La gran obsesión del millonario
La gran obsesión del millonario
Brianna se acercó a él con obediencia. Al notar su rigidez y vacilación al moverse, Scott se mostró contrariado. "¿Qué pasa? ¿Acaso eres un robot? ¿No sabes a qué te dedicas?" "Sí, a complacerte", contestó Brianna con torpeza, "Pero... es que apenas nos conocemos y... tampoco hay sentimientos entre nosotros..." "¿De qué hablas? No eres más que una cosa mía." Scott replicó con frialdad mientras deslizaba su dedo desde los labios de ella, bajando por su cuello hasta llegar a la clavícula. Brianna sintió cómo el dedo de él continuaba descendiendo hasta posarse en su seno derecho. Ella se mordió el labio y dijo, "Señor Anderson, para usted soy solo una chica más, comparada con las que ha conocido. No creo ser lo suficientemente buena para complacerlo." "Si eres suficientemente buena o no, eso lo decido yo. Además, ¿para qué buscaría a otras si ya tengo una aquí por la que he pagado?" Scott expresó con una voz helada.
The Return Of The Heiress (Book 2)
The Return Of The Heiress (Book 2)
Ivana Huo is a sole descendant of a big conglomerate that rises in the city of Beijing. Her family business costs billions of dollars, and she has lived a comfortable life since childhood. Her Filipina mother had a big influence on her life, but at a young age, she suffered her first loss when her Mom died. Later on, her Dad suddenly died too and left her nothing at all. She was thrown away by her relatives, who took over her family business. She only had one hope to take back what belonged to her, to marry the second-generation rich descendant of Elite Digital Marketing and Financial Investment Company, Brielle Santillian. She had encountered him during childhood, but the young CEO, Brielle Santillian, never got involved with any woman. Ivana plans to capture him and marry him to help her take revenge on her relatives. She forced him to take her as his wife after sleeping with him and threatened him that she would expose their videos and photos that night. Brielle married her for some reason, his family urged him to find a wife, but he dared not to mention his parents about their relationship. He helps her to accomplish all her plans, but later on, his cold heart can't love his wife because he thinks she's nothing but a user. He forced her to sign a divorce agreement, but she refused it at first. Accidentally she heard Brielle's conversation that he would never love her and couldn't forgive her. She silently walked away and left everything. She knew she was having his child but she was deeply hurt knowing how Brielle felt towards her. Would they still get a chance to fall in love after they met again or would she let go of him even though she had loved him since childhood?
Billionaire's Great Obsession
Billionaire's Great Obsession
Brianna walked towards him obediently. Seeing how stiff and hesitant she moved, Scott was displeased. “What? Are you a robot? Don't you know what your job is?” “Yes. To please you,” Brianna answered awkwardly, “But... but we know little about each other and... and we don't have feelings towards each other as well…” “What are you talking about? You are merely my possession.” Scott said coldly as he slid his finger from her lips down her neck towards her collarbone. Brianna felt his finger moving downwards and resting on her right breast. She bit her lips and said, “Mr. Anderson, I'm just a common girl to you compared to those that you have met. I don't think I'm good enough to please you.” “Whether you are good enough or not is up to me. Also, why would I look for others since I have got one here that I've paid for?” Scott said in a cold voice.
Switch in
Switch in
It's a love story of Emile Kiddie and Nate Dickinson.Nate Dick is married to Emily Dickinson. He can't have children naturally due to a passing sickness. Luckily he stored some of his fertile sperms before his operation which coated him his fertility. Emily his wife has had two unsuccessful inseminations. These miscarriages had a bad effect on her and tune Emily drunkard.The doctor later announced that only one sample of the sperm was left. Emily did want to go for it again. She said that she had a lot of trauma already. But Her husband Mr Dickinson insisted on having it. It was planned to be inseminated to Emily and it was their last attempt to have a baby. So if it failed again, Mr Dickinson won't have a child!. Unfortunately, Emily drank too much the previous night that she didn't show up for her appointment at the hospital the next day.Rather, Emile Kiddie did show up that day!.
Seize; seize me my ceo
Seize; seize me my ceo
Still, even the most hardworking girl has weaknesses. And my weakness is called Freddy Logan!.A very sexy influential CEO in one of the biggest companies in the United states of America. As everyone has their addiction, his addiction is “women!.”.After he was nearly dubbed by a woman and he almost lost his father's wealth. Since that time Freddy didn't only lose hopes in women, but also in love. He turned into a cruel heart breaker. All he now cares for is money, money and only money!.
Broken (Montemayor Series 1)
Broken (Montemayor Series 1)
Nathalia Grace De Vera likes history and books.She's stiff and cold. She likes being alone. She hates loud people. She will rather read books the whole day than bitching around. Sebastian Montemayor is the Owner of the Montemayor University. He's always intimidating and cold as ice. He's one of a hell hot bachelor. Nathalia met Sebastian. She felt something building in her insides. Something melting her cold heart. The man burn the ice. She fell inlove. What if the man were meant to marry? Will she fight? What if the destiny's against them? Will she give up? Why is it burning when the ice and cold collide?
Steamy Stories
Am I Married?
Am I Married?
Samara comes closer to me, now studying my face. Her eyes are wandering all over my facial features. I contort my face in confusion at her weird stares, "Umm, hey-" "Listen, can you wear my wedding dress and be a bride at my place?" She questions. Ec-excuse me? I give her a long stare. I think she is joking and would burst into laughter any minute...but she doesn't. Her face has no trace of humour. "What?" I quirk up my brow. "You've to be a bride at my place." She repeats with no hesitation. Cold shiver trickles through me. .... Sanaya Frances, 18 years old, an orphan is finding ways to earn more to gather money for her college tuition fee. She gets a chance to work as a house cook for Hobsons - one of the richest families in New York City. At the job interview, she finds that Hobsons's second son, Ashar Hobsons is getting married within a month. On the wedding day, the bride disappears, asks Sanaya to be at her place until her return. The real bride hides Sanaya's face with a veil, so that no one can recognize the different face. She comes back, but it was too late. The rings were already EXCHANGED. 25 years old, Ashar Hobsons, a successful businessman, decides to marry his childhood friend and a daughter of close business ally. On the wedding day, he is utterly unaware that the girl behind the veil who is taking marriage vows with him is not his fiancee, but a new, young cook. His bride-to-be deceived him and the worst part is she made him married to a teenager he barely remembered. Two complete strangers. Accidental marriage and their confused marital status. This doesn't sound easy and surely doesn't sound romantic.
Millionaire's Hot Secretary
Millionaire's Hot Secretary
Imogen Mark, a simple, yet extremely hot Secretary to Kade Ricardo. She was not pleased to know that she would no longer work as Kade's secretary but to Hames Hendrix, a ruthless and arrogant man that totally contradicted Kade's gentle and easy-going personality.  ~~~ "Why do you have a problem with me?" "I'm not Kade and I don't permit nonsense. I am your boss and you have to follow my rules…” *** How will Imogen adjust to being the secretary to this ruthless and frustrating Millionaire of a boss with her carefree and stubborn personality? What happens when love forms between their endless arguments and Hames has plans to remold their fates to have this hot Secretary as his alone?
Hadrien un exitoso empresario criado por su nana, con valores muy altos y respeto a sus congéneres, tiene un tacto para los negocios que lo han hecho a tan poca edad multimillonario, pero un consejo de su nana y un accidente de su Asistente personal, hace que busque una nueva Asistente sin imaginarse que el amor empezara a rondar cerca, pero el mal también lo seguirá, su peor enemigo querrá lastimarlo y donde lo dañará cruelmente, en su corazón, arrebatándole su amor verdadero ¿LUCHARA POR ELLO HADRIEN?, ¿DEJARÁ QUE LE QUITEN LA FELICIDAD DE SUS MANOS? LEE ESTA MARAVILLOSA NOVELA, DONDE REIRÁS, LLORARÁS, ESTARÁS CON LOS NERVIOS EN PUNTA
His Lovely Obsession
His Lovely Obsession
Nicholas Derick Alcantara is filthy rich, incredibly good-looking , arrogant and every woman's fantasy. Stacey Ledesma is sultry, extremely alluring and every man's desire. The real Stacey is very simple, a bit shy and never had a boyfriend. But because of her job, she has to act and look sexy. Because of his wrong impression of her, Nick planned to teach her a lesson. He hates her kind. She has a reputation of being a flirt. A virgin will be ravished by a sexy as hell Casanova who thinks the worst of her. She will fall hard for him and he will be completely obsessed with her.
Steamy Stories
La Trampa De Ace
La Trampa De Ace
Hace siete años, Emerald Hutton había dejado atrás a su familia y amigos para estudiar en Nueva York, acunando su corazón roto entre las manos, para escapar de una sola persona. El mejor amigo de su hermano, a quién había amado desde el día en que la salvó de los matones cuando ella tenía siete años. Rota por el chico de sus sueños y traicionada por sus seres queridos, Emerald había aprendido a enterrar los pedazos de su corazón en el rincón más profundo de sus recuerdos. Hasta que, siete años después, tiene que volver a su pueblo natal tras terminar la universidad. El lugar donde ahora reside el frío multimillonario de corazón de piedra por el que antes latía su corazón muerto. Marcado por su pasado, Achilles Valencian se había convertido en el hombre al que todos temían. Las quemaduras de su vida habían llenado su corazón de una oscuridad sin fondo. Y la única luz que lo había mantenido cuerdo era su Rosebud. Una chica con pecas y ojos turquesa a la que había adorado toda su vida. La hermana pequeña de su mejor amigo. Tras años de distanciamiento, cuando por fin ha llegado el momento de capturar su luz en su territorio, Achilles Valencian jugará su juego. Un juego para reclamar lo que es suyo. ¿Será Emerald capaz de distinguir las llamas del amor y el deseo, y los encantos de la ola que una vez la inundó para mantener su corazón a salvo? ¿O dejará que el diablo la atraiga a su trampa? Porque nadie jamás pudo escapar de sus juegos. Él consigue lo que quiere. Y este juego se llama ... La trampa de Ace.
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
El Mandón De Mi Jefe
Laura Smith una mujer de carácter firme y directa que busca un empleo perfecto sin saber que encontrara a un jefe mandón y perfeccionista. Dyland Corner un hombre con mucho poder que busca una secretaria. Sin darse cuenta conoce a la que próximamente será su dolor de cabeza. Un jefe mandón, egocéntrico y para nada sociable. Una secretaria agradable, sincera y de buen carácter. Dos personas completamente diferentes, pero ¿Ambos podrán controlar sus celos? ¿Podrá el amor y el deseo triunfar? Te invito a conocer a Laura y Dyland un amor inesperado.
The Game Of Chase
The Game Of Chase
Running away from the dark past of her life, Sofia McCommer is determined to start new and prove her worth to her family by joining her family business that's close to bankruptcy. Scorched by life, Adrian T Larsen, the powerful business magnet has become a man no one wanted to cross paths with. With only darkness filled in his dead heart, he doesn't know what kindness is, and has an intense hatred for the word: love.  And then comes the game.  A game of ignoring the cold-hearted playboy Sofia plays with her friends at a Saturday night club. The rules were simple: Ignore the billionaire, hurt his ego and get out. But little did she know that getting out of the paws of an injured tiger wasn't an easy thing to do. Especially when the infamous businessman, Adrian Larsen's male ego was at stake here. Bound by fate when their paths clash with each other more than Sofia ever expected, when the powerful billionaire barges into her life, sparks and desire start to test her resistance. But she has to push him away and keep her heart locked to keep both of them safe from the dangerous shadows of her past. The dark past that always lurked around.  But can she do that when the devil has already set his eyes on her? She has played a game, and now she has to face the consequences. Because when a predator is teased, it's supposed to chase...
SEQUEL OF I'M YOURS #Memories disappear but feelings don't# What happens if her ex is her boss and she has no idea it's him? Will feelings bring them back together? Join the journey of life with Anna to see whether destiny will take her back to HIM.
Sex is You
Sex is You
He got into sweet-turned-problematic relationships with beautiful women. He loved truthfully but temptations are always around. How does a simple guy like him keep up with the intense feelings that those relationships brought? What happens when sex, love, and life were combined in chaos? 'I can't get enough of her.' 'Am I going crazy?' 'Did she just do that to me?' 'Why is your sex so good?' 'Is this true love?' Join Shaun East on his journey of exciting experiences with the women in his life and the struggles within his heart and mind.
Steamy Stories