El Imperio del Orco
El Imperio del Orco
Los cimientos de la realidad se desmoronan para Joel. Su muerte repentina lo arroja a un mundo despiadado, y para su desconcierto, ya no es un humano. En este reino, Joel se encuentra en una encrucijada. Sus sueños humanos yacen destrozados mientras navega por un territorio oscuro y mágico. La debilidad es un destino inevitable, y la magia es tanto aliada como enemiga. Atrapado entre la fragilidad de su antigua humanidad y la identidad que ahora representa, debe lidiar con bestias místicas y sombras con secretos insondables. En un imperio donde su raza es la más débil, Joel busca su lugar en un escenario de caos y magia. ¿Podrá un antiguo humano encontrar la redención y dejar una marca en un mundo donde la supervivencia es la moneda de cambio? Únete a Joel en esta epopeya mágica y descubre si puede forjar su destino en El Imperio del Orco.
Somia accidentally spent a night with billionaires CEO which she had any idea of whom he was. So when she woke up in the morning she hoped that it was him that took advantages of her because she was drank. On that same day, Somia had an interview but it was when she got there that she knew that the guy was the Billionaire CEO of the company and it was his personal assistant that they were recruiting for. So this what brought them together again. ***** “Did you enjoy how I gave it to you? Very sweet!” She heard a very sweet voice coming out from the bathroom and a very handsome guy came out with a towel wrapped on his waist. He was cleaned from head to toes, fair in complexion and tall. He was fresh like today bread, had curly hair and a lovely blinking brown eye balls and a pointed nose. He was an half-caste, mixture of Nigeria and Arab. He mother was an Arabia when his father was Nigerian. He was the CEO of his father's biggest company in Nigeria and they were among the billionaires family in Nigeria. The name of the handsome romantic guy was Ashar. “It was you useless man that took advantage of me because I was drunk last night and brought me here. You are such a sameness guy, see you useless guy!” Walked closed to him and beating him with her shoes and shouting at at him. “Shut up! You are the one that came to meet me and I give it to you. I see you love it. Am so hot! That is what you are shouting!” Said with smile on his face.
X Marks the Spot
X Marks the Spot
Pirates took everything from her. But they made a mistake that’ll be their undoing. Whitehaven. Once a place of joy for Diane filled with love, laughter, family—her home was the center of her life. Was. Until pirates sailed in. They took what they wanted and razed the city to the ground. But the pirates lost something too: a map. A map that Diane recognizes will lead her right to the Titan’s Treasure. Riches beyond belief might not replace what she’s lost but besting the pirates that ripped her life from her… that’s worth more than all the gold in the world. The hunt is on! Join Diane and her ragtag crew as they sail the seas on the run from pirates, the law, and the demons of their pasts in a race to find a mysterious treasure in this page-turning swashbuckling adventure!
Wolf or Love
Wolf or Love
Danica Hart, the strongest female alpha has to mate but she is not going for the male who has been known to be her true mate since they were young.       Is she going to mate with an Alpha whose wolf has the tendency to turn wild?       Or Mate with another Alpha who doesn't want her for just a mate but a high sex slave?  