo yo perdería en esto, pero no lo pensé dos veces, y me tire al abismo sin tener la certeza de que sería atrapada al caer. Solo podía pensar. ¿Estará él, al final del abismo?
Cayendo en El
Cayendo en El
Tengo novio, Tengo novio, Tengo un jodido novio. Eso me repetia a cada segundo los cuales aun permanecia en la fiesta de mi novio, en una reunión para celebrar su cumpleaños, donde su familia esta, toda su familia esta......incluido él. Intente olvidarlo, lo intente con todas mis fuerzas pero fue imposible lograrlo, mucho menos cuando tenia a su hermano menor como mi novio, solo verlo a los ojos lo recuerdo a él y eso que nunca paso nada entre él y yo, no más de leves palabras o miradas serias. Pero el era el motivo de mis más oscuras y deliciosas fantasias, de ser gay, todo es culpa de él......pero claramente el no lo sabe. Pero un error por parte de mi novio cambió todo, me cambio a mí, lo cambio a él y sus miradas cambiaron, sus labios me llamaban a entregarme a un pecado infinito al igual que la oscuridad en sus ojos, una oscuridad que me hace temblar de deseo. No creo poder resistirme a él.
With everything I am
With everything I am
Blurb I've watched him fall in and out of love our whole life_ Gianna Young Gianna Young twenty-three years old successful model and Elon king Twenty four years old, bachelor owner of one of the most successful companies in the state. These two have been best friends since they were ten. Gianna is secretly in love with her best friend and there is nothing she can do about it because he's in love with somebody else, Karina Beckett? his secretary. Read with everything I am to know all about this journey.